Rural Vista Unified School District 481 Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes
The chance of earthquake damage in Rural Vista Unified School District 481 is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Rural Vista Unified School District 481 is lower than Kansas average and is higher than the national average.
Earthquake Index, #46
Rural Vista Unified School District 481 | 0.04 |
Kansas | 0.05 |
U.S. | 1.81 |
The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.
Volcano Index, #1
Rural Vista Unified School District 481 | 0.0000 |
Kansas | 0.0000 |
U.S. | 0.0023 |
The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.
Tornado Index, #203
Rural Vista Unified School District 481 | 203.39 |
Kansas | 252.53 |
U.S. | 136.45 |
The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.
Other Weather Extremes Events
A total of 4,293 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Rural Vista Unified School District 481 were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:
Type | Count | Type | Count | Type | Count | Type | Count | Type | Count |
Avalanche: | 0 | Blizzard: | 5 | Cold: | 8 | Dense Fog: | 9 | Drought: | 4 |
Dust Storm: | 0 | Flood: | 285 | Hail: | 2,220 | Heat: | 23 | Heavy Snow: | 28 |
High Surf: | 0 | Hurricane: | 0 | Ice Storm: | 11 | Landslide: | 0 | Strong Wind: | 42 |
Thunderstorm Winds: | 1,454 | Tropical Storm: | 0 | Wildfire: | 0 | Winter Storm: | 60 | Winter Weather: | 33 |
Other: | 111 |
Volcanos Nearby
No volcano is found in or near Rural Vista Unified School District 481.
Historical Earthquake Events
No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Rural Vista Unified School District 481.
No historical earthquake events found in or near Rural Vista Unified School District 481.
Historical Tornado Events
A total of 74 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Rural Vista Unified School District 481.
Distance (miles) | Date | Magnitude | Start Lat/Log | End Lat/Log | Length | Width | Fatalities | Injuries | Property Damage | Crop Damage | Affected County |
6.0 | 1952-08-14 | 2 | 38°41'N / 97°01'W | 1.50 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Dickinson | |
8.4 | 1950-07-01 | 2 | 38°42'N / 97°05'W | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Dickinson | |||
9.3 | 1990-03-13 | 2 | 38°36'N / 96°58'W | 38°54'N / 96°34'W | 30.00 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Morris |
10.3 | 1953-06-19 | 2 | 38°36'N / 97°04'W | 38°36'N / 96°54'W | 8.80 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Marion |
14.5 | 2008-06-11 | 3 | 38°54'N / 97°07'W | 38°59'N / 96°57'W | 13.00 Miles | 880 Yards | 1 | 3 | 20.2M | 0K | Dickinson |
Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This is the first segment of a tornado that moved through 2 counties. This tornado continued northeast out of Dickinson County and dissipated shortly after entering Geary County. The tornado first touched down at a farmstead to the north-northwest of the town of Enterprise. A grain bin was destroyed, and some tree damage was observed. Damage was also noted to another farmstead where a grain bin was destroyed, as were a center pivot and several power poles. The tornado then entered Chapman on the southwest side. It was reported that 70 homes were completely destroyed, and 215 damaged. In all, three-quarters of the buildings in town sustained damage. Two churches were demolished. The town's middle school and high school were both severely damaged. Approximately 100 residents were in the locker rooms of the high school seeking shelter from the storm when the tornado struck. Trees across town were twisted and nearly stripped of their leaves and branches. For the most part, the downtown business section received only minor damage. Once outside the town, another farmstead was hit which damaged trees and outbuildings before lifting to the northeast of town. Debris from the town was littered for several miles east of the town. Dozens of individuals sustained minor injuries. Three were critically injured. One death was reported when a tree was blown onto a woman who had just put here daughter into the carseat of her vehicle. Thousands of volunteers took part in the clean-up effort over the next few weeks. