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Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456 Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456 is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456 is lower than Kansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #129

Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #155

Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 5,386 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456 were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:13Cold:21Dense Fog:7Drought:14
Dust Storm:0Flood:399Hail:2,603Heat:19Heavy Snow:43
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:14Landslide:0Strong Wind:65
Thunderstorm Winds:1,893Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:1Winter Storm:69Winter Weather:32

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 103 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Marais des Cygnes Valley Unified School District 456.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
1.31958-11-17238°30'N / 95°37'W000K0Osage
9.02003-05-08338°35'N / 95°45'W38°42'N / 95°33'W25.00 Miles800 Yards001.5M0Osage
 Brief Description: A second tornado touched down in Osage county about 13 miles southwest of Lyndon and moved northeast for 25 miles before dissipating 6 miles south of Overbrook. The tornado was a half mile wide in places and did considerable damage to farm buildings, machinery, and fences along its path.
13.61957-05-20338°30'N / 95°26'W38°32'N / 95°20'W5.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Franklin
13.91958-11-17238°37'N / 95°25'W000K0Franklin
13.91954-04-10238°20'N / 95°31'W003K0Coffey
15.31955-09-21238°18'N / 95°33'W0.30 Mile33 Yards003K0Coffey
16.91973-11-20238°17'N / 95°45'W1.00 Mile33 Yards00250K0Coffey
17.71964-05-26238°16'N / 95°44'W0025K0Coffey
19.21964-04-22238°33'N / 95°17'W013K0Franklin
19.31957-05-20538°27'N / 95°30'W38°40'N / 95°04'W27.70 Miles440 Yards3112.5M0Franklin
19.31954-03-18238°47'N / 95°33'W003K0Osage
21.21978-05-23238°49'N / 95°43'W38°49'N / 95°38'W4.10 Miles30 Yards01250K0Osage
22.21960-04-16338°29'N / 95°17'W38°35'N / 95°10'W9.20 Miles77 Yards0025K0Franklin
23.91981-05-23238°22'N / 95°14'W1.50 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Anderson
24.71974-06-08438°42'N / 95°58'W38°52'N / 95°54'W11.90 Miles440 Yards0025.0M0Osage
24.91974-06-08438°25'N / 96°13'W38°42'N / 95°58'W23.70 Miles1760 Yards617725.0M0Lyon
26.61958-05-31238°40'N / 95°11'W1.00 Mile60 Yards0025K0Franklin
26.91974-04-20238°17'N / 95°14'W1.00 Mile200 Yards0025K0Anderson
27.31962-05-28238°20'N / 96°07'W38°23'N / 96°05'W3.60 Miles300 Yards00250K0Lyon
28.01962-05-28238°50'N / 95°54'W38°56'N / 95°47'W0.90 Mile200 Yards00250K0Osage
28.61962-08-06338°47'N / 95°15'W38°45'N / 95°11'W4.10 Miles33 Yards00250K0Douglas
28.91974-06-08438°52'N / 95°54'W38°54'N / 95°52'W1.90 Miles200 Yards000K0Shawnee
29.21973-03-13238°14'N / 96°07'W38°23'N / 96°06'W10.20 Miles220 Yards0025K0Lyon
29.31964-04-12438°07'N / 95°18'W38°22'N / 95°08'W19.40 Miles880 Yards39250K0Anderson
29.41958-05-31238°44'N / 95°13'W38°47'N / 95°10'W4.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Franklin
29.81962-05-26238°34'N / 96°11'W2.00 Miles200 Yards003K0Lyon
29.91951-06-08238°53'N / 95°21'W003K0Douglas
30.31958-07-11238°55'N / 95°51'W000K0Shawnee
30.41977-05-04338°48'N / 95°22'W38°48'N / 95°03'W16.90 Miles300 Yards012.5M0Douglas
30.71954-03-18238°45'N / 96°07'W003K0Wabaunsee
30.81956-04-02338°50'N / 95°53'W38°58'N / 95°57'W9.80 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Marion
31.61962-05-26338°58'N / 95°42'W2.00 Miles33 Yards04250K0Shawnee
32.11956-04-02338°23'N / 96°33'W38°50'N / 95°53'W47.50 Miles500 Yards022.5M0Marion
32.32008-05-02238°58'N / 95°27'W38°57'N / 95°28'W2.00 Miles100 Yards00260K0KDouglas
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado demolished and removed a garage and two-thirds of an unoccupied house from it's foundation just after touching down. Debris from the house and the garage was strewn across a nearby field for approximately 500 yards. A metal outbuilding was destroyed near the end of the tornado path. Between these two points, moderate tree damage was noted. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms developed along a dryline during the late afternoon of May 1st, and sustained as the synoptic cold front dove through the region later that evening. Two tornadoes touched down and caused damage in portions of Osage and Douglas Counties. One residence in Douglas County was almost completely demolished by one of the tornadoes, rated an EF-2. Hail from the size of quarters to the size of golfballs was also reported across portions of northeast and east central Kansas. After 11pm CST, the severe weather threat focus turned to strong winds. Trees were damaged across portions of the warning area, as was property including homes, outbuidings, power poles, and transformers. The Emergency Manager from Osage County reported that property damage estimates were around $100,000. Spotters estimated wind speeds up to 70 mph, and a measured gust of 71 mph was reported by the ASOS at the Lawrence Municipal Airport.
