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South Wilmington, IL Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in South Wilmington is lower than Illinois average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in South Wilmington is higher than Illinois average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #1113

South Wilmington, IL

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

South Wilmington, IL

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #555

South Wilmington, IL

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 2,861 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of South Wilmington, IL were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:3Cold:11Dense Fog:1Drought:13
Dust Storm:0Flood:271Hail:815Heat:27Heavy Snow:16
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:8Landslide:0Strong Wind:28
Thunderstorm Winds:1,496Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:2Winter Storm:46Winter Weather:4

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near South Wilmington, IL.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near South Wilmington, IL.

No historical earthquake events found in or near South Wilmington, IL.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 100 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near South Wilmington, IL.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
2.51975-05-20241°12'N / 88°19'W2.00 Miles50 Yards01250K0Grundy
4.81988-04-05241°11'N / 88°17'W41°16'N / 88°09'W7.00 Miles50 Yards000K0Grundy
8.71973-04-19241°18'N / 88°18'W00250K0Grundy
11.12010-06-05241°05'N / 88°31'W41°05'N / 88°24'W6.00 Miles300 Yards1133.0M0KLivingston
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The beginning of the Dwight tornado occurred about 6 miles west of Dwight and about a quarter mile south of IL Route 17. On N 2200 E Road, 0.3 miles south of IL Route 17, a farm house sustained damage to windows, siding, and shingles, with many trees uprooted or damaged. Outbuildings were also damaged. The tornado at this point was rated EF1, with a path width of 70 yards. Debris from this farm was spread 200 yards wide across the field at N 2300E Road. The tornado proceeded to strike the golf course at N 2400 E Road, where numerous large trees were snapped and uprooted. Golf cart sheds were unroofed or severely damaged. At this point the tornado was rated low end EF2 with a path width of 300 yards. The tornado then moved east across Interstate 55 and moved into Dwight, damaging a lumber yard and other businesses. At Williams Street and old Route 66 a mobile home park was hit. Fourteen people were injured. One person who was seriously injured, later died. At the mobile home park, 35 mobile homes were destroyed. Damage here was rated EF2. Large trees were uprooted and power poles were snapped at the railroad tracks. At a ball field a little farther east, trees and fences were damaged and an announcer's booth was destroyed. Slightly farther east, there was minor damage to a church, but the church's garage was destroyed. There was damage to the high school auditorium roof and facade, and a greenhouse. A storage garage was destroyed at the high school. The tornado then continued east into a subdivision between Philmar Street and Prospect Avenue, where many large trees were downed on top of homes. At Sunset Drive and Wilmac Street a garage door and roof were taken off. A roof was taken off a house on Linden Street a half block west of Il Route 47. Three houses were uninhabitable and had to be destroyed. More than 100 homes had some damage. Damage in Dwight was rated high end EF1 to low end EF2. The tornado dissipated in an open field east of Route 47. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms, including a few long tracked supercells moved across central and northern Illinois, producing damaging winds, hail and tornadoes.
11.42008-06-07241°12'N / 88°12'W41°20'N / 88°00'W14.00 Miles200 Yards00500K0KWill
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down in far northwest Kankakee County then crossed County Line Road into Will County north of Essex. Tree tops were sheared off at Essex and Cooper Roads. A clear path could be seen in the trees at McGuire Road. At Route 113 and Smiley Road near Custer Park, trees were snapped and uprooted. Across the Kankakee River, a two story house had its roof completely removed and there was extensive tree damage. The tornado reached EF2 intensity at this point. The tornado continued across Route 102 near Ritchie where trees were damaged. The tornado crossed old Chicago Road near Kahler Road where power lines were blown down, a shed and barn were damaged and there was minor damage to a house. Another shed was destroyed. The tornado weakened as it moved from Symerton and Kennedy Roads to Warner Bridge and Arsenal Roads. There was no damage except to one tree. There was minor damage to a barn and tree limbs north of Arsenal Road before the tornado dissipated. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A single supercell thunderstorm developed over western Illinois and moved northeast reaching Lake Michigan near the Illinois Indiana state line several hours later. This single thunderstorm produced eight different tornadoes as it moved east across Illinois.
