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Macksville Unified School District 351 Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Macksville Unified School District 351 is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Macksville Unified School District 351 is higher than Kansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #204

Macksville Unified School District 351

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Macksville Unified School District 351

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #72

Macksville Unified School District 351

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,736 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Macksville Unified School District 351 were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:9Cold:3Dense Fog:0Drought:3
Dust Storm:0Flood:121Hail:3,024Heat:6Heavy Snow:27
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:11Landslide:0Strong Wind:66
Thunderstorm Winds:1,281Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:35Winter Weather:18

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Macksville Unified School District 351.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Macksville Unified School District 351.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Macksville Unified School District 351.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 90 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Macksville Unified School District 351.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
4.22008-05-23237°57'N / 99°01'W38°00'N / 99°03'W3.00 Miles1160 Yards010K0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved out of Stafford county and did EF2 damage to a house and barn just west of the Stafford/Edwards county line. A Female received a serious injury when she was blown down the stairs. Pivot sprinklers and trees received EF1-2 damage. The tornado started in the southeast part of Edwards county, moved into Pratt and Stafford and then turned northwest before ending in the extreme northeast part of the county. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
5.52007-05-04337°54'N / 98°57'W38°06'N / 98°46'W17.00 Miles1515 Yards100K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This killer tornado formed just east of another large but dissipating tornado that was approaching Macksville. Unfortunately a law officer watching the dissipating tornado was unaware that this one was rapidly forming and could not get out of harms way. His car was thrown at least 1/4 of a mile and was found in a field. He died several days later from catastrophic injuries received in the crushed vehicle. EF3 damage was done to over a dozen farms, trees, machinery, vehicles, pivot irrigation sprinklers and power poles. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
5.92007-05-05237°49'N / 99°00'W38°00'N / 98°55'W13.00 Miles880 Yards000K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado did EF2 damage to farms, trees and pivot irrigation sprinklers. It was very large in size. It eventually moved into Pawnee county at 1905 CST. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Unbelievably, an outbreak of tornadoes, some very large in size, raked the earth in basically the same area as the day before when Greensburg was nearly completely leveled. Although some of the tornadoes were large and apparently very strong, there was no loss of life on this day. A National Weather Service assessment team was in an area about 30 minutes before a tornado moved through. They also saw one tornado during the storm survey of damage that was produced the day before.
6.02007-05-05237°59'N / 98°53'W38°07'N / 98°52'W9.00 Miles880 Yards000K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This wedge tornado was occurring simultaneously to another large but smaller tornado (within several miles). Damage was done to houses, trees and pivot irrigation sprinklers. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Unbelievably, an outbreak of tornadoes, some very large in size, raked the earth in basically the same area as the day before when Greensburg was nearly completely leveled. Although some of the tornadoes were large and apparently very strong, there was no loss of life on this day. A National Weather Service assessment team was in an area about 30 minutes before a tornado moved through. They also saw one tornado during the storm survey of damage that was produced the day before.
6.52009-06-15237°54'N / 99°01'W37°54'N / 98°52'W9.00 Miles1400 Yards000K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This was a multiple vortex tornado that moved out of Edwards county at 609 PM CDT. It did high end EF2 damage to trees, crops, pivot irrigation sprinklers and a barn. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms broke out in the afternoon heat and became quite intense by evening producing large hail, high winds and tornadoes.
7.71958-06-12237°59'N / 99°06'W0325K0Edwards
8.02008-05-23337°49'N / 99°00'W37°57'N / 99°01'W9.00 Miles1900 Yards000K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This large tornado moved out of Pratt county and did EF3 damage before moving into Edwards county. EF3 damage was done to trees and a pivot sprinkler. Other pivot sprinklers received EF1-2 damage along with EF2 damage done to a house and grain bins. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
8.72007-05-04337°49'N / 98°57'W37°55'N / 98°59'W7.00 Miles2110 Yards010K0KStafford
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved out of northwest Pratt county and dissipated just south of Macksville. It did strong EF3 damage to farms, trees, machinery and vehicles. A Blazer was carried over 3/4 of a mile and was barely recognizable as a vehicle. Several dozen head of cattle were killed along with wildlife in the area. One well built home was completely swept off it's foundation. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
10.01993-05-07237°48'N / 98°54'W38°04'N / 98°41'W3.00 Miles440 Yards005K0Pratt
 Brief Description: Tornado developed northwest of Byers and moved to the northeast into Stafford County. The tornado was 1/4 of a mile wide as it crossed the county line into Stafford County.