32.31971-07-09238°28'N / 96°16'W38°31'N / 96°12'W4.90 Miles33 Yards000K0Lyon
32.41983-05-06338°54'N / 95°52'W39°03'N / 95°35'W19.00 Miles150 Yards12525.0M0Shawnee
32.81990-06-07238°20'N / 96°16'W38°28'N / 96°11'W10.00 Miles100 Yards01725.0M0Lyon
32.91956-07-02238°48'N / 95°11'W38°48'N / 95°07'W3.00 Miles33 Yards000K0Franklin
33.71956-04-02438°02'N / 95°54'W38°06'N / 95°53'W4.50 Miles880 Yards0525K0Coffey
33.91958-07-11239°00'N / 95°34'W000K0Shawnee
34.21957-06-11238°52'N / 95°14'W38°54'N / 95°12'W1.90 Miles33 Yards000K0Douglas
34.31966-06-08538°55'N / 95°55'W39°05'N / 95°35'W21.10 Miles880 Yards16450250.0M0Shawnee
34.31973-04-13238°11'N / 96°09'W38°19'N / 96°12'W9.60 Miles333 Yards003K0Lyon
35.11954-03-24238°44'N / 95°03'W003K0Franklin
35.31964-04-12338°45'N / 95°29'W39°12'N / 95°14'W33.80 Miles880 Yards032.5M0Douglas
35.51955-05-26238°38'N / 95°47'W39°19'N / 94°55'W66.20 Miles33 Yards00250K0Osage
36.11954-04-26238°04'N / 95°59'W1.00 Mile20 Yards003K0Lyon
36.61958-06-12238°11'N / 96°10'W000K0Lyon
36.71982-03-15237°58'N / 95°30'W38°02'N / 95°24'W6.00 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Allen
37.41980-05-31239°03'N / 95°34'W2.00 Miles220 Yards00250K0Shawnee
37.81981-06-19338°58'N / 95°16'W38°55'N / 95°08'W7.70 Miles200 Yards13325.0M0Douglas
38.01968-06-10238°06'N / 96°06'W1.50 Miles50 Yards03250K0Greenwood
38.22003-05-08238°58'N / 95°14'W38°58'N / 95°14'W0.70 Mile250 Yards066.4M0Douglas
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down in the southwest part of Lawrence and did considerable damage to the area. An apartment complex suffered major damage as did several other homes and residences in the area. Six people were injured and treated at a Lawrence hospital. Severe weather erupted over a large part of the area during the afternoon and evening hours of the 8th. Numerous reports of large hail and a few reports of strong winds were received. In addition 12 tornadoes were reported (discussed separately), some doing considerable damage. Four funnel clouds were also sighted. May 8, 2003, was estimated to be the most significant and widespread tornado outbreak in northeast Kansas since April 26, 1991. All meteorological severe weather forecast parameters came together over northeast Kansas on the afternoon of May 8 to produce an SPC "high risk" area of potential severe weather. The possibility of strong, long-lived destructive tornadoes was highlighted for nearly 24 hours in advance in nearly every NWS statement and product. The significant and widespread tornado outbreak in the nearby Kansas City area just four days before increased public weather awareness and concern, and together with timely watches, statements and warnings, helped prevent tornado related deaths and minimized storm injuries.
