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McPherson Unified School District 418 Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in McPherson Unified School District 418 is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in McPherson Unified School District 418 is higher than Kansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #146

McPherson Unified School District 418

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

McPherson Unified School District 418

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #111

McPherson Unified School District 418

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,949 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of McPherson Unified School District 418 were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:5Cold:4Dense Fog:0Drought:0
Dust Storm:0Flood:184Hail:2,805Heat:11Heavy Snow:24
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:9Landslide:0Strong Wind:42
Thunderstorm Winds:1,740Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:1Winter Storm:32Winter Weather:25

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near McPherson Unified School District 418.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near McPherson Unified School District 418.

No historical earthquake events found in or near McPherson Unified School District 418.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 83 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near McPherson Unified School District 418.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
4.51992-06-15438°22'N / 97°40'W38°27'N / 97°32'W6.00 Miles73 Yards01025.0M0Mcpherson
4.61960-11-27238°23'N / 97°35'W003K0Mcpherson
5.61950-06-08438°20'N / 97°55'W38°20'N / 97°36'W17.10 Miles700 Yards15250K0Mcpherson
7.01955-04-27238°23'N / 97°37'W38°29'N / 97°31'W8.70 Miles100 Yards0025K0Mcpherson
9.11990-05-24338°31'N / 97°54'W38°29'N / 97°22'W30.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Mcpherson
11.61974-05-13238°09'N / 97°42'W38°22'N / 97°19'W25.60 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Mcpherson
11.71964-04-22238°17'N / 97°29'W003K0Mcpherson
12.51990-03-13338°10'N / 97°40'W38°14'N / 97°31'W10.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Mcpherson
13.81973-09-25238°32'N / 97°49'W00250K0Mcpherson
14.21950-06-08438°20'N / 97°56'W38°20'N / 97°55'W00250K0Rice
14.41973-09-25338°21'N / 98°01'W38°37'N / 97°46'W22.70 Miles100 Yards0025.0M0Rice
14.81971-06-13238°10'N / 97°45'W0.50 Mile300 Yards0125K0Mcpherson
15.31990-03-13338°08'N / 97°42'W38°10'N / 97°40'W3.00 Miles17 Yards00250K0Harvey
16.11990-03-13338°09'N / 97°44'W38°08'N / 97°42'W5.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Reno
17.81974-05-13238°09'N / 97°49'W38°10'N / 97°09'W36.20 Miles100 Yards020K0Harvey
18.01992-06-15238°33'N / 97°30'W38°33'N / 97°21'W7.00 Miles73 Yards0025K0Mcpherson
19.21974-05-13238°06'N / 97°51'W38°09'N / 97°49'W3.60 Miles100 Yards000K0Reno
19.31990-03-13538°09'N / 97°26'W38°11'N / 97°25'W2.00 Miles1320 Yards0025.0M0Harvey
19.81990-03-13538°11'N / 97°25'W38°13'N / 97°20'W4.00 Miles1320 Yards0025.0M0Mcpherson
20.81990-03-13538°10'N / 97°23'W38°11'N / 97°22'W1.00 Mile1320 Yards0025.0M0Mcpherson
22.31990-05-24338°30'N / 98°11'W38°31'N / 97°54'W12.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Ellsworth
22.91990-03-13538°13'N / 97°20'W38°25'N / 97°10'W16.00 Miles1320 Yards1025.0M0Marion
23.11990-03-13537°56'N / 97°43'W38°10'N / 97°23'W26.00 Miles1320 Yards15925.0M0Harvey
23.31955-04-27238°02'N / 97°41'W2.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Harvey
24.81962-05-24338°02'N / 97°40'W38°00'N / 97°31'W8.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Harvey
25.11974-05-13237°57'N / 98°04'W38°09'N / 97°42'W24.20 Miles100 Yards022.5M0Reno
26.61990-05-24338°29'N / 97°22'W38°30'N / 97°02'W18.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Marion
26.81954-05-01238°05'N / 98°00'W0.30 Mile300 Yards003K0Reno
26.91954-08-05238°03'N / 97°57'W000K0Reno
27.31962-05-24338°00'N / 97°31'W38°03'N / 97°20'W10.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Reno
28.01962-05-24238°09'N / 98°06'W020K0Reno
28.11991-03-26437°58'N / 98°03'W38°09'N / 97°57'W13.00 Miles300 Yards0525.0M0Reno
28.31959-05-17238°04'N / 98°01'W2.00 Miles400 Yards000K0Harper
28.41971-05-31238°12'N / 97°15'W38°12'N / 97°08'W6.20 Miles200 Yards00250K0Marion
28.51961-07-13238°02'N / 97°22'W000K0Harvey
29.21973-09-25338°37'N / 97°46'W38°58'N / 97°28'W29.00 Miles100 Yards0625.0M0Saline
29.21963-07-12238°03'N / 97°19'W010K0Harvey