15.91954-04-07341°00'N / 88°13'W41°15'N / 87°45'W29.60 Miles400 Yards113250K0Kankakee
16.21954-04-07340°53'N / 88°25'W41°00'N / 88°13'W13.00 Miles400 Yards00250K0Livingston
17.81965-11-12241°24'N / 88°28'W41°27'N / 88°15'W11.40 Miles120 Yards0025.0M0Grundy
18.31956-04-03240°55'N / 88°12'W2.00 Miles50 Yards0025K0Ford
19.01988-04-05241°16'N / 88°09'W41°30'N / 87°56'W23.00 Miles50 Yards000K0Will
19.31982-04-02341°03'N / 87°59'W41°12'N / 87°51'W12.00 Miles750 Yards01525.0M0Kankakee
19.62010-06-05341°06'N / 88°43'W41°05'N / 88°34'W9.00 Miles440 Yards00750K0KLivingston
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Very quickly after the tornado that hit Streator lifted, yet another tornado touched down over extreme northern Livingston county approximately one quarter mile south of the county line and about a half mile west of 1100 E Road. Shortly after touching down, this tornado caused severe damage to homes on 1100 E Road and destroyed a barn as well. There were also several large trees downed in this location. As the tornado continued eastward, it completely collapsed a metal truss high tension electrical tower and bent over several other metal truss electrical towers in its path, which is consistent with low end EF3 damage. At this time the tornado was moving through an extremely rural area, however there was also a lone hardwood tree in its path that was debarked, with only large de-leafed branches remaining. The tornado continued eastward crossing Illinois Route 170 just south of the LaSalle and Livingston county line where hardwood trees were snapped. Large trees were broken at a farm house and a machine shed and grain bins were destroyed. The tornado then moved eastward for several more miles downing multiple trees and resulting in some minor structural damage between 1700 E Road and 1800 E Road. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms, including a few long tracked supercells moved across central and northern Illinois, producing damaging winds, hail and tornadoes.
21.81990-06-22241°01'N / 87°56'W41°00'N / 87°55'W1.00 Mile100 Yards00250K0Kankakee
22.01963-04-17441°11'N / 88°06'W41°08'N / 87°37'W25.20 Miles130 Yards1502.5M0Kankakee
22.21955-12-03240°57'N / 88°57'W41°11'N / 88°25'W32.00 Miles33 Yards000K0La Salle
23.11965-11-12241°03'N / 89°00'W41°16'N / 88°27'W32.10 Miles17 Yards00250K0La Salle
23.52008-06-07241°21'N / 87°55'W41°22'N / 87°53'W2.00 Miles400 Yards0050K0KWill
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down northeast of Wilton Center, just north of Route 52 and east of Elevator Road, where there was minor tree damage. Based on photos and eyewitness reports, the tornado grew to about 400 yards wide but remained in open fields with few structures or trees in its path. At 120th Avenue, a garage was destroyed and all that remained was a cinder block base. A metal outbuilding was severely damaged. The tornado ended near Manhattan-Wilton Road, just west of Route 45. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A single supercell thunderstorm developed over western Illinois and moved northeast reaching Lake Michigan near the Illinois Indiana state line several hours later. This single thunderstorm produced eight different tornadoes as it moved east across Illinois.
23.51990-06-22241°00'N / 87°55'W40°59'N / 87°53'W2.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Iroquois
24.21961-04-23341°21'N / 88°13'W41°19'N / 87°31'W36.30 Miles33 Yards042.5M0Will
25.91972-04-06241°31'N / 88°11'W41°33'N / 88°05'W5.10 Miles50 Yards00250K0Will
26.51992-06-17240°53'N / 87°57'W0.10 Mile20 Yards01250K0Iroquois
26.61965-11-12241°27'N / 88°15'W41°34'N / 87°48'W24.50 Miles120 Yards29025.0M0Will
26.61972-07-17341°08'N / 89°21'W41°30'N / 88°10'W66.30 Miles33 Yards000K0Putnam
27.01972-04-06241°32'N / 88°12'W41°34'N / 88°04'W6.80 Miles50 Yards122250K0Will
27.11984-04-27341°33'N / 88°20'W41°35'N / 88°15'W5.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Kendall
28.21990-08-28541°38'N / 88°15'W41°31'N / 88°06'W11.20 Miles600 Yards29350250.0M0Will
28.71993-08-15241°31'N / 87°58'W0.30 Mile20 Yards00500K0Will
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down briefly in a New Lenox subdivision. On house was nearly destroyed. The roof was torn off and there was severe damage to one wall. Another home sustained minor damage and trees were damaged.