11.31950-05-04438°02'N / 99°07'W38°16'N / 98°55'W19.30 Miles150 Yards00250K0Barton
12.42008-05-23237°49'N / 99°00'W37°49'N / 99°00'W1.00 Mile1056 Yards000K0KPratt
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This large tornado moved out of Edwards county and did EF2 damage to a house, a pivot irrigation sprinkler and to trees. It then moved into Stafford county at 925 PM CDT. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
13.51964-04-22337°57'N / 98°53'W38°16'N / 98°38'W25.70 Miles880 Yards020K0Stafford
14.12007-05-05237°46'N / 99°00'W37°49'N / 99°00'W4.00 Miles600 Yards000K0KPratt
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado did EF2 damage to farms, trees and pivot irrigation sprinklers. It occurred in very close proximately to a tornado less than 24 hours earlier (less than 1/2 of a mile). It into the county from Edwards county and then moved into Stafford county at 1842 CST. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Unbelievably, an outbreak of tornadoes, some very large in size, raked the earth in basically the same area as the day before when Greensburg was nearly completely leveled. Although some of the tornadoes were large and apparently very strong, there was no loss of life on this day. A National Weather Service assessment team was in an area about 30 minutes before a tornado moved through. They also saw one tornado during the storm survey of damage that was produced the day before.
14.41973-09-25337°48'N / 99°18'W38°01'N / 99°06'W18.50 Miles60 Yards00250K0Edwards
14.52007-05-04337°45'N / 99°00'W37°49'N / 98°57'W6.00 Miles2110 Yards110K0KPratt
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved across out of southeast Edwards county at 2148 CST and grew into a large tornado of a little more than a mile wide. A male was killed near Hopewell as a basement wall collapsed on him when his home was demolished. Very little of the home was left visible. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
14.72007-05-05237°48'N / 99°06'W37°49'N / 99°05'W3.00 Miles75 Yards000K0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Damage was done to trees and pivot irrigation sprinklers. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Unbelievably, an outbreak of tornadoes, some very large in size, raked the earth in basically the same area as the day before when Greensburg was nearly completely leveled. Although some of the tornadoes were large and apparently very strong, there was no loss of life on this day. A National Weather Service assessment team was in an area about 30 minutes before a tornado moved through. They also saw one tornado during the storm survey of damage that was produced the day before.
14.82008-05-23237°45'N / 99°02'W37°49'N / 99°00'W5.00 Miles1935 Yards000K0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This large tornado did EF2 damage to trees, pivot irrigation sprinklers, power poles and grain bins. EF1 damage was done to one home and EF2 damage was done to another. The center of the tornado moved to the intersection of Edwards, Pratt and Stafford counties. At that point, because of it's width, it was covering all those counties at once. Technically the tornado moved into Pratt county (see that entry). EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
15.42007-05-04337°43'N / 99°07'W37°54'N / 99°07'W13.00 Miles3872 Yards011.5M0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This 2.2 wide monster moved out of Kiowa county at 2231 CST. It caused high end EF3 damage to farms, trees, machinery, pivot sprinklers and power lines. It killed dozens of cattle and horses. As the tornado dissipated, it curved back to the west. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
19.11964-05-05337°54'N / 98°48'W37°58'N / 98°26'W20.40 Miles880 Yards0025K0Stafford
21.21965-05-25337°42'N / 98°47'W37°49'N / 98°38'W11.50 Miles250 Yards07250K0Pratt
21.21962-05-28238°18'N / 98°58'W1.50 Miles33 Yards003K0Barton
21.71955-06-04338°04'N / 98°36'W38°10'N / 98°35'W6.80 Miles400 Yards0025K0Stafford
22.02002-05-07237°39'N / 99°00'W37°42'N / 98°54'W7.50 Miles500 Yards00500K0Pratt
 Brief Description: This tornado moved in from Kiowa county. No injuries due to adequate warning.
