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Wilton Manors, FL Crime and Crime Rate

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The Wilton Manors crime rate is higher than the Florida average crime rate and is higher than the national average crime rate.

Crime Index, #214

Wilton Manors, FL

The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

Wilton Manors, FL Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionMurdersRapesRobberiesAssaultsBurglariesTheftsVehicle TheftsArsonCrime Index
2014Wilton Manors, FLCount14284095478331 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0008.232.7229.1327.3777.23,910.7270.08.22,459
 FloridaPer 100,0005.830.4125.2366.4719.92,481.5214.0NA1,880
 U.S.Per 100,0004.526.4102.2232.5542.51,837.3216.2NA1,423
2013Wilton Manors, FLCount033937157420310 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.024.8322.0305.51,296.43,468.2256.00.02,556
 FloridaPer 100,0005.024.1118.7312.3710.52,216.3178.6NA1,684
 U.S.Per 100,0004.525.2109.1229.1610.01,899.4221.3NA1,477
2012Wilton Manors, FLCount033242136433272 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.025.0266.6349.91,132.93,606.8224.916.72,456
 FloridaPer 100,0005.227.2123.7330.9794.92,288.6193.2NA1,797
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.9112.9242.3670.21,959.3229.7NA1,557
2011Wilton Manors, FLCount014227166429221 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.08.5356.2229.01,407.93,638.4186.68.52,513
 FloridaPer 100,0005.227.7134.4348.0892.92,421.1207.9NA1,921
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.8113.7241.1702.21,976.9229.6NA1,576
2010Wilton Manors, FLCount403922160396340 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00031.10.0303.0170.91,242.93,076.2264.10.02,614
 FloridaPer 100,0005.228.6138.7369.8899.52,438.4220.5NA1,969
 U.S.Per 100,0004.827.5119.1252.3699.62,003.5238.8NA1,610
2009Wilton Manors, FLCount112927217473381 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0007.97.9230.1214.21,721.83,753.1301.57.92,668
 FloridaPer 100,0005.529.7166.7410.6981.12,588.6271.1NA2,165
 U.S.Per 100,0005.028.7133.0262.8716.32,060.9258.8NA1,683
2008Wilton Manors, FLCount035051168485471 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.023.9397.9405.81,336.83,859.3374.08.02,943
 FloridaPer 100,0006.432.6197.9452.01,028.32,766.0346.5NA2,386
 U.S.Per 100,0005.429.3145.3274.6730.82,167.0314.7NA1,784
2007Wilton Manors, FLCount024347139460562 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.015.5332.4363.31,074.43,555.7432.915.52,583
 FloridaPer 100,0006.633.7209.1473.2996.32,689.4403.6NA2,426
 U.S.Per 100,0005.630.0147.6283.8722.52,177.8363.3NA1,827
2006Wilton Manors, FLCount023341177420640 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.015.3252.4313.61,353.73,212.2489.50.02,493
 FloridaPer 100,0006.235.8188.8481.2944.62,619.0422.5NA2,375
 U.S.Per 100,0005.730.9149.4287.5729.42,206.8398.4NA1,867
2005Wilton Manors, FLCount023241160417721 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.015.2243.6312.21,218.23,175.0548.27.62,431
 FloridaPer 100,0005.037.1169.4496.6926.32,658.3423.3NA2,350
 U.S.Per 100,0005.631.7140.7291.1726.72,286.3416.7NA1,888

Hate Crime Index

Wilton Manors, FL

The hate crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the hate crime level in a region. Higher hate crime index value means more hate crime.

Wilton Manors, FL Hate Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalRaceReligionSexual OrientationEthnicityDisabilityHate Crime Index
2014Wilton Manors, FLCount000000 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0001.
2013Wilton Manors, FLCount000000 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2012Wilton Manors, FLCount200200 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00016.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2011Wilton Manors, FLCount210100 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00017.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2010Wilton Manors, FLCount301200 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00023.30.07.815.50.00.0233
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2009Wilton Manors, FLCount430100 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00031.723.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2008Wilton Manors, FLCount300300 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,00023.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2007Wilton Manors, FLCount100100 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0007.
 FloridaPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2006Wilton Manors, FLCount000000 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,0000.
 FloridaPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0003.

Law Enforcement Employees Index

Wilton Manors, FL

The law enforcement employees index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the law enforcement employees level in a region. Higher law enforcement employees index value means higher law enforcement employees density.

Wilton Manors, FL Law Enforcement Employees by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalOfficersCiviliansLaw Enforcement Employees Index
2013Wilton Manors, FLCount413011 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000338.6247.790.82.93
 FloridaPer 100,000383.0239.1143.83.11
 U.S.Per 100,000335.9233.3102.52.85
2012Wilton Manors, FLCount382810 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000316.5233.283.32.75
 FloridaPer 100,000394.0245.4148.53.20
 U.S.Per 100,000335.5235.2100.32.85
2011Wilton Manors, FLCount382810 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000322.3237.584.82.80
 FloridaPer 100,000397.1246.4150.73.22
 U.S.Per 100,000341.9238.3103.62.90
2010Wilton Manors, FLCount443014 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000341.8233.0108.82.87
 FloridaPer 100,000404.7247.3157.43.26
 U.S.Per 100,000347.8241.9105.92.95
2009Wilton Manors, FLCount39309 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000309.5238.071.42.74
 FloridaPer 100,000409.3250.0159.33.30
 U.S.Per 100,000352.9244.2108.72.99
2008Wilton Manors, FLCount403010 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000318.3238.779.62.79
 FloridaPer 100,000403.7243.1160.73.23
 U.S.Per 100,000357.8247.5110.33.03
2007Wilton Manors, FLCount39309 
 Wilton Manors, FLPer 100,000301.5231.969.62.67
 FloridaPer 100,000408.5244.7163.83.27
 U.S.Per 100,000356.1244.8111.33.00
2006Wilton Manors, FLCount392712 
2005Wilton Manors, FLCount32257 

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