28.71965-09-14240°49'N / 88°00'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0225K0Iroquois
28.91978-06-25240°46'N / 88°34'W40°46'N / 88°15'W16.40 Miles400 Yards00250K0Livingston
29.02008-06-07241°24'N / 87°51'W41°25'N / 87°47'W4.00 Miles150 Yards00500K0KWill
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down along Paulding Road just west of Center Road, south of the Green Garden Country Club. A garage was leveled and a house had part of its roof torn off and damage to the second story exterior walls. At the southwest corner of Bruns and 88th Avenue, barns and trees were damaged. The tornado continued along Bruns Road between 80th and 88th Avenues. On the south side of Bruns Road, a barn and an outbuilding were completely destroyed. The house lost a large section of the southeast wall on the second floor. Another house was heavily damaged with siding and a west wall blown off. North of Bruns Road, there was a barn that was practically destroyed with only a partial wall standing. A horse barn was destroyed with the stables intact and horses still standing in them. In the backyard of the next home, there were trees blown down and debris, such as trailers and a small rowboat were blown into the creek immediately north of Bruns Road. A chain link fence was pulled from the ground. Many trees were uprooted and blown over. Power lines were also blown down. The next house had damage to two garages. The doors were blown out of both garages and the roof of one garage was severely damaged. The house had siding and roof shingles blown off. A house at the east end of this section on Bruns Road, closest to 80th Avenue, had siding blown off and chimney damage. The tornado ended southwest of the intersection of Harlem Avenue and Manhattan-Monee Road, where there was minor tree damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A single supercell thunderstorm developed over western Illinois and moved northeast reaching Lake Michigan near the Illinois Indiana state line several hours later. This single thunderstorm produced eight different tornadoes as it moved east across Illinois.
29.61984-04-27341°35'N / 88°15'W41°37'N / 88°11'W4.00 Miles200 Yards152.5M0Will
29.71969-09-04241°01'N / 87°45'W2.50 Miles33 Yards0025K0Kankakee
30.52010-10-26241°18'N / 87°44'W41°20'N / 87°43'W2.00 Miles200 Yards02500K0KWill
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down about 4 miles east of Peotone. The tornado produced its most intense damage along South Will Center Road, about halfway between Corning Road and Peotone-Beacher Road, removing a house's roof, collapsing exterior walls on the second floor of the house, and completely destroying a garage and three other outbuildings. Two teenage boys were injured in the house. Four power poles were also downed just northeast of the area along Peotone-Beecher Road. Additional EF1 and EF0 damage was found along a path running southwest toward Kennedy Road. This damage consisted of collapsed outbuildings, snapped cedar trees, and damage to homes. One home on Corning Road was pushed off its foundation and the chimney collapsed. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of strong to severe thunderstorms moved across northern Illinois during the morning hours of October 26th. Three tornadoes were reported along with damaging winds.
30.91980-06-07240°52'N / 88°46'W40°39'N / 88°14'W31.50 Miles880 Yards002.5M0Livingston
31.61973-03-31240°47'N / 87°58'W0025K0Iroquois
31.71991-03-27341°35'N / 88°06'W41°38'N / 88°04'W3.00 Miles200 Yards0025.0M0Will
32.41987-08-16241°22'N / 88°51'W1.00 Mile10 Yards00250K0La Salle
32.41978-06-25241°32'N / 88°41'W0.90 Mile300 Yards0025K0La Salle
32.52010-06-05341°03'N / 87°45'W41°04'N / 87°36'W8.00 Miles175 Yards01600K0KKankakee
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado began 3 miles northwest of St. Anne in Kankakee county. The tornado developed just west of 6000E Road and tracked to the east, where it produced damage to a home and a garage along the road. At this location, a single family home collapsed upon itself, leaving it inhabitable. The garage sustained damage to its roof and exterior walls. The tornado was rated EF2 with winds estimated at around 113 mph. The tornado continued to move to the east northeast, where it increased in intensity as it encountered yet another family home at the intersection of Route 1 and 4000S Road. This home and the garage/barn next to it sustained considerable damage, leaving the home inhabitable. The damage to the home consisted of all the walls collapsing, with all remaining debris from the house tossed to the northeast. The garage walls collapsed with the contents tossed to the east. Two four-wheelers and a four-door automobile inside the garage were lifted and flipped over as the tornado passed. Further north along Route 1, there was minor structural damage to a couple of homes and several trees uprooted. Damage at this location was rated EF3 with winds estimated at around 142 mph and a path width of 175 yards. As this tornado continued to the northeast, it lost its intensity as it came across another residence at the intersection of 4000S Road and 8500E Road. Here, a house sustained partial damage to its roof with several surrounding trees having limbs sheared at the top. The tornado weakened at this point, and damage was rated EF1 with winds estimated at around 97 mph and a path width of 50 yards. The tornado moved to the northeast through a wooded area, causing damage to many trees along its way. The more significant damage occurred near the intersection of 13000E Road and Gamble Road in the Hopkins Park area, where several healthy large hardwood tree tops were sheared or broken. Some homes were damaged by falling trees. The tornado continued to weaken and damage was rated EF1, with winds estimated at around 88 mph, and a path width of 50 yards. It was along 13000E Road where the tornado appeared to lift, with no other damage evident beyond this point. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms, including a few long tracked supercells moved across central and northern Illinois, producing damaging winds, hail and tornadoes.