22.32008-05-23237°55'N / 99°23'W38°00'N / 99°21'W5.00 Miles125 Yards000K0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: EF2 damage was done to trees and a barn and two pivot sprinklers received EF1 damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
23.31965-05-25337°49'N / 98°38'W37°58'N / 98°28'W13.80 Miles250 Yards01250K0Stafford
25.41974-08-30238°21'N / 99°15'W38°15'N / 99°11'W7.70 Miles200 Yards0025K0Pawnee
25.62007-05-04237°37'N / 99°15'W37°43'N / 99°07'W10.00 Miles3344 Yards000K0KKiowa
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This monster tornado formed as the Greensburg tornado was dissipating and quickly grew into a nearly 2 mile wide tornado. Two farms received strong EF3 damage and destroyed several pieces of machinery. A combine was thrown at least 1/4 of a mile and it disintegrated upon impact. Numerous pivot irrigation sprinklers were destroyed, along with trees and power lines. The tornado moved into Edwards county at 2131 CST. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
25.81951-04-30337°38'N / 98°45'W37°46'N / 98°35'W12.80 Miles440 Yards00250K0Pratt
25.81971-05-09338°00'N / 99°31'W37°59'N / 99°21'W9.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Edwards
25.91950-05-04438°16'N / 98°55'W38°27'N / 98°47'W14.50 Miles150 Yards01250K0Pawnee
26.01958-07-26238°02'N / 99°26'W1.00 Mile100 Yards000K0Edwards
26.31970-06-13337°57'N / 99°28'W38°03'N / 99°25'W7.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Edwards
26.41988-05-02238°12'N / 99°25'W38°12'N / 99°19'W5.00 Miles70 Yards0025K0Pawnee
26.82004-03-27337°58'N / 99°29'W38°05'N / 99°25'W8.50 Miles1300 Yards00480K50KEdwards
 Brief Description: This tornado became very large and dusty. Several farms were hit with minor damage to other outbuildings across it's path. One farm sustained a direct hit. Five equipment buildings were destroyed and the house was knocked from it's foundation. Trees were mangled and debarked. A stock trailer was blown 3/4 of a mile from it's original location and an oil tank was rolled .3 of a mile. A stack of hay bales was demolished with the remnants piled 10 feet thick in a grove of trees. One large cedar tree was carried about a mile. As the tornado was dissipating, it crossed into Pawnee county at a location 12 miles north of Kinsley.
26.91962-05-20237°26'N / 99°05'W37°48'N / 99°05'W25.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Kiowa
27.72006-04-01237°41'N / 98°38'W37°44'N / 98°34'W4.90 Miles200 Yards0000Pratt
 Brief Description: A barn was destroyed, a house damaged, large trees uprooted, a bailing trailer thrown into trees and several pivot sprinklers were destroyed.
27.81956-10-29338°22'N / 98°46'W0.60 Mile147 Yards01250K0Barton
28.71991-03-26337°48'N / 98°30'W37°48'N / 98°29'W1.00 Mile220 Yards000K0Pratt
28.92008-05-23237°48'N / 99°33'W37°54'N / 99°22'W13.00 Miles950 Yards000K0KEdwards
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved out of Ford county at 22:19 CDT. It took down power poles, overturned pivot irrigation sprinklers and produced low end EF2 damage to outbuildings and a house. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
29.41966-08-06238°24'N / 98°48'W0.20 Mile200 Yards0125K0Barton
30.02001-04-21238°23'N / 99°12'W38°23'N / 99°12'W1.50 Miles100 Yards00200K0Rush
 Brief Description: Two farms received heavy damage (grain bins, roofs, shed and vehicle)
30.52002-05-07237°42'N / 98°48'W37°34'N / 98°28'W22.00 Miles1800 Yards0020.0M0Pratt
 Brief Description: This very large tornado moved southeast across much of Pratt. Damage was rated a STRONG F2. There were 14 homes destroyed, 15 with major damage and 230 with minor damage. Over 50 Pivot sprinklers were damaged or destroyed. Despite the very heavy damage, there were no injuries thanks in part to adequate warnings.
