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Washoe County


Washoe county is located in northwest Nevada. Washoe county has 6,302.36 square miles of land area and 239.85 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Washoe county population is 429,985, which has grown 26.66% since 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 38.20% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. Washoe county median household income is $52,910 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 15.49% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 17.10% and is much lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Washoe county median house value is $201,100 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 24.44% since 2000. The house value growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 17.68% and is much lower than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Washoe county is much better than the state average in quality. The Washoe county area code is 775.

Population429,985 (2010-2014), rank #2
Population Growth26.66% since 2000, rank #5
Population Density:65.72/sq mi, rank #3
Median Household Income:$52,910 at 2010-2014—15.49% increase since 2000, rank #8
Median House Price:$201,100 at 2010-2014—24.44% increase since 2000, rank #2
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:6,302.36 sq mi, rank #7
Water Area:239.85 sq mi (3.67%), rank #1
Area:Reno-Sparks, NV
School District:
Area Code:775
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Washoe County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Washoe County Cities / Towns

Washoe County Zip Codes

89402 7189405 7889412 22789424 26189431 37,1438943289433 19,5448943589436 38,21589439 1,56389441 11,76789442 1,12189450 17789451 8,4058945289501 3,67189502 44,27789503 28,731895048950589506 41,4188950789508 11,50589509 33,44789510 1,74089512 25,781895138951589519 8,2948952089523 32,07189533895558955789570895958959989704 4,675

Washoe County Census Tracts

NV031000101 RenoNV031000102NV031000201 RenoNV031000202 RenoNV031000300 RenoNV031000400 RenoNV031000700 RenoNV031000900 RenoNV031001005 RenoNV031001008 RenoNV031001009 RenoNV031001010 RenoNV031001011 RenoNV031001012 RenoNV031001013 RenoNV031001014 RenoNV031001015 RenoNV031001101 RenoNV031001103 RenoNV031001104 RenoNV031001105 RenoNV031001201NV031001202 RenoNV031001300 RenoNV031001400 RenoNV031001501 RenoNV031001502 RenoNV031001701 RenoNV031001702NV031001801 RenoNV031001802NV031001901NV031001902 SparksNV031002103 RenoNV031002104 RenoNV031002105 RenoNV031002106 RenoNV031002107 RenoNV031002204 RenoNV031002205 RenoNV031002206 RenoNV031002207 RenoNV031002208 RenoNV031002209 RenoNV031002210 RenoNV031002211 RenoNV031002212 RenoNV031002301NV031002302NV031002401 RenoNV031002406 RenoNV031002407 RenoNV031002408 RenoNV031002409NV031002410NV031002411 RenoNV031002412NV031002500 RenoNV031002603 RenoNV031002610 RenoNV031002611NV031002612NV031002613NV031002614 RenoNV031002615 RenoNV031002616 RenoNV031002617NV031002618NV031002619NV031002703NV031002704NV031002705NV031002706 Sun ValleyNV031002707 Sun ValleyNV031002801 SparksNV031002802 SparksNV031002901 SparksNV031002902 SparksNV031003000 SparksNV031003101 SparksNV031003105 SparksNV031003106 SparksNV031003108 SparksNV031003109 SparksNV031003110 SparksNV031003202NV031003203NV031003204NV031003305 Incline VillageNV031003306 Incline VillageNV031003307 Incline VillageNV031003308NV031003309 Incline VillageNV031003501NV031003503NV031003504 Spanish SpringsNV031003507 SparksNV031003508 SparksNV031003509 SparksNV031003510 SparksNV031003511 SparksNV031003512 SparksNV031003513 SparksNV031003514NV031003515NV031940200NV031980000 RenoNV031980100 RenoNV031980200 RenoNV031980300NV031990000NV031990100

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