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Garnett Unified School District 365 Government Employment and Payroll



269.2 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$11,159.7 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government287$1,014,913$42,43597$38,745305
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction200$798,695$47,92244$24,564210
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total87$216,218$29,82353$14,18195


140.4 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$5,445.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government152$503,599$39,75858$29,592165
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction111$422,578$45,68423$10,922116
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total41$81,021$23,71335$18,67049


133.5 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,236.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government145$388,513$32,15349$16,065153
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction99$326,009$39,51626$7,410104
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total46$62,504$16,30523$8,65549


146.9 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,418.6 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government168$330,225$23,58863$9,075175
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction133$283,648$25,5924$533133
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total35$46,577$15,96959$8,54242


145.0 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,161.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government155$280,913$21,7486$719155
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction108$230,079$25,5640$0108
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total47$50,834$12,9796$71947

The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.

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