32.01970-06-13238°08'N / 99°31'W38°15'N / 99°28'W8.40 Miles33 Yards0025K0Pawnee
32.11956-10-29338°06'N / 99°29'W38°19'N / 99°29'W14.90 Miles440 Yards003K0Pawnee
33.11974-06-10237°31'N / 98°54'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Pratt
33.41964-06-10238°28'N / 99°05'W0025K0Rush
33.41959-05-04237°44'N / 98°25'W37°53'N / 98°22'W10.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Reno
33.61955-06-04437°29'N / 100°02'W38°11'N / 99°03'W72.20 Miles100 Yards00250K0Ford
33.71991-03-26337°48'N / 98°29'W38°07'N / 98°12'W25.00 Miles220 Yards01250K0Reno
34.22008-05-23337°28'N / 98°37'W37°46'N / 98°29'W22.00 Miles1430 Yards220K0KPratt
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This 3/4 mile wide tornado produced EF3 damage and unfortunately claimed two lives. A husband and wife were parked on highway 54 approximately 2 1/4 miles east of Cairo. The tornado picked up their car and carried it approximately 1700 feet NNE into a wheat field (they were not discovered until the next morning at about 9 AM). The female occupant was ejected and was found 30 feet southwest of the wreckage. The male was still strapped in his seat. The car was nearly unrecognizable. A second vehicle (3/4 ton truck) was parked 20 yards behind the aforementioned car. It also went airborne briefly but got lodged on the north side ditch. The two male occupants received numerous cuts and bruises but were otherwise unhurt. They both claimed it was extremely cold immediately after crawling out of their vehicle with heavy vapor breath noticed. This tornado destroyed a home about a mile north and the collapsed east wall trapped a male in the bathtub where he had taken cover. Help was needed in lifting the wall off of him but he claimed he was not hurt. Other homes in the tornadoes path received minor to moderate damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
35.51972-04-30338°13'N / 99°30'W38°27'N / 99°24'W17.00 Miles77 Yards00250K0Pawnee
35.82002-05-07337°41'N / 99°29'W37°36'N / 99°24'W10.00 Miles600 Yards01800K0Kiowa
 Brief Description: This tornado moved slowly east/northeast at first and then turned south/southeast striking two farms. One person was thrown from the house and into the yard.
36.72001-04-14237°34'N / 98°38'W37°34'N / 98°29'W7.50 Miles800 Yards0000Pratt
 Brief Description: Shed destroyed, combine moved, 2 pivot sprinklers destroyed, grain silo destroyed and power poles knocked down.
37.02008-05-23237°46'N / 99°37'W37°48'N / 99°33'W4.00 Miles850 Yards000K0KFord
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado produced EF2 damage to trees and pivot irrigation systems. It caused EF1 damage to a house and grain bin. It took down several power poles and power lines. The tornado moved into Edwards county at 22:19 CDT. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
37.21964-05-05237°30'N / 98°41'W000K0Pratt
37.31955-06-04338°15'N / 98°25'W38°17'N / 98°19'W5.90 Miles200 Yards0025K0Rice
37.91956-04-02338°21'N / 98°34'W38°31'N / 98°31'W11.70 Miles350 Yards0125K0Barton
38.31973-09-25337°08'N / 99°31'W37°49'N / 98°54'W58.00 Miles80 Yards00250K0Comanche
38.62001-04-21438°30'N / 98°47'W38°34'N / 98°46'W5.00 Miles660 Yards12843.0M0Barton
 Brief Description: Initial touchdown occurred 1 mile southwest of Hoisington. The tornado rapidly achieved F3 intensity as it entered the west side of town. Moving northeast around 20 mph, the tornado intensified to F4 within 2-3 minutes. While crossing northwest Hoisington, the tornado inflicted a path about 2 miles long and about 2 blocks wide of almost complete destruction. Damage summary: 182 homes destroyed, 52 homes with major damage, 180 homes with minor to moderate damage, 12 businesses destroyed, tore the roof off the hospital, and severed power to most (if not all) areas on the northwest and north sides of town. As the tornado exited through the north side of town it weakened rapidly, inflicting F1-F2 damage as it approached Deception Creek which runs in a southeast to northwest manner 3 miles northeast of town. Once the tornado crossed the creek, it suddenly turned toward the northwest where it damaged two farmsteads shortly before dissipating. One man, 69 years of age, was killed when a minivan fell on him. There were 28 injuries of which 3 were critical. M69PH
39.31957-04-22237°30'N / 98°36'W000K0Pratt
39.52002-05-07337°43'N / 99°34'W37°40'N / 99°35'W4.00 Miles900 Yards0000Ford
 Brief Description: This tornado became quite large as it moved at first to the southwest and then turned southeast. The tornado completely stripped topsoil from one field and debarked trees at a pond. Several dozen cattle were killed with several 1500 pound heifers carried 3/4 of a mile. Two other tornadoes crossed nearly the same location within an hour, which may have contributed to the scouring of the topsoil.