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Two long lived supercells wreaked havoc across portions of north central and northeast Kansas on the night of June 11th. Three significant tornadoes touched down, caused millions of dollars in damage, killed two, and critically injured three citizens. The town of Chapman saw the most extensive damage. Approximately three-quarters of the town were damaged by the tornado that passed through. Numerous homes were demolished, as were both the middle school and high school. One death occured, as a result of a tree having fallen onto a young woman oustide her car, who had just placed her daughter into her car seat. The most severe, but more localized damage occurred in the Miller Ranch neighborhood in Manhattan, where several homes were completely destroyed. Several buildings on the Kansas StiThe Soldier, Kansas tornado was responsible for the other death. A man was killed in his mobile home when it flipped several times and was found a few miles from it's original location. The unoccupied home a few hundred feet from the mobile home went virtually untouched. Thousands of citizens turned up over the next few weeks to help with the clean-up effort in both Chapman and Manhattan. | |||||||||||
15.3 | 1990-03-13 | 2 | 38°28'N / 97°05'W | 38°36'N / 96°58'W | 10.00 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Marion |
17.8 | 1971-06-06 | 3 | 38°48'N / 96°37'W | 2.00 Miles | 200 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Morris | |
18.4 | 1974-03-07 | 2 | 38°38'N / 96°42'W | 38°41'N / 96°32'W | 9.40 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Morris |
19.3 | 1964-06-21 | 2 | 38°57'N / 97°11'W | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Dickinson | |||
19.8 | 1972-04-30 | 3 | 38°55'N / 97°14'W | 1.50 Miles | 300 Yards | 0 | 6 | 250K | 0 | Dickinson | |
19.9 | 1951-05-21 | 2 | 39°02'N / 96°58'W | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Geary | |||
21.8 | 1969-06-17 | 2 | 38°40'N / 96°36'W | 38°42'N / 96°29'W | 6.20 Miles | 37 Yards | 0 | 6 | 250K | 0 | Morris |
22.5 | 1990-05-24 | 3 | 38°29'N / 97°22'W | 38°30'N / 97°02'W | 18.00 Miles | 400 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Marion |
23.4 | 1974-03-07 | 2 | 38°41'N / 96°32'W | 38°44'N / 96°29'W | 4.50 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Morris |
25.2 | 1990-03-13 | 2 | 38°54'N / 96°34'W | 38°56'N / 96°29'W | 5.00 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Geary |
25.8 | 1964-06-21 | 3 | 38°57'N / 97°22'W | 39°02'N / 97°14'W | 8.90 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Dickinson |
25.9 | 1974-03-07 | 2 | 38°44'N / 96°29'W | 38°48'N / 96°26'W | 5.10 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Wabaunsee |
28.4 | 1959-12-26 | 2 | 39°02'N / 97°19'W | 2.00 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Dickinson | |
29.3 | 1985-08-17 | 3 | 38°48'N / 96°24'W | 2.00 Miles | 50 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Wabaunsee | |
29.5 | 1992-06-15 | 2 | 38°33'N / 97°30'W | 38°33'N / 97°21'W | 7.00 Miles | 73 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Mcpherson |
30.0 | 1990-03-13 | 2 | 38°56'N / 96°29'W | 39°01'N / 96°27'W | 10.00 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Wabaunsee |
30.5 | 1966-06-08 | 3 | 39°04'N / 96°46'W | 39°16'N / 96°46'W | 13.80 Miles | 660 Yards | 0 | 50 | 2.5M | 0 | Riley |
30.7 | 1966-06-08 | 2 | 39°08'N / 97°09'W | 39°13'N / 97°01'W | 8.90 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Clay |
32.1 | 1956-04-02 | 3 | 38°15'N / 96°52'W | 38°23'N / 96°33'W | 19.40 Miles | 500 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Marion |
