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Grant Parish School District Government Employment and Payroll



136.0 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,068.0 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government451$1,127,967$30,0124$1,592453
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction322$976,310$36,3840$0322
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total129$151,657$14,1084$1,592131


139.4 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,591.6 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government492$1,061,727$25,8969$3,479496
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction316$848,294$32,2140$0316
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total176$213,433$14,5529$3,479180


141.1 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,103.7 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government496$913,894$22,11020$9,978504
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction333$721,754$26,0091$1,728333
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total163$192,140$14,14519$8,250171


156.6 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$2,546.3 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government542$754,402$16,703179$28,788578
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction327$523,637$19,21688$14,608347
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total215$230,765$12,88091$14,180231


120.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$2,163.9 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government417$629,779$18,12377$29,138441
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction286$497,594$20,87827$4,939291
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total131$132,185$12,10950$24,199150

The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.

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