39.61968-06-18338°30'N / 99°18'W0.50 Mile220 Yards08250K0Rush
39.72002-05-07337°42'N / 99°33'W37°37'N / 99°33'W8.50 Miles1800 Yards0000Ford
 Brief Description: This tornado which developed in the same general tornadoes earlier, moved southwest and then finally turned south and southeast. It grew very large and at one time was 1 mile wide. Extreme damage was done to trees and irrigation pipe.
40.02007-05-04537°23'N / 99°22'W37°37'N / 99°19'W26.00 Miles3000 Yards1163250.0M0KKiowa
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This killer tornado started in Comanche county and crossed into Kiowa county at 2003 CST / 2103 CDT. It curved north then northwest before making a complete loop northwest of Greensburg. Thus, the path was 25.8 miles. This tornado destroyed nearly 95 percent of the town of Greensburg and despite adequate warning, unfortunately took the life of 11 people, some that were in basements. First responders arriving on the scene requested three refrigerated refer trucks thinking there would be hundreds of fatalities. It also destroyed a dozen homes and a church south of Greensburg but did not cause injury. In all, 961 homes and businesses were destroyed, 216 received major damage and 307 received minor damage. As the tornado was dissipating it turned northwest, west, south and then back east making a loop. This was documented on both high resolution doppler radar and through the ground survey. Also as the tornado was dissipating a new circulation quickly grew northeast of town. Several oil storage tanks were destroyed causing an environmental concern. In the town of Greensburg, hazardous material was strewn everywhere. As of July 26th, the debris was still not fully cleaned up. Two landfills were filled with debris from the town and this was even as most was burned. Hundreds of thousands of dump truck loads were taken out. It was estimated that approximately 400,000 cubic yards of debris was removed. The major highway running through town was closed for 1 full month. At one time there were over 150 law enforcement officers (from all over the country) present. Military was called in for debris removal and rebuilding. Damage of insured losses exceeded $150 million, but including un-insured losses, was roughly 250 million dollars. **** NOTE **** The 11th victim passed away on September 19th, 2007 after a long battle with a head injury sustained during the tornado. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A destructive tornado, the first 5 rating on the new Enhanced-Fujita Scale and the first 5 classification since May 3, 1999 when an F5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma occurred on this day. There were 12 tornadoes during about a 4 hour period, one a little over 2 miles wide! Two of the tornadoes existed for over 1 hour as they churned up the ground, leveling homes and causing fatalities along their path. Miraculously, on 13 people perished, 11 in Greensburg - a miracle because over 90 percent of the town of Greensburg was literately wiped off the face of the earth. Another round of tornadoes occurred the following day across generally the same area. Nearly 250 pivot irrigation sprinklers were damaged or destroyed during the 2 day outbreak. Due to the number of sprinklers involved and the lack of replacements, some farmers would be out of service for over 1 year.
