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Vinton, LA Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Vinton is about the same as Louisiana average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Vinton is lower than Louisiana average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #67

Vinton, LA

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Vinton, LA

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #245

Vinton, LA

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 2,100 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Vinton, LA were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:3Dense Fog:0Drought:8
Dust Storm:0Flood:212Hail:551Heat:4Heavy Snow:0
High Surf:0Hurricane:10Ice Storm:1Landslide:0Strong Wind:4
Thunderstorm Winds:1,182Tropical Storm:13Wildfire:2Winter Storm:3Winter Weather:9

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Vinton, LA.

Historical Earthquake Events

A total of 1 historical earthquake event that had a recorded magnitude of 3.5 or above found in or near Vinton, LA.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeDepth (km)LatitudeLongitude

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 68 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Vinton, LA.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
5.41973-04-17330°10'N / 93°40'W0.50 Mile10 Yards0125K0Calcasieu
11.71974-05-31230°12'N / 93°24'W30°16'N / 93°23'W5.10 Miles50 Yards00250K0Calcasieu
12.11999-03-02230°23'N / 93°32'W30°20'N / 93°29'W4.00 Miles75 Yards0075K0Calcasieu
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved into rural Calcasieu Parish between DeQuincy and Starks, tearing up trees in its path. At least one home was destroyed 12 miles northwest of Sulphur.
13.01957-04-27230°10'N / 93°22'W1.00 Mile200 Yards0025K0Calcasieu
13.11979-10-22230°14'N / 93°22'W1.00 Mile500 Yards0112.5M0Calcasieu
13.51952-02-01230°05'N / 93°46'W1.00 Mile67 Yards0025K0Orange
17.51957-11-07430°06'N / 93°44'W29°58'N / 93°53'W12.90 Miles200 Yards1812.5M0Orange
19.31959-06-03230°27'N / 93°27'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0Calcasieu
22.41956-02-14229°59'N / 93°57'W30°13'N / 93°56'W16.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Jefferson
23.91971-02-12330°13'N / 93°12'W30°15'N / 93°10'W3.60 Miles150 Yards012.5M0Calcasieu
24.41970-10-11329°55'N / 93°53'W29°58'N / 93°51'W4.30 Miles100 Yards0192.5M0Jefferson
24.91999-01-02230°21'N / 93°58'W30°26'N / 93°54'W8.00 Miles800 Yards1101.3M0Jasper
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado moved across southern Jasper County. At least 15 homes were destroyed, 20 received major damage, and 10 received minor damage. The worst hit area was Callier Loop, south of Buna. The fatality occurred here. A tied down mobile home rolled over at least five times, ejecting a man 100 yards and a woman 500 yards. The man received a broken back and other serious injuries, while the woman died a few days later from a broken neck, back, and internal injuries. Debris from this home was spread over a mile across the fields. Brick walls were cracked in permanent homes, pickup trucks were lifted in the air and pushed 20 feet from where they originally were parked, and any mobile home situated lengthwise north to south was rolled over and destroyed. There were several stories of people being ejected from their mobile homes, and walking away with minor injuries. This tornado moved into Newton County. Total path length for both Jasper and Newton Counties is 12.5 miles. F55MH
25.11973-04-17330°15'N / 93°10'W0.50 Mile10 Yards0025K0Calcasieu
25.41957-11-07329°57'N / 93°56'W29°58'N / 93°53'W3.60 Miles200 Yards2592.5M0Jefferson
25.71965-01-22230°22'N / 93°12'W0.50 Mile33 Yards003K0Calcasieu
26.61968-02-01229°56'N / 93°55'W29°56'N / 93°54'W1.30 Miles20 Yards0025K0Jefferson
27.41993-04-07230°25'N / 93°40'W30°40'N / 93°03'W43.00 Miles100 Yards05500K0Beauregard
 Brief Description: A cluster of thunderstorms produced a tornado that moved along an intermittent path that began 10 miles southwest of Fields. The tornado moved northeast through Fields and Singer then turned east before ending in Dry Creek. A damage survey conducted by the Beauregard Parish emergency manager showed that 3 single family homes were destroyed, 4 single family homes, 5 mobile homes and 2 businesses received major damage, and 8 single family homes, and 5 mobile homes suffered minor damage. The majority of this property damage was in the Singer and Dry Creek areas where 5 people were injured. In addition, the tornado destroyed hundreds of trees.
