Dove Science Academy (Charter)
Dove Science Academy (Charter) is located close to the center of Oklahoma. Dove Science Academy (Charter) is part of Oklahoma County.
| Hot Rankings |
Dove Science Academy (Charter) Map and Nearby Locations
919 Nw 23rd St
Oklahoma City OK, 73106, Oklahoma County
Phone: 405-524-9762
Students and Teachers
2013-2014 | |
Total Students: | 493 |
English Language Learner Students: | 32 |
Total Teachers: | 29.30 |
Prekindergarten: | 0.00 |
Kindergarten: | 0.00 |
Elementary: | 0.00 |
Secondary: | 29.30 |
Ungraded: | NA |
Total Other Staff: | 11.60 |
Instructional Aides: | 0.00 |
Instructional Coordinators & Supervisors: | 1.40 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 1.00 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 0.00 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 1.00 |
Other Guidance Counselors: | NA |
Librarians/Media Specialists: | 0.00 |
Library/Media Support: | 0.50 |
District Administrators: | 1.00 |
District Administrative Support: | 0.00 |
School Administrators: | 2.70 |
School Administrative Support: | 2.00 |
Student Support Services: | 2.00 |
Other Support Services: | 1.00 |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | 16.83 |
Dove Science Academy (Okc) | Grade 6 to Grade 12 | 919 Nw 23rd St, Oklahoma City OK 73106 |