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Augusta Unified School District 402 Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Augusta Unified School District 402 is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Augusta Unified School District 402 is higher than Kansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #243

Augusta Unified School District 402

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Augusta Unified School District 402

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #84

Augusta Unified School District 402

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 5,534 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Augusta Unified School District 402 were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:6Cold:12Dense Fog:2Drought:6
Dust Storm:0Flood:303Hail:3,018Heat:11Heavy Snow:22
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:4Landslide:0Strong Wind:33
Thunderstorm Winds:1,987Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:38Winter Weather:18

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Augusta Unified School District 402.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Augusta Unified School District 402.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Augusta Unified School District 402.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 95 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Augusta Unified School District 402.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
4.41960-04-16237°36'N / 97°08'W37°40'N / 96°59'W9.30 Miles33 Yards013K0Butler
7.71958-06-11237°43'N / 97°08'W040K0Butler
8.51991-04-26537°42'N / 97°09'W37°54'N / 96°52'W22.00 Miles700 Yards13150250.0M0Butler
9.91963-05-25237°34'N / 97°07'W020K0Butler
11.01960-11-27237°25'N / 97°15'W37°40'N / 96°58'W23.20 Miles77 Yards02250K0Sumner
11.11987-07-05237°31'N / 97°01'W0.20 Mile50 Yards00250K0Butler
11.91958-06-10437°51'N / 97°01'W37°50'N / 96°51'W9.00 Miles300 Yards1552.5M0Butler
12.51960-04-16237°48'N / 96°50'W010K0Butler
12.71960-10-29237°49'N / 96°51'W2.00 Miles100 Yards0125K0Butler
13.91984-04-29237°43'N / 97°15'W2.00 Miles20 Yards00250K0Sedgwick
14.61958-06-07337°39'N / 97°16'W5.00 Miles1760 Yards0125K0Sedgwick
15.41953-06-21237°45'N / 97°16'W030K0Sedgwick
16.41992-09-05237°42'N / 97°20'W37°42'N / 97°16'W3.00 Miles200 Yards0125.0M0Sedgwick
16.51965-09-03337°39'N / 97°18'W0272.5M0Sedgwick
17.01965-09-20237°37'N / 97°16'W38°12'N / 96°57'W43.80 Miles33 Yards0025K0Sedgwick
17.11955-05-25537°27'N / 97°00'W37°27'N / 96°45'W13.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Cowley
18.21954-10-04237°41'N / 97°20'W0025K0Sedgwick
18.31955-05-25537°23'N / 97°07'W37°27'N / 97°00'W7.80 Miles33 Yards000K0Cowley
18.41991-04-26537°28'N / 97°29'W37°42'N / 97°09'W24.00 Miles440 Yards475250.0M0Sedgwick
18.61964-04-03237°33'N / 97°18'W000K0Sedgwick
19.21958-06-11237°46'N / 97°20'W06250K0Sedgwick
19.42004-06-12337°28'N / 97°14'W37°26'N / 97°11'W4.00 Miles75 Yards02500K75KSumner
 Brief Description: The tornado started moving NE before becoming influenced by the outflow of the storm and darted back to the SE. The tornado ripped the roof off one home and blew out two walls and a roof of another. However, the tornado took dead aim on one home about 3.5 miles SE of Mulvane and completely removed it from it's foundation. Two inhabitants were under the staircase in the basement and escaped with only minor injuries.
19.81991-05-16337°30'N / 97°27'W37°36'N / 97°12'W20.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Sedgwick
20.01999-05-03437°29'N / 97°22'W37°42'N / 97°20'W14.00 Miles880 Yards6150140.0M0Sedgwick
 Brief Description: The same tornado that initially touched down 4 miles north of Wellington in Central Sumner County, SKYWARN reports indicate the tornado crossed the Sumner/Sedgwick County line at 1930, 1 mile west of Peck. Moving northeast at 30 kts, the tornado hit Haysville at 1935, destroying a subdivision just southwest of the South Seneca-South 87th Street intersection where the first 2 fatalities occurred in a mobile home park when a woman and her grandson were killed while running for shelter. (A 6th fatality resulted when an elderly man died from his injuries at a Wichita hospital on May 23rd.) The tornado then moved north along South Seneca Avenue, entering the Haysville Central Business