27.71957-03-17229°57'N / 93°57'W0.90 Mile100 Yards003K0Jefferson
27.91983-05-20329°45'N / 93°36'W29°50'N / 93°35'W5.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Cameron
28.01999-01-02230°28'N / 93°14'W30°28'N / 93°14'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0050K0Beauregard
 Brief Description: A small but strong tornado moved across rural areas south of Ragley. One new mobile home that was in the path was completely destroyed. Debris was scattered for over a mile. The residents had heard the warnings and escaped the home minutes before it was destroyed.
28.11980-09-06229°59'N / 93°59'W0.10 Mile200 Yards0025K0Jefferson
29.31959-07-02229°54'N / 93°56'W0.10 Mile33 Yards0025K0Jefferson
30.11974-10-28229°46'N / 93°28'W29°49'N / 93°19'W9.70 Miles50 Yards0025K0Cameron
30.21979-10-22229°46'N / 93°29'W1.00 Mile550 Yards062.5M0Cameron
30.21981-06-05229°46'N / 93°41'W0.10 Mile17 Yards000K0Cameron
30.61970-10-11229°54'N / 93°12'W1.00 Mile200 Yards12250K0Cameron
30.71983-05-20229°57'N / 94°02'W29°58'N / 94°00'W3.00 Miles167 Yards192.5M0Jefferson
31.31984-05-20329°48'N / 93°21'W29°48'N / 93°18'W3.00 Miles150 Yards002.5M0Cameron
31.61967-07-13230°06'N / 94°06'W0.10 Mile33 Yards0025K0Jefferson
32.01974-10-28230°03'N / 94°06'W30°10'N / 94°07'W8.30 Miles50 Yards03250K0Jefferson
32.21974-10-28230°04'N / 94°06'W000K0Jefferson
32.21956-11-05229°54'N / 94°00'W0.20 Mile17 Yards003K0Jefferson
32.21957-11-07329°54'N / 94°00'W1.50 Miles33 Yards01250K0Jefferson
32.91974-10-28230°10'N / 94°07'W30°17'N / 94°09'W8.40 Miles50 Yards00250K0Hardin
33.11972-11-13229°51'N / 93°58'W2.30 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Jefferson
33.81974-10-28229°51'N / 93°59'W0225K0Jefferson
34.11970-10-11229°47'N / 93°58'W29°52'N / 93°57'W6.10 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Jefferson
35.31982-05-13330°30'N / 94°03'W30°37'N / 93°57'W8.50 Miles150 Yards11250K0Jasper
35.51992-11-21330°13'N / 93°02'W30°18'N / 92°57'W6.00 Miles73 Yards022.5M0Calcasieu
35.61972-05-12229°55'N / 94°15'W29°55'N / 93°55'W19.90 Miles30 Yards02250K0Jefferson
36.01954-04-15230°40'N / 93°51'W30°40'N / 93°50'W1.30 Miles200 Yards003K0Newton
36.32004-11-23230°31'N / 94°04'W30°34'N / 94°01'W8.00 Miles300 Yards00250K1.0MJasper
 Brief Description: As the tornado moved into rural sections of Jasper County, it snapped numerous trees, causing a large loss to the timber industry. Several homes were destroyed, but no one was injured.
36.61961-03-17230°25'N / 93°27'W31°00'N / 93°24'W40.40 Miles283 Yards00250K0Calcasieu
36.71961-04-09230°40'N / 93°52'W0.80 Mile17 Yards0025K0Newton
36.71982-05-13230°35'N / 94°00'W30°39'N / 93°55'W6.50 Miles60 Yards00250K0Jasper
36.71983-01-31330°05'N / 94°11'W1.00 Mile40 Yards012.5M0Jefferson
37.11967-10-30230°40'N / 93°53'W1.00 Mile33 Yards000K0Jasper
37.81997-10-23230°43'N / 93°34'W30°46'N / 93°31'W4.00 Miles200 Yards04500K0Beauregard
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado touched down around 3 miles southwest of Merryville along Highway 389 at 8:25 pm, and moved directly through the center of the town before dissipating 1 mile northeast of Merryville. Around ninety homes and businesses received some kind of damage. Most of the damage occurred when large trees fell on homes. Twelve permanent single family homes and fifteen mobile homes were destroyed. The most devastating damage occurred on Cooper Road, where several mobile homes were either picked up or rolled. People in the mobile homes survived by going to their bathrooms and covering up with blankets. Five minor injuries were reported; they were all treated and released from a local hospital.
38.21964-08-05229°42'N / 93°52'W0.20 Mile33 Yards06250K0Jefferson
38.91979-10-22230°04'N / 94°13'W1.00 Mile50 Yards002.5M0Jefferson
39.51981-04-23230°02'N / 94°20'W30°05'N / 94°07'W13.40 Miles50 Yards02250K0Jefferson
40.02004-11-23230°39'N / 94°00'W30°42'N / 93°55'W6.00 Miles500 Yards00250K1.0MJasper
 Brief Description: A second tornado formed near Kirbyville, narrowly missing downtown, but it did hit the community of Bon Ami. Around 10 to 15 homes were damaged or destroyed, and another large hit to the timber industry occurred with many trees blown down. This tornado crosses into Newton County.