38.41991-04-26238°44'N / 96°15'W39°06'N / 96°00'W28.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Wabaunsee
38.51962-07-11239°02'N / 95°23'W003K0Douglas
38.62003-05-08238°01'N / 95°18'W38°08'N / 95°05'W15.00 Miles800 Yards031.1M0Anderson
 Brief Description: A tornado formed 5 miles southeast of Colony and traveled a 15 mile path northeast before entering Linn county and dissipating. While in Anderson county the tornado injured 3 people, destroyed 7 homes and seriously damaged 2 others. Severe weather erupted over a large part of the area during the afternoon and evening hours of the 8th. Numerous reports of large hail and a few reports of strong winds were received. In addition 12 tornadoes were reported (discussed separately), some doing considerable damage. Four funnel clouds were also sighted. May 8, 2003, was estimated to be the most significant and widespread tornado outbreak in northeast Kansas since April 26, 1991. All meteorological severe weather forecast parameters came together over northeast Kansas on the afternoon of May 8 to produce an SPC "high risk" area of potential severe weather. The possibility of strong, long-lived destructive tornadoes was highlighted for nearly 24 hours in advance in nearly every NWS statement and product. The significant and widespread tornado outbreak in the nearby Kansas City area just four days before increased public weather awareness and concern, and together with timely watches, statements and warnings, helped prevent tornado related deaths and minimized storm injuries.
38.71955-05-27238°13'N / 95°08'W38°29'N / 94°46'W27.00 Miles33 Yards000K0Anderson
39.11961-04-21238°05'N / 95°09'W38°10'N / 95°04'W7.20 Miles50 Yards00250K0Anderson
39.51974-03-07238°48'N / 96°26'W38°58'N / 95°57'W28.30 Miles220 Yards00250K0Wabaunsee
39.51970-11-08239°05'N / 95°38'W1.00 Mile300 Yards0025K0Shawnee
39.51988-11-15239°03'N / 95°41'W39°07'N / 95°36'W5.00 Miles70 Yards0222.5M0Shawnee
39.61987-05-18238°27'N / 96°23'W38°29'N / 96°21'W3.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Chase
39.81974-03-08238°58'N / 95°57'W39°12'N / 95°30'W29.00 Miles220 Yards00250K0Shawnee
40.01958-06-12239°02'N / 96°00'W39°02'N / 95°55'W4.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Wabaunsee
40.01953-05-10338°21'N / 96°40'W38°56'N / 96°03'W52.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Chase
40.71986-04-07238°03'N / 96°05'W37°57'N / 95°56'W8.60 Miles100 Yards00250K0Greenwood
40.91952-05-22438°59'N / 95°13'W39°00'N / 95°10'W2.70 Miles440 Yards02250K0Douglas
41.42003-05-08238°06'N / 95°04'W38°10'N / 95°01'W7.00 Miles300 Yards0015K0Linn
 Brief Description: Tornado crossed from Anderson county into Linn county 3 miles west northwest of Blue Mound and produced tree damage in rural county before dissipating. However...a cemetery was hit with many tombstones knocked over and damage to mausoleums.
41.61978-05-11238°37'N / 94°59'W38°36'N / 94°46'W11.50 Miles100 Yards012.5M0Miami
42.51986-04-07237°57'N / 95°56'W37°53'N / 95°44'W14.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Woodson
42.62003-05-08337°48'N / 95°57'W38°00'N / 95°31'W22.00 Miles350 Yards032.5M261KWoodson
 Brief Description: Damage summary: Toronto: Outbuildings destroyed. 1N Toronto: Trees & limbs downed. 1W Batesville: Large trees uprooted and sheared off, sheet metal in trees, old wood shed destroyed. 1N Batesville: Oil tank 12-15 feet high toppled (leaked profusely), power pole blown over. 2NE Batesville: House destroyed, 2 vehicles heavily damaged, pair of 2-3 foot diameter trees stripped 4 feet off ground. 3-4NE Batesville: Cattle barn & garage destroyed, windows blown out of house, large pick-up truck rolled onto side. 1N Yates Center: House & barn destroyed on Highway 75, horse trailer flipped over, large trees uprooted or snapped off at bases, broke or toppled 70 grave markers at the cemetery. 1NW Yates Center: Two-story house and 3 barns destroyed, trees completely shreaded. Yates Center: Five homes destroyed and 30 damaged. Two of the three injuries occurred at one residence with both requiring transport to a hospital. Forty-five miles of fence damaged. Stored hay contaminated by embedding of wiring and nails. Estimated crop losses: Corn: 300 acres. Wheat: 100 acres. Pasture: 1312 acres. Hay: 655 acres. Of the estimated $2.5 million damage, $1.506 million inflicted upon farming facilities. Farming facility damage breakdown: Dwellings and Service Buildings: $900,000; Structures: $6,000; Machinery & equipment: $600,000. USDA Flash Situation Report contributed greatly to this narrative. This tornado would cross just barely into extreme Northwest Allen County.