33.02010-06-05241°06'N / 89°04'W41°06'N / 88°45'W17.00 Miles800 Yards0177.0M0KLa Salle
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Shortly after the Magnolia, IL tornado lifted, the same supercell thunderstorm went on to produce another tornado near the Marshall and LaSalle County line. National Weather Service damage survey teams found the damage from this tornado began just west of 2900 E Road and about one quarter mile south of 1250 N Road, or N 12th Road, which is the road that marks the county line. The tornado crossed north of 1250 N Road at Interstate 39. See Stormdata for Illinois, Central for the beginning of this tornado. This tornado continued eastward tracking along and just north of 12th Road, producing primarily EF0 to EF1 intensity damage, largely in the form of downed trees, power lines, and very minor structural damage. After the tornado moved past E 9th Road, the damage became more sporadic, which corresponded with spotter and storm chasers who reported that the tornado was not continuously on the ground before it reached Streator. Damage became more consistent again as the tornado moved east of E 12th Road, remaining just north of N 12th Road. The tornado appears to have remained on the ground from this point east into the city of Streator. The damage from E 9th Road east to E 15th Road was rated EF0 intensity and consisted primarily of minor tree damage. The tornado appears to have intensified as it moved into the city of Streator with EF2 intensity damage near the Eagle Pass subdivision where there was significant tree damage, along with portions of roofs removed from well built single family homes. The tornado continued eastward across southern portions of the city of Streator, damaging numerous homes and completely destroying several homes. Some of the most intense damage in Streator occurred along Hall Street and near Southside Athletic Park, where damage was rated higher end EF2. The most intense damage occurred through an approximately one quarter mile wide path through the city of Streator. Twenty one homes were uninhabitable and had to be destroyed. Another 33 homes were uninhabitable and had to undergo major repair. Another 150 homes had some degree of damage. A few businesses were also damaged including the Engle Lane Theater, an auto salvage business, an auto repair shop, and a landscape and nursery business. The tornado then continued eastward out of the city of Streator producing additional EF0 to EF1 intensity damage just north of the Livingston and LaSalle county border. The tornado appears to have jogged slightly southward before lifting near the county line, just to the west of E 22nd Road. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms, including a few long tracked supercells moved across central and northern Illinois, producing damaging winds, hail and tornadoes.
33.41990-08-28541°41'N / 88°21'W41°38'N / 88°15'W5.20 Miles600 Yards00250K0Kendall
33.52008-06-07241°26'N / 87°46'W41°28'N / 87°44'W2.00 Miles150 Yards065.5M0KWill
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado developed near Ridgeland Avenue and Dralle Road, where a high tension metal truss tower collapsed and four others were damaged. Power lines blocked Interstate 57. The tornado destroyed a mobile home and outbuildings east of Ridgeland between Dralle and Stuenkel Roads before crossing Interstate 57. The tornado was rated EF2 in this area. Six people were injured in vehicles on Interstate 57. Several cars were damaged and a semi trailer was completely destroyed. East of Interstate 57 at Stuenkel Road, a large warehouse had bay doors blown in, much of the roof collapsed, and the west wall blown in. Utility poles were pushed over along South Central Avenue. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A single supercell thunderstorm developed over western Illinois and moved northeast reaching Lake Michigan near the Illinois Indiana state line several hours later. This single thunderstorm produced eight different tornadoes as it moved east across Illinois.