32.1 | 1953-05-10 | 3 | 38°21'N / 96°40'W | 38°56'N / 96°03'W | 52.20 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Chase |
32.1 | 1973-09-25 | 3 | 38°58'N / 97°28'W | 39°05'N / 97°22'W | 9.40 Miles | 100 Yards | 1 | 2 | 25.0M | 0 | Ottawa |
32.2 | 2008-06-11 | 3 | 38°45'N / 97°40'W | 38°51'N / 97°24'W | 16.00 Miles | 225 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.6M | 0K | Saline |
Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Widespread damage was noted to several homes, businesses, and trees along the tornadoes path. One cabinet making business had a 10000 square foot section of roof removed, with a total of 20000 square feet of damage to the structure as a sprinkler main broke pouring water onto the factory floor. Several homes sustained damage due to garage doors collapsing in the wind and ultimately lifting the roofs off of the homes. One home sustained slightly more damage than the rest, as two exterior walls were also blown out. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Supercell thunderstorms erupted along a strong cold front across Central Kansas. The supercell storms produced destructive hail and damaging winds, along with tornadoes across Central, Kansas. A few strong tornadoes touched down just south of Salina, Kansas. The supercells would continue to track to the northeast and eventually produce the tornadoes that would hit Chapman, Kansas and Manhattan, Kansas. | |||||||||||
32.6 | 1954-08-05 | 2 | 38°10'N / 97°07'W | 38°23'N / 96°53'W | 19.60 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Marion |
32.7 | 1964-04-22 | 2 | 38°19'N / 96°41'W | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Chase | |||
32.8 | 1973-09-25 | 3 | 39°05'N / 97°22'W | 39°08'N / 97°18'W | 4.70 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25.0M | 0 | Dickinson |
32.9 | 2008-06-11 | 4 | 39°07'N / 96°42'W | 39°12'N / 96°34'W | 9.00 Miles | 440 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0K | Riley |
Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down to the southwest of Manahattan on a farm, and first destroyed a large machine shed, and threw a grain cart into an adjacent field. The tornado tracked to the northeast and destroyed several homes that were in the process of being built. Then, the tornado entered the Miller Ranch area of Manhattan, where the EF-4 damage was observed. Fifteen well built homes were completely destroyed. Nearby in the Amherst residential area, approximately thirty homes were damaged. A local newspaper reported that 45 residences in Manhattan were destroyed, 142 were damaged, and 637 were affected by the tornado. Ninety three apartments or duplexes, twenty mobile homes, and ten total businesses were impacted. Thereafter, the windows at the Little Apple Honda/Toyota car dealership were blown out, and several cars on the lots were tossed. A nearby hardware store and several self-storage units were demolished. Other nearby businesses were also damaged. The Lee Elementary School was then damaged. The tornado continued toward the Kansas State University campus. There, the roof was blown off a fraternity house, windows were blown out of buildings, the USDA Wind Erosion Labratory roof was damaged, and debris from damage to the southwest was blown across the campus. Summer classes at the University were shuffled around to find appropriate, undamaged buildings to hold summer students. New student orientation was also going on the week the tornado struck. It was reported that $20 million dollars in damage was done to the KSU campus alone. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Two long lived supercells wreaked havoc across portions of north central and northeast Kansas on the night of June 11th. Three significant tornadoes touched down, caused millions of dollars in damage, killed two, and critically injured three citizens. The town of Chapman saw the most extensive damage. Approximately three-quarters of the town were damaged by the tornado that passed through. Numerous homes were demolished, as were both the middle school and high school. One death occured, as a result of a tree having fallen onto a young woman oustide her car, who had just placed her daughter into her car seat. The most severe, but more localized damage occurred in the Miller Ranch neighborhood in Manhattan, where several homes were completely destroyed. Several buildings on the Kansas StiThe Soldier, Kansas tornado was responsible for the other death. A man was killed in his mobile home when it flipped several times and was found a few miles from it's original location. The unoccupied home a few hundred feet from the mobile home went virtually untouched. Thousands of citizens turned up over the next few weeks to help with the clean-up effort in both Chapman and Manhattan. | |||||||||||
33.7 | 1960-04-13 | 2 | 38°54'N / 97°32'W | 1.00 Mile | 150 Yards | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Saline | |
34.0 | 1990-03-13 | 5 | 38°13'N / 97°20'W | 38°25'N / 97°10'W | 16.00 Miles | 1320 Yards | 1 | 0 | 25.0M | 0 | Marion |
34.1 | 1964-04-22 | 2 | 38°17'N / 96°43'W | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Chase | |||
34.1 | 1954-04-05 | 2 | 39°11'N / 96°55'W | 39°17'N / 96°46'W | 10.40 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Geary |
34.2 | 1970-03-02 | 2 | 38°10'N / 97°11'W | 38°22'N / 97°01'W | 16.40 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Ellsworth |
36.4 | 1987-05-18 | 2 | 38°27'N / 96°23'W | 38°29'N / 96°21'W | 3.00 Miles | 300 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Chase |
36.5 | 1950-05-18 | 3 | 38°07'N / 96°49'W | 38°20'N / 96°49'W | 14.90 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 2 | 250K | 0 | Chase |
36.6 | 1973-09-25 | 3 | 38°37'N / 97°46'W | 38°58'N / 97°28'W | 29.00 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 6 | 25.0M | 0 | Saline |
37.2 | 1962-06-24 | 2 | 38°51'N / 97°37'W | 0.50 Mile | 27 Yards | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Saline | |
37.7 | 1969-06-21 | 3 | 38°49'N / 97°38'W | 2.00 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 60 | 25.0M | 0 | Saline | |
37.9 | 1960-05-16 | 2 | 39°12'N / 97°20'W | 0.30 Mile | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Clay | |
38.3 | 1973-09-25 | 3 | 39°08'N / 97°18'W | 39°23'N / 97°07'W | 19.80 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 20 | 25.0M | 0 | Clay |
39.2 | 1974-05-13 | 2 | 38°10'N / 97°09'W | 38°12'N / 96°56'W | 11.90 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Marion |
39.5 | 1951-05-25 | 3 | 39°16'N / 97°11'W | 39°19'N / 97°08'W | 4.10 Miles | 440 Yards | 1 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Clay |
40.0 | 1971-05-31 | 2 | 38°12'N / 97°15'W | 38°12'N / 97°08'W | 6.20 Miles | 200 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Marion |
40.1 | 1956-04-02 | 3 | 38°23'N / 96°33'W | 38°50'N / 95°53'W | 47.50 Miles | 500 Yards | 0 | 2 | 2.5M | 0 | Marion |
40.1 | 1955-04-27 | 2 | 38°23'N / 97°37'W | 38°29'N / 97°31'W | 8.70 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Mcpherson |
41.0 | 1959-05-04 | 2 | 39°15'N / 97°23'W | 39°15'N / 97°18'W | 3.80 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Ottawa |
41.1 | 1990-05-24 | 3 | 38°31'N / 97°54'W | 38°29'N / 97°22'W | 30.00 Miles | 400 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Mcpherson |
41.3 | 1973-09-25 | 3 | 39°03'N / 97°35'W | 39°18'N / 97°22'W | 20.70 Miles | 67 Yards | 0 | 2 | 25.0M | 0 | Ottawa |
41.3 | 1974-03-07 | 2 | 38°48'N / 96°26'W | 38°58'N / 95°57'W | 28.30 Miles | 220 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Wabaunsee |
41.6 | 1965-06-21 | 2 | 39°16'N / 96°33'W | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Pottawatomie | |||