42.81984-04-26239°06'N / 95°53'W0.60 Mile100 Yards04250K0Shawnee
42.91981-07-19239°08'N / 95°39'W0.30 Mile150 Yards09250K0Shawnee
43.11960-05-19239°07'N / 95°40'W39°09'N / 95°44'W4.10 Miles33 Yards003K0Shawnee
43.21969-07-09238°57'N / 95°06'W38°58'N / 95°03'W2.70 Miles33 Yards02250K0Douglas
43.91980-05-31238°58'N / 95°06'W38°58'N / 95°02'W3.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Douglas
44.01956-04-02437°48'N / 95°57'W38°02'N / 95°54'W16.30 Miles880 Yards000K0Woodson
44.01982-03-15237°47'N / 95°51'W37°58'N / 95°30'W24.00 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Woodson
44.81977-05-04338°48'N / 95°03'W38°55'N / 94°49'W14.70 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Johnson
44.81956-04-02338°58'N / 95°57'W39°21'N / 95°28'W37.00 Miles790 Yards012.5M0Marion
45.41991-04-26337°51'N / 95°57'W37°57'N / 95°56'W5.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Woodson
45.51962-08-06239°10'N / 95°33'W000K0Jefferson
45.81985-08-17338°48'N / 96°24'W2.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Wabaunsee
46.51980-05-31238°58'N / 95°02'W38°58'N / 94°58'W3.30 Miles33 Yards01250K0Johnson
46.51969-07-09238°58'N / 95°03'W38°59'N / 94°58'W4.30 Miles33 Yards02250K0Johnson
46.51962-08-06239°11'N / 95°34'W000K0Jefferson
46.51966-05-11339°10'N / 95°48'W39°12'N / 95°37'W9.90 Miles660 Yards0025K0Shawnee
46.91957-05-20538°40'N / 95°04'W38°53'N / 94°36'W29.10 Miles440 Yards4202.5M0Miami
47.41991-03-26237°49'N / 95°27'W37°53'N / 95°21'W8.00 Miles100 Yards012.5M0Allen
47.71974-03-07238°44'N / 96°29'W38°48'N / 96°26'W5.10 Miles220 Yards00250K0Wabaunsee
47.81964-04-20238°42'N / 94°47'W003K0Miami
47.82007-02-28438°07'N / 95°04'W38°15'N / 94°39'W24.00 Miles800 Yards00400K0KLinn
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: EF4 tornado crossed from Anderson county into Linn county in Kansas at 7:30 PM CST, 4 miles northwest of Blue Mound. The tornado moved east-northeast over mainly rural areas of the county. A home, several farm buildings, and garage were completely destroyed. Other buildings received minor to moderate damage. There were no injuries or deaths with this tornado. The tornado also downed trees and power lines. The tornado lifted 6 miles north-northeast of Pleasanton at 8:10 PM CST. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A strong storm system lifted northeast into the region from Oklahoma, during the late afternoon and early evening hours on February 28th. The dynamics from this storm system provided the lift for rapid thunderstorm development along and north of a warm front by the early evening hours. There were numerous reports of hail with the storms, as well as some flash flooding. The most significant severe thunderstorm produced a tornado in Anderson county Kansas, which then tracked east into Linn county Kansas. The EF4 tornado took a nearly 24 mile continuous path, where it caused damage to mainly rural areas. Just north of Blue Mound a single residence, garage, and several farm buildings were completely destroyed. The tornado was historic, since it was the first time anywhere in the country that a tornado was rated as high as EF4, since switching to the new Enhanced Fujita scale February 1st, 2007.
48.01991-04-26239°06'N / 96°00'W39°14'N / 95°52'W9.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Shawnee
48.01960-05-19439°11'N / 95°57'W39°13'N / 95°35'W19.60 Miles880 Yards1912.5M0Shawnee
48.21952-05-22439°02'N / 95°10'W39°02'N / 94°55'W13.30 Miles440 Yards00250K0Leavenworth
48.31977-05-04238°27'N / 94°48'W38°36'N / 94°41'W11.90 Miles50 Yards00250K0Miami
48.91954-03-24237°43'N / 95°31'W37°57'N / 95°14'W22.20 Miles880 Yards0025K0Wilson
49.01974-03-07238°41'N / 96°32'W38°44'N / 96°29'W4.50 Miles220 Yards00250K0Morris
49.41969-04-04238°21'N / 94°46'W38°23'N / 94°43'W3.30 Miles200 Yards01250K0Linn
49.41973-09-24237°57'N / 95°03'W38°02'N / 94°58'W7.20 Miles60 Yards00250K0Bourbon
49.71972-04-30238°45'N / 94°46'W00250K0Johnson
49.71961-03-26238°01'N / 96°18'W2.00 Miles440 Yards01250K0Greenwood
49.71960-05-19439°13'N / 95°35'W39°14'N / 95°26'W7.90 Miles880 Yards01250K0Jefferson

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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