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East Lycoming School District Government Employment and Payroll



120.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$6,052.0 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government164$775,806$56,76686$72,482203
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction131$689,938$63,20037$28,556147
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total33$85,868$31,22549$43,92656


126.8 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$5,325.5 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government179$698,393$46,82080$61,374217
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction126$563,505$53,66734$33,283144
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total53$134,888$30,54146$28,09173


126.1 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,313.7 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government222$667,547$36,08461$28,043244
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction198$605,469$36,69530$18,551210


128.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,182.2 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government199$558,695$33,69068$134,500256
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction165$471,733$34,30843$111,634206


112.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,495.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government202$541,602$32,17468$66,014235
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction167$451,897$32,47243$49,780190
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total35$89,705$30,75625$16,23445


119.8 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,694.6 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government202$578,250$34,35190$63,990250
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction174$526,467$36,30860$42,675202
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total28$51,783$22,19330$21,31548


96.6 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,097.3 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government188$512,981$32,74325$5,293194
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction148$469,368$38,0570$0148
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total40$43,613$13,08425$5,29346


102.8 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,195.3 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government175$501,022$34,35669$37,920208
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction136$435,523$38,42938$21,206158
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total39$65,499$20,15431$16,71450


94.4 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,001.8 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government160$461,801$34,63578$36,497188
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction128$391,761$36,72825$13,470139
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total32$70,040$26,26553$23,02749

The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.

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