29.21965-05-13337°55'N / 97°29'W38°01'N / 97°32'W7.20 Miles100 Yards00250K0Harvey
29.91956-07-21238°01'N / 97°21'W000K0Harvey
30.11970-03-02238°03'N / 97°16'W38°10'N / 97°11'W9.10 Miles360 Yards002.5M0Harvey
30.52008-06-11338°45'N / 97°40'W38°51'N / 97°24'W16.00 Miles225 Yards002.6M0KSaline
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Widespread damage was noted to several homes, businesses, and trees along the tornadoes path. One cabinet making business had a 10000 square foot section of roof removed, with a total of 20000 square feet of damage to the structure as a sprinkler main broke pouring water onto the factory floor. Several homes sustained damage due to garage doors collapsing in the wind and ultimately lifting the roofs off of the homes. One home sustained slightly more damage than the rest, as two exterior walls were also blown out. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Supercell thunderstorms erupted along a strong cold front across Central Kansas. The supercell storms produced destructive hail and damaging winds, along with tornadoes across Central, Kansas. A few strong tornadoes touched down just south of Salina, Kansas. The supercells would continue to track to the northeast and eventually produce the tornadoes that would hit Chapman, Kansas and Manhattan, Kansas.
30.81969-06-21338°49'N / 97°38'W2.00 Miles100 Yards06025.0M0Saline
31.61970-03-02238°10'N / 97°11'W38°22'N / 97°01'W16.40 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Ellsworth
33.21962-06-24238°51'N / 97°37'W0.50 Mile27 Yards003K0Saline
33.91972-04-30238°35'N / 98°14'W1.00 Mile30 Yards0025K0Ellsworth
35.41965-06-04337°50'N / 97°50'W37°54'N / 97°44'W6.90 Miles880 Yards02250K0Reno
35.51990-05-24338°32'N / 98°25'W38°38'N / 98°07'W16.00 Miles1320 Yards00250K0Ellsworth
35.71962-05-24338°03'N / 98°11'W020K0Reno
36.31974-05-13238°10'N / 97°09'W38°12'N / 96°56'W11.90 Miles100 Yards000K0Marion
36.51990-03-13238°28'N / 97°05'W38°36'N / 96°58'W10.00 Miles220 Yards002.5M0Marion
36.81954-08-05238°10'N / 97°07'W38°23'N / 96°53'W19.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Marion
37.21960-04-13238°54'N / 97°32'W1.00 Mile150 Yards003K0Saline
37.61990-03-13537°46'N / 98°01'W37°56'N / 97°43'W21.00 Miles1320 Yards0125.0M0Reno
38.41956-07-01237°49'N / 97°36'W0025K0Sedgwick
38.51955-06-04338°15'N / 98°25'W38°17'N / 98°19'W5.90 Miles200 Yards0025K0Rice
38.91950-07-01238°42'N / 97°05'W0025K0Dickinson
39.01971-06-09238°28'N / 98°24'W38°30'N / 98°21'W3.60 Miles440 Yards0125K0Rice
39.81954-09-09237°49'N / 97°28'W000K0Sedgwick
40.21953-06-19238°36'N / 97°04'W38°36'N / 96°54'W8.80 Miles33 Yards0025K0Marion
41.21952-08-14238°41'N / 97°01'W1.50 Miles100 Yards0025K0Dickinson
41.81990-06-07237°47'N / 97°57'W37°52'N / 98°03'W7.00 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Reno
42.51990-05-24338°29'N / 98°27'W38°32'N / 98°25'W6.00 Miles1320 Yards02250K0Rice
43.81956-04-02338°31'N / 98°28'W38°36'N / 98°25'W6.10 Miles350 Yards0025K0Rice
43.91954-04-25238°37'N / 98°25'W000K0Ellsworth
44.11965-09-20237°37'N / 97°16'W38°12'N / 96°57'W43.80 Miles33 Yards0025K0Sedgwick
44.41972-04-30338°55'N / 97°14'W1.50 Miles300 Yards06250K0Dickinson
44.41973-05-26337°43'N / 97°36'W37°45'N / 97°32'W4.30 Miles400 Yards01250K0Sedgwick
44.61960-04-28337°42'N / 97°35'W37°46'N / 97°29'W7.10 Miles440 Yards0625K0Sedgwick
44.81964-04-22338°16'N / 98°38'W38°42'N / 98°20'W34.00 Miles880 Yards00250K0Barton
45.51958-06-11237°46'N / 97°20'W06250K0Sedgwick
45.51990-05-24338°27'N / 98°33'W38°29'N / 98°27'W4.00 Miles1320 Yards04250K0Barton
45.71956-04-02338°31'N / 98°31'W38°31'N / 98°28'W2.30 Miles350 Yards0025K0Barton
46.41991-03-26337°48'N / 98°29'W38°07'N / 98°12'W25.00 Miles220 Yards01250K0Reno
47.11973-09-25338°58'N / 97°28'W39°05'N / 97°22'W9.40 Miles100 Yards1225.0M0Ottawa
47.21950-05-18338°07'N / 96°49'W38°20'N / 96°49'W14.90 Miles100 Yards02250K0Chase
47.21964-06-21338°57'N / 97°22'W39°02'N / 97°14'W8.90 Miles33 Yards0025K0Dickinson
47.31956-04-02338°32'N / 98°33'W38°35'N / 98°28'W5.40 Miles33 Yards0025K0Ellsworth
47.51956-04-02338°21'N / 98°34'W38°31'N / 98°31'W11.70 Miles350 Yards0125K0Barton
47.81964-06-21238°57'N / 97°11'W000K0Dickinson
47.91964-06-10238°31'N / 98°32'W0.50 Mile150 Yards00250K0Barton
48.11953-06-21237°45'N / 97°16'W030K0Sedgwick
48.41965-05-13337°29'N / 97°20'W37°55'N / 97°29'W31.00 Miles100 Yards010250K0Sedgwick
49.51959-12-26239°02'N / 97°19'W2.00 Miles33 Yards000K0Dickinson

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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