33.51954-05-31240°40'N / 88°06'W40°53'N / 87°44'W24.20 Miles400 Yards02250K0Iroquois
34.01986-09-29240°42'N / 88°35'W40°45'N / 88°31'W4.00 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Livingston
34.51956-05-21240°43'N / 88°01'W2.00 Miles70 Yards0025K0Iroquois
34.61976-03-12341°38'N / 88°21'W41°43'N / 88°14'W7.80 Miles30 Yards002.5M0Kendall
35.02004-04-20241°05'N / 87°37'W41°06'N / 87°37'W3.00 Miles50 Yards0000Kankakee
 Brief Description: The tornado began in an open field and moved north northeast along county road 11000 East, knocking down trees and limbs. The tornado intensified from County Road 2630 South to 2430 South where homes were damaged, a mobile home was destroyed and large trees were knocked down or damaged. The most intense damage occurred at a church where the roof was taken off and walls were pushed down. The tornado continued across a farm field knocking over 2 pivot irrigation systems. It ended near 1000 South where trees were damaged.
35.02004-05-23240°46'N / 88°45'W40°52'N / 88°46'W7.80 Miles240 Yards0000Livingston
 Brief Description: A tornado moved into Livingston County from McLean County, 1.7 miles northwest of Chenoa. A farm house was unroofed and a double-wide mobile home, outbuildings and grain bins were destroyed. The tornado ended 8 miles southwest of Pontiac or 2.5 miles southwest of Ocoya. At its strongest point, the tornado was 240 yards wide, with wind speeds between 130 and 140 mph. For additional information on this tornado, see Storm Data for ILLINOIS, Central.
35.11991-03-27341°38'N / 88°04'W41°40'N / 88°01'W2.80 Miles200 Yards0025.0M0Will
35.61986-09-29240°45'N / 88°39'W40°42'N / 88°35'W5.00 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Mclean
35.81976-03-12341°00'N / 87°42'W41°05'N / 87°32'W10.00 Miles150 Yards00250K0Kankakee
36.22004-04-20241°21'N / 89°00'W41°24'N / 88°51'W9.00 Miles400 Yards0000La Salle
 Brief Description: The tornado formed on the ridge northeast of Utica and moved across County Road 2803, west of 10th Street. A garage was destroyed and trees were damaged. The tornado became a wide multiple vortex tornado at this point. It caused damage to 2 homes, trees and outbuildings on Route 6, west of 11th Street. Part of the roof of a house was torn off. A storage building was damaged and a garage roof removed on 11th Street. A garage and grain bin were destroyed on County Road 2950. The tornado crossed I-80 at 12th Street damaging a building and flipping a semi-tractor trailer. The driver was not injured. North of I-80 a small satellite tornado formed behind the large parent tornado. It had a damage path 2 miles long and 5 to 20 yards wide. Its track was about 1/4 to 3/4 mile south of the main track. It caused no damage. The main tornado destroyed a machine shed on 13th Street and knocked down power poles. On 31st Street west of 14th big pine trees were snapped and a house suffered roof damage. A barn was destroyed on 14th north of 31st. On 32nd Street west of 15th, a two story house was hit. The top floor was mostly destroyed. A machine shed was destroyed on 16th between 32nd and 33rd. The tornado ended at 33rd and Route 23 where there was minor tree damage.