District at 1938. The 3rd fatality occurred at this point when an elderly man was killed in a mobile home at South 75th Street. At the South Seneca/South 71st Street intersection, most of the businesses were heavily damaged or destroyed. Damage summary for Haysville (damaged or destroyed): 150 homes, 27 businesses, 3 churches, 1 library, 4 historic buildings and 1 lodge. The tornado entered South Wichita at 1943 when it crossed South 55th Street. The tornado then veered slightly toward the northwest. At South 47th Street it reassumed a northeast track. Crossing MacArthur Avenue, the tornado leveled the Lakeshore and Pacesetter mobile home parks located just northeast of the South Seneca/MacArthur intersection where the 4th and 5th fatalities occurred, one at each mobile home park. At 1945, the tornado crossed the East Harry Street interchange on I-135 and continued to move northeast, lifting in the College Hill District in Northeast Wichita. Along this entire track, the tornado left a path of destruction 14 miles long and 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide. Damage summary for Sedgwick County: 8,480 buildings (all types) damaged or destroyed. Of these, 2,456 were at least 50% destroyed and 1,109 totally destroyed. M27MH, F43OU, M1OU, M83MH, M68MH, M78MH
22.31965-05-13337°29'N / 97°20'W37°55'N / 97°29'W31.00 Miles100 Yards010250K0Sedgwick
22.61955-05-25537°21'N / 97°09'W37°23'N / 97°07'W2.30 Miles1320 Yards75270250K0Cowley
22.81973-10-11237°39'N / 97°25'W0.70 Mile200 Yards015250K0Sedgwick
23.71980-10-15337°20'N / 96°45'W37°31'N / 96°40'W13.30 Miles150 Yards042.5M0Cowley
23.71965-05-13337°24'N / 97°18'W37°29'N / 97°20'W5.90 Miles100 Yards00250K0Sumner
27.21954-09-09237°49'N / 97°28'W000K0Sedgwick
29.31960-04-28337°42'N / 97°35'W37°46'N / 97°29'W7.10 Miles440 Yards0625K0Sedgwick
30.21956-07-21238°01'N / 97°21'W000K0Harvey
30.51991-04-26237°56'N / 96°43'W38°06'N / 96°34'W15.00 Miles100 Yards04250K0Butler
30.91991-03-26337°15'N / 96°45'W37°23'N / 96°35'W15.00 Miles200 Yards062.5M0Cowley
31.01963-07-12238°03'N / 97°19'W010K0Harvey
31.21973-05-26337°43'N / 97°36'W37°45'N / 97°32'W4.30 Miles400 Yards01250K0Sedgwick
31.61969-06-23437°39'N / 97°39'W37°36'N / 97°30'W8.70 Miles700 Yards06250K0Sedgwick
31.71961-07-13238°02'N / 97°22'W000K0Harvey
32.21970-03-02238°03'N / 97°16'W38°10'N / 97°11'W9.10 Miles360 Yards002.5M0Harvey
32.41991-04-26437°04'N / 97°09'W37°21'N / 96°48'W25.00 Miles500 Yards1025.0M0Cowley
32.71965-05-13337°08'N / 97°18'W37°24'N / 97°18'W18.40 Miles100 Yards00250K0Sumner
32.81973-03-13237°00'N / 96°58'W37°27'N / 96°40'W35.10 Miles50 Yards002.5M0Cowley
33.31962-05-24338°00'N / 97°31'W38°03'N / 97°20'W10.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Reno
34.11965-03-16437°07'N / 97°10'W37°15'N / 96°51'W19.70 Miles300 Yards03250K0Cowley
34.11956-07-01237°49'N / 97°36'W0025K0Sedgwick
34.11965-05-13337°55'N / 97°29'W38°01'N / 97°32'W7.20 Miles100 Yards00250K0Harvey
35.01974-05-13238°10'N / 97°09'W38°12'N / 96°56'W11.90 Miles100 Yards000K0Marion
36.31955-05-25537°00'N / 97°15'W37°21'N / 97°09'W24.70 Miles660 Yards53250K0Sumner
37.22004-08-27237°16'N / 97°24'W37°13'N / 97°24'W3.00 Miles110 Yards00250K0Sumner
 Brief Description: At intersection of E. 40th St. S and Highway 81, 2 miles south of Wellington, two homes were damaged around 1830 CST. The first, a 2-story brick structure, was unroofed and had one wall collapsed. (F2 rating assigned to this property.) Tree damage also occurred on & around the property. The 2nd, neighboring home, of wood frame construction, was located 30 feet distant, and sustained minor roof damag. (F0 rating assigned to this property.) In addition, four power poles were snapped to near the ground as were, of course, their associated power lines.
37.21991-04-26337°28'N / 96°25'W37°37'N / 96°16'W12.00 Miles200 Yards12250K0Elk
37.61971-05-31238°12'N / 97°15'W38°12'N / 97°08'W6.20 Miles200 Yards00250K0Marion
38.12004-05-29337°23'N / 97°36'W37°22'N / 97°34'W2.50 Miles500 Yards001.0M0Sumner