40.62002-05-07237°43'N / 99°40'W37°43'N / 99°34'W1.90 Miles300 Yards00150K0Ford
 Brief Description: This first tornado of the afternoon came close to striking a farm that was plowing his field. His tractor was running low on fuel and just made it back to shelter as irrigation pipe was flying by. Several pivots were destroyed.
40.71964-11-14237°31'N / 98°40'W37°28'N / 98°28'W11.30 Miles300 Yards0025K0Pratt
41.11990-05-24338°27'N / 98°33'W38°29'N / 98°27'W4.00 Miles1320 Yards04250K0Barton
41.31975-05-27338°32'N / 98°38'W0.50 Mile20 Yards00250K0Barton
42.01951-06-21238°32'N / 99°19'W000K0Rush
42.12008-05-23237°22'N / 98°45'W37°27'N / 98°44'W7.00 Miles250 Yards000K0KBarber
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado produced EF2 damage to trees and turned sharply northwest as it dissipated. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
42.21973-04-30238°28'N / 99°27'W0.20 Mile100 Yards003K0Rush
42.41962-05-24338°03'N / 98°11'W020K0Reno
42.61964-04-22338°16'N / 98°38'W38°42'N / 98°20'W34.00 Miles880 Yards00250K0Barton
42.61950-05-16237°33'N / 98°25'W0.20 Mile200 Yards003K0Kingman
42.91964-06-10238°31'N / 98°32'W0.50 Mile150 Yards00250K0Barton
43.51964-06-12238°31'N / 98°46'W38°42'N / 98°48'W12.60 Miles33 Yards0125K0Barton
44.11956-04-02338°31'N / 98°31'W38°31'N / 98°28'W2.30 Miles350 Yards0025K0Barton
45.01972-04-30438°16'N / 99°43'W38°18'N / 99°41'W2.30 Miles77 Yards00250K0Ness
45.61990-05-24338°29'N / 98°27'W38°32'N / 98°25'W6.00 Miles1320 Yards02250K0Rice
45.91959-07-10237°38'N / 99°40'W000K0Ford
46.01956-04-02338°32'N / 98°33'W38°35'N / 98°28'W5.40 Miles33 Yards0025K0Ellsworth
46.31973-09-25337°37'N / 99°45'W37°43'N / 99°39'W8.80 Miles73 Yards0025K0Ford
46.31971-06-09238°28'N / 98°24'W38°30'N / 98°21'W3.60 Miles440 Yards0125K0Rice
46.62008-05-23237°22'N / 99°24'W37°26'N / 99°20'W6.00 Miles760 Yards000K0KKiowa
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved out of Comanche county and did EF2 damage to trees and power poles. It crossed the path of the tornado that occurred on May 4, 2007. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
47.51973-03-13237°21'N / 99°20'W37°23'N / 99°18'W2.30 Miles40 Yards0025K0Comanche
47.91962-05-24238°09'N / 98°06'W020K0Reno
48.01956-04-02338°31'N / 98°28'W38°36'N / 98°25'W6.10 Miles350 Yards0025K0Rice
48.52008-05-23237°24'N / 99°33'W37°31'N / 99°31'W10.00 Miles2815 Yards000K0KKiowa
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This large tornado moved out of Clark county where it had done EF3 damage. In Kiowa county, EF2 damage was done to a concrete walled house. Trees also received EF2 damage. A power pole with transmission wire attached was deposited from an unknown location. The tornado turned sharply west towards the end of it's life. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An anonymously strong upper level system allowed everything to come together at the surface to produced what is perhaps the biggest tornado outbreak to ever occur in the Dodge City CWA! Fifty-five tornadoes were documented during that afternoon and evening! Some of the tornadoes were very large and damaging. The character of the supercell thunderstorms that day had similarities to the storms that produced the Greensburg tornado a little over a year after. In fact there was one tornado that was just as large and perhaps could have been just as damaging that was headed towards the small Kiowa county town but fortunately turned and dissipated.
49.01972-05-22238°00'N / 99°54'W38°02'N / 99°49'W5.10 Miles33 Yards000K0Hodgeman
49.41964-05-05238°34'N / 98°36'W38°43'N / 98°33'W10.60 Miles1320 Yards0025K0Barton

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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