41.9 | 1971-07-09 | 2 | 38°28'N / 96°16'W | 38°31'N / 96°12'W | 4.90 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Lyon |
42.5 | 1973-09-26 | 2 | 39°21'N / 97°05'W | 2.50 Miles | 33 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Clay | |
42.6 | 1992-06-15 | 4 | 38°22'N / 97°40'W | 38°27'N / 97°32'W | 6.00 Miles | 73 Yards | 0 | 10 | 25.0M | 0 | Mcpherson |
42.6 | 1962-05-26 | 2 | 38°34'N / 96°11'W | 2.00 Miles | 200 Yards | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Lyon | |
42.8 | 1960-11-27 | 2 | 38°23'N / 97°35'W | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Mcpherson | |||
43.4 | 1964-04-22 | 2 | 38°17'N / 97°29'W | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Mcpherson | |||
44.1 | 1979-10-18 | 2 | 39°17'N / 97°22'W | 39°26'N / 96°58'W | 23.70 Miles | 400 Yards | 0 | 11 | 2.5M | 0 | Clay |
44.3 | 1954-03-18 | 2 | 38°45'N / 96°07'W | 0 | 0 | 3K | 0 | Wabaunsee | |||
44.4 | 1990-03-13 | 5 | 38°11'N / 97°25'W | 38°13'N / 97°20'W | 4.00 Miles | 1320 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25.0M | 0 | Mcpherson |
44.8 | 2007-05-05 | 2 | 39°04'N / 97°36'W | 39°13'N / 97°36'W | 11.00 Miles | 100 Yards | 1 | 5 | 0K | 0K | Ottawa |
Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down near the intersection of Granite Rd and 190th Rd approximately 3 miles south of the Ottawa State Fishing Lake. It lifted approximately 11 miles north of it's touchdown point, at Rifle Rd between 200th and 210th Rds. 38 structures were destroyed or damaged; including homes, mobile homes, cabins, outbuildings, and small cottages. A mobile home that was anchored to the ground was totally destroyed by the tornado. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An upper level low pressure system remained relatively stationary over the Central Plains Saturday through Monday, May 5th through May 7th. Severe weather swept across Northeast Kansas during the late evening hours the 5th, and the early morning of the 6th. Hail, strong winds, and tornadoes were all observed over the course of the evening. An F2 tornado that ripped across Ottawa County killed one woman, and injured one other when their mobile home was demolished. At least three other people were confirmed to have been injured during the tornado. NWS Storm Surveys the following day confirmed that damage was created by both tornadoes and strong winds across portions of northeast Kansas, but 6 tornadoes were confirmed. Cloud county qualified for FEMA funds. | |||||||||||
45.2 | 1979-10-18 | 2 | 39°11'N / 97°38'W | 39°17'N / 97°22'W | 15.80 Miles | 400 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25K | 0 | Pawnee |
45.3 | 1990-06-07 | 2 | 38°20'N / 96°16'W | 38°28'N / 96°11'W | 10.00 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 17 | 25.0M | 0 | Lyon |
45.4 | 1991-04-26 | 2 | 38°44'N / 96°15'W | 39°06'N / 96°00'W | 28.00 Miles | 200 Yards | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Wabaunsee |
45.6 | 1974-05-13 | 2 | 38°09'N / 97°42'W | 38°22'N / 97°19'W | 25.60 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Mcpherson |
45.9 | 1990-03-13 | 5 | 38°10'N / 97°23'W | 38°11'N / 97°22'W | 1.00 Mile | 1320 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25.0M | 0 | Mcpherson |
46.6 | 1970-03-02 | 2 | 38°03'N / 97°16'W | 38°10'N / 97°11'W | 9.10 Miles | 360 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Harvey |
47.5 | 1974-06-08 | 4 | 38°25'N / 96°13'W | 38°42'N / 95°58'W | 23.70 Miles | 1760 Yards | 6 | 177 | 25.0M | 0 | Lyon |
47.8 | 1990-03-13 | 5 | 38°09'N / 97°26'W | 38°11'N / 97°25'W | 2.00 Miles | 1320 Yards | 0 | 0 | 25.0M | 0 | Harvey |
47.8 | 1991-04-26 | 2 | 38°06'N / 96°34'W | 38°10'N / 96°29'W | 6.00 Miles | 100 Yards | 0 | 0 | 0K | 0 | Chase |
49.2 | 1974-05-30 | 2 | 38°08'N / 96°34'W | 38°05'N / 96°30'W | 4.70 Miles | 167 Yards | 0 | 0 | 2.5M | 0 | Chase |
49.5 | 1973-09-25 | 2 | 38°32'N / 97°49'W | 0 | 0 | 250K | 0 | Mcpherson |
* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.