36.92008-06-07241°28'N / 87°44'W41°30'N / 87°40'W4.00 Miles150 Yards004.0M0KCook
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado which touched down in northwest Will County, crossed Steger Road into Cook County, just west of Cicero Avenue. The tornado hit a subdivision on the northwest corner of Steger Road and Cicero Avenue. Large tree limbs were blown down and a couple trees were uprooted. Homes were somewhat sheltered by large trees and only sustained minor damage. One home near Cicero Avenue had part of its roof torn off. East of Cicero Avenue, the tornado weakened slightly as it moved through an apartment complex. Only minor damage to roofs, soffits and siding was noted. The tornado hit another subdivision along Imperial Drive. A few homes had garages partially collapsed or destroyed. The tornado then passed through an open area before crossing Governors Highway and the Illinois Central tracks, just south of Sauk Trail. The tornado hit an apartment complex just east of the highway and railroad tracks. One three story building had much of the roof ripped off and part of the third floor exterior walls blown down. Carports were collapsed and other buildings had minor damage. The tornado was rated EF2 in this area. The tornado moved through the intersection of Sauk Trail and Richton Square Road where a grocery store and car wash sustained damage. The tornado then weakened to EF0 intensity as it continued northeast across Central Park Avenue and the northwest part of Central Park. Only minor damage to trees was observed in a subdivision in this area. The tornado crossed the E J and E tracks, then it damaged a roof at an apartment complex near North Street and Orchard Drive. The last signs of tree damage were just southwest of the intersection of Lincoln Highway and Western Avenue. Multiple eyewitnesses reported a dog that was picked up by the tornado and carried a few hundred feet away. The dog, a 125 pound Rottweiler, was apparently unharmed. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A single supercell thunderstorm developed over western Illinois and moved northeast reaching Lake Michigan near the Illinois Indiana state line several hours later. This single thunderstorm produced eight different tornadoes as it moved east across Illinois.
37.11965-11-12241°34'N / 87°48'W41°34'N / 87°47'W0025.0M0Cook
37.61980-06-07240°39'N / 88°14'W40°37'N / 88°11'W3.00 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Ford
37.61965-05-26241°30'N / 87°42'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Cook
38.21956-08-23241°35'N / 87°47'W03250K0Cook
38.51956-03-06340°38'N / 88°00'W40°44'N / 87°52'W9.40 Miles500 Yards06250K0Iroquois
38.71976-06-13441°40'N / 88°00'W41°42'N / 87°56'W3.30 Miles1760 Yards2232.5M0Cook
38.81958-08-06241°44'N / 88°22'W2.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Kane
38.91985-07-09240°57'N / 88°58'W0.50 Mile167 Yards08250K0La Salle
39.51991-03-27341°40'N / 88°01'W41°42'N / 87°51'W9.20 Miles200 Yards0725.0M0Cook
40.21976-07-28240°44'N / 88°47'W0025K0Mclean
40.42004-05-23240°43'N / 88°51'W40°45'N / 88°44'W5.30 Miles216 Yards0000Mclean
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down 3 miles southeast of Gridley damaging several farm buildings. It then traveled to the northeast increasing in intensity 1.5 miles south southwest of Meadows causing moderate damage to several more farm buildings. The tornado continued to intensify reaching F2 intensity right before it crossed over into Livingston County. There were no buildings on the McLean County side of the road but the survey team determined that the damage to the buildings on the Livingston County side of the road was of F2 intensity. The tornado then traveled into Livingston County (NWS Chicago's warning area). No injuries were reported.
40.41958-08-15241°46'N / 89°28'W41°30'N / 88°04'W74.50 Miles100 Yards00250K0Lee
41.21971-08-24241°46'N / 88°11'W1.00 Mile83 Yards02250K0Du Page
41.51962-06-23241°36'N / 87°43'W0.50 Mile100 Yards010250K0Cook
41.51974-09-12241°17'N / 89°04'W003K0La Salle
41.71976-04-23240°36'N / 88°02'W0025K0Iroquois
41.71976-06-13441°42'N / 87°56'W41°44'N / 87°55'W00250K0Du Page
41.81954-06-01241°15'N / 87°29'W0025K0Lake
42.71976-06-29240°39'N / 88°43'W0025K0Mclean
42.91976-03-12341°43'N / 88°14'W41°51'N / 88°00'W14.80 Miles30 Yards032.5M0Du Page
43.11959-09-26241°19'N / 89°08'W41°21'N / 89°02'W5.10 Miles33 Yards0025K0La Salle