40.32004-11-23230°29'N / 94°10'W30°31'N / 94°09'W3.00 Miles600 Yards10500K0Hardin
 Brief Description: A second tornado touched down in northeastern Hardin County, was was witnessed by many people. Residents could see both tornadoes on the ground for a brief time. One elderly woman was killed when several large trees fell on the mobile home she was in. Between 10 and 20 homes were damaged or destroyed, mainly near Highway 92 near the Hardin-Tyler county line. F77MH
40.32004-11-23230°43'N / 93°51'W30°47'N / 93°44'W9.00 Miles500 Yards00250K1.0MNewton
 Brief Description: The tornado moved across mainly rural areas of Newton County, but the storm did destroy or damage between 5 and 10 homes near the Pine Grove community. The timber industry saw a continued large loss of income due to trees blown down.
40.31999-01-02230°05'N / 92°56'W30°07'N / 92°54'W4.00 Miles400 Yards02250K0Calcasieu
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved across southern and eastern sections of Hayes, destroying several homes and one farm. A couple was injured slightly when their permanent wood home was completely flattened in the tornado. Another home was lifted in the air and moved 75 yards from it's original location. Seven people in the home escaped with no injuries. A large trash can was found struck in a tree 50 feet up in a large oak tree, that had travelled at least one mile from it's original position.
40.41972-03-20229°49'N / 93°04'W0.30 Mile50 Yards0025K0Cameron
41.11989-06-07230°41'N / 93°14'W30°43'N / 93°12'W5.00 Miles77 Yards06250K0Beauregard
45.81975-05-08230°14'N / 92°49'W1.00 Mile100 Yards020K0Jefferson Davis
45.81999-01-29230°37'N / 94°11'W30°41'N / 94°06'W6.00 Miles400 Yards0020K0Tyler
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved across rural sections of eastern Tyler County, tearing up a large swath of trees and damaging a few out buildings. Some trees were as wide as 15 feet across and 100 feet tall. This tornado moved into rural sections of Jasper County.
46.41973-05-26229°57'N / 94°18'W29°52'N / 94°16'W6.20 Miles167 Yards03250K0Jefferson
47.21966-02-10230°06'N / 92°48'W0.20 Mile33 Yards000K0Jefferson Davis
47.51973-12-03230°50'N / 93°17'W1.50 Miles100 Yards052.5M0Beauregard
47.52003-11-26230°45'N / 93°19'W30°51'N / 93°05'W16.00 Miles100 Yards051.0M0Beauregard
 Brief Description: A long-lasting tornado tore across northern Beauregard Parish, staying in mainly rural areas. The worst damage occurred along Highway 26 east of DeRidder, where two mobile homes were flipped over. Debris was strewn for over a half mile. One person was injured after he was thrown from the mobile home. In the Longacre community, a family of 4 climbed into a homemade storm cellar, moments before the tornado destroyed their home. They received minro bumps and brusies when the roof of the storm cellar lifted off and debris landed on them. This tornado continued into Vernon Parish.
47.81999-03-02330°54'N / 93°54'W30°48'N / 93°47'W9.00 Miles500 Yards13500K0Jasper
 Brief Description: The strongest tornado of the evening developed a mile northwest of Holly Springs. Moving southeast at 50 mph, this fast moving storm damaged or destroyed over 25 homes and a church. The worst damage was done in Holly Springhs, where a brick home lost its roof and portions of two walls. This is where the elderly woman was fatally injured. Several vehicles were picked up and rolled over. This storm moved into Newotn County, producing more injuries and damages. F84PH
48.81970-01-10230°10'N / 94°24'W1.00 Mile33 Yards003K0Hardin
48.91994-11-05230°09'N / 94°24'W2.00 Miles700 Yards013K0Hardin
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down 1.5 miles NNW of Sour Lake and moved toward the northeast for 2 miles, crossing State Highway 326 in the process. It tracked across open fields and the only damage was to trees and fencing along the path. The tornado path averaged around 50 yards wide, increasing to nearly 0.5 miles wide at one point. The tornado was viewed by several hunters, one of whom was slightly injured when she was blown out of her stand as it passed nearby.
49.01964-03-19230°08'N / 94°24'W0.20 Mile17 Yards00250K0Hardin
49.71982-09-11230°14'N / 92°45'W1.00 Mile150 Yards0025K0Jefferson Davis

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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