43.51974-06-19240°54'N / 89°02'W1.00 Mile20 Yards000K0Woodford
43.61950-03-27240°34'N / 88°36'W40°36'N / 88°33'W3.00 Miles50 Yards003K0Mclean
43.61982-08-24240°33'N / 88°28'W40°33'N / 88°21'W5.50 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Ford
43.62004-04-20341°18'N / 89°11'W41°20'N / 89°01'W9.00 Miles250 Yards8700La Salle
 Brief Description: The tornado entered LaSalle County from Putnam County, approximately 3 miles northeast of the town of Standard, producing F0 intensity damage in a wooded area southwest of Peru. As the tornado continued northeast, F2 intensity damage was done to several homes in a subdivision near the intersection of East 250th and 2569th Roads. Several roofs were blown off homes along with damage to external walls. Significant tree damage was done as well. Path width was estimated at 50 yards at this location. The tornado then continued northeast, crossing the Illinois River twice as it moved toward the town of Utica, downing a steel high tension tower on the north bank of the river, immediately west of Illinois 251. The tornado moved into the southwest side of Utica where it was F0 intensity. Homes along Washington Street only had tree and minor roof damage. A church steeple was damaged on Division between Johnson and Washington. Roofs and trees were more severely damaged on the south side of Johnson Street. The tornado rapidly increased to F3 intensity on the north side of Johnson Street where one home had its roof taken off and north walls blown out. A machinery building was completely destroyed on the south side of the canal and a semi-tractor trailer was blown into the canal. A large grain bin was blown across the canal and flattened. The tornado then moved north of the canal into the heart of town where several homes were severely damaged, garages were destroyed and brick buildings collapsed. Eight people died and seven were rescued from the basement of a turn of the century sandstone building at Clark and Church Streets. The tornado was approximately 250 yards wide at this point. On the east edge of the vortex along Mill Street, in downtown, buildings suffered damage to facades, roofs and windows. East of Mill Street there was damage to trees and minor roof damage. In the northeast section of town a mobile home was overturned on Grove, just east of Mill Street. The vortex crossed the railroad tracks and apparently dissipated on a steep bluff on the northeast side of town. At the top of the hill there were some trees and limbs down and some debris deposited. See Storm Data for Northwest and Central Illinois for results of Tornado Damage Survey for Putnam and Bureau Counties, IL M63BU, F41BU, F67BU, F81BU, M18BU, M49BU, F50BU, M47BU
43.81954-05-27241°46'N / 88°20'W41°51'N / 88°13'W7.90 Miles200 Yards0025K0Kendall
44.21956-03-06240°38'N / 88°46'W40°38'N / 88°42'W2.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Mclean
44.21965-11-12241°48'N / 88°06'W1.00 Mile20 Yards0025K0Du Page
45.11961-04-23341°19'N / 87°31'W41°09'N / 87°19'W15.40 Miles33 Yards0025K0Lake
45.21966-04-19241°49'N / 88°07'W0.50 Mile40 Yards00250K0Du Page
45.21975-06-14241°13'N / 89°09'W1.00 Mile167 Yards00250K0La Salle
45.51957-07-12241°23'N / 87°27'W00250K0Lake
45.51975-05-24240°41'N / 87°42'W0.10 Mile10 Yards0025K0Iroquois
45.51976-03-12341°05'N / 87°32'W41°10'N / 87°17'W13.90 Miles250 Yards07250K0Newton
45.61981-04-13240°37'N / 88°45'W002.5M0Mclean
45.71970-06-16240°37'N / 88°50'W40°40'N / 88°46'W4.30 Miles40 Yards0025K0Mclean
45.91974-04-03340°31'N / 88°37'W40°34'N / 88°29'W7.40 Miles350 Yards00250K0Mclean
46.01974-09-12241°11'N / 89°10'W0.30 Mile600 Yards0025K0Putnam
46.71963-04-17441°08'N / 87°32'W41°02'N / 87°15'W16.10 Miles110 Yards020K0Newton
46.81976-04-23240°34'N / 87°53'W0025K0Iroquois
47.41967-04-21441°40'N / 87°50'W41°44'N / 87°33'W15.00 Miles200 Yards3350025.0M0Cook
47.61973-04-21241°51'N / 88°06'W0.20 Mile33 Yards0025K0Cook
47.61987-07-06240°55'N / 87°26'W0.90 Mile250 Yards032.5M0Newton
47.81974-06-20341°17'N / 87°25'W41°19'N / 87°20'W4.50 Miles150 Yards05250K0Lake
48.41972-07-17241°52'N / 88°08'W002.5M0Du Page
48.81982-08-24240°31'N / 88°53'W40°33'N / 88°28'W18.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Mclean
49.31965-09-14240°28'N / 88°28'W40°28'N / 88°20'W6.60 Miles77 Yards02250K0Ford

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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