 Brief Description: Considerable damage to two homesteads; the first being a sturdy brick home. All exterior walls ripped from the home, only leaving only the interior. Home owner ran down the stairs as the tornado hit and avoided injury. Further southeast, a modular home was completely removed from above a viewout basement. It was here that an amazing survival occurred. The homeowner sought refuge in a safe room in the basement and was unharmed, despite the fact a propane tank landed in the basement and began to leak. Breathing became difficult as fumes permeated the saferoom. At the same time, the saferoom began to flood, however the rising water levels dissipated the fumes. In addition, a semi-truck was thrown approximately 100 feet.
38.31974-05-30238°04'N / 96°29'W37°49'N / 96°17'W20.40 Miles167 Yards010K0Greenwood
38.51991-03-26337°05'N / 97°09'W37°10'N / 97°03'W7.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Cowley
38.81953-05-10237°00'N / 97°36'W37°23'N / 97°07'W37.50 Miles33 Yards0025K0Sumner
39.01956-04-02437°15'N / 96°32'W37°18'N / 96°28'W5.10 Miles880 Yards0025K0Chautauqua
39.01974-05-30238°05'N / 96°30'W38°04'N / 96°29'W000K0Butler
39.11950-05-18338°07'N / 96°49'W38°20'N / 96°49'W14.90 Miles100 Yards02250K0Chase
39.21974-05-30238°08'N / 96°34'W38°05'N / 96°30'W4.70 Miles167 Yards002.5M0Chase
39.31952-06-19237°11'N / 97°25'W37°13'N / 97°22'W3.30 Miles60 Yards0025K0Sumner
39.51990-03-13537°56'N / 97°43'W38°10'N / 97°23'W26.00 Miles1320 Yards15925.0M0Harvey
39.72004-05-29337°22'N / 97°38'W37°24'N / 97°37'W2.50 Miles600 Yards0117.8M100KSumner
 Brief Description: The following were destroyed: 15 farm dwellings and service buildings, 25 pieces of farm machinery and equipment, many miles of transmission line, with most of wheat a total loss. (This portion of narrative courtesy of USDA Flash Situation Report.) In addition, major damage to several homes along highway 49. One modular was completely removed from over a viewout basement. A teenage boy sought refuge under the staircase in the basement only to watch a car thrown overhead. He escaped unharmed. However, one woman wasn't so fortunate; the resident of a mobile home that was completely destroyed. The only recognizable parts were the steel girders that ran along the base of the home. She had sought refuge in the bathroom and was holding on to the commode. She was thrown several feet from the homestead and received several injuries. Fortunately, none were serious.
39.81960-11-27237°19'N / 96°28'W37°30'N / 96°15'W17.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Elk
39.81962-05-24338°02'N / 97°40'W38°00'N / 97°31'W8.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Harvey
40.01990-03-13538°10'N / 97°23'W38°11'N / 97°22'W1.00 Mile1320 Yards0025.0M0Mcpherson
40.21956-04-02437°18'N / 96°28'W37°28'N / 96°16'W15.80 Miles880 Yards162.5M0Elk
40.81991-04-26238°06'N / 96°34'W38°10'N / 96°29'W6.00 Miles100 Yards000K0Chase
40.91990-03-13538°09'N / 97°26'W38°11'N / 97°25'W2.00 Miles1320 Yards0025.0M0Harvey
41.11970-03-02238°10'N / 97°11'W38°22'N / 97°01'W16.40 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Ellsworth
41.21991-04-26337°37'N / 96°16'W37°38'N / 96°14'W2.00 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Greenwood
41.31954-08-05238°10'N / 97°07'W38°23'N / 96°53'W19.60 Miles33 Yards000K0Marion
41.51990-03-13538°11'N / 97°25'W38°13'N / 97°20'W4.00 Miles1320 Yards0025.0M0Mcpherson
42.11956-04-02437°00'N / 96°49'W37°15'N / 96°32'W23.20 Miles880 Yards162.5M0Cowley
42.21981-05-17237°04'N / 97°03'W0.50 Mile100 Yards002.5M0Cowley
42.41974-05-13238°09'N / 97°49'W38°10'N / 97°09'W36.20 Miles100 Yards020K0Harvey
43.71997-05-25237°08'N / 97°30'W37°10'N / 97°23'W8.00 Miles1700 Yards001.9M0KSumner
44.61955-04-27238°02'N / 97°41'W2.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Harvey
44.61964-04-22238°17'N / 96°43'W003K0Chase
44.71965-06-04337°50'N / 97°50'W37°54'N / 97°44'W6.90 Miles880 Yards02250K0Reno
44.71965-03-16437°00'N / 97°19'W37°07'N / 97°10'W11.50 Miles300 Yards02250K0Sumner
44.81961-03-26238°01'N / 96°18'W2.00 Miles440 Yards01250K0Greenwood
44.91956-04-02437°28'N / 96°16'W37°36'N / 96°08'W11.50 Miles880 Yards000K0Elk
44.91959-06-18237°32'N / 96°12'W2.50 Miles100 Yards003K0Elk
45.31965-06-03237°22'N / 96°18'W37°39'N / 96°06'W22.40 Miles87 Yards000K0Elk
46.21990-03-13538°13'N / 97°20'W38°25'N / 97°10'W16.00 Miles1320 Yards1025.0M0Marion
46.21991-03-26337°00'N / 97°23'W37°05'N / 97°09'W16.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Sumner
46.91956-04-02338°15'N / 96°52'W38°23'N / 96°33'W19.40 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Marion
47.41964-04-22238°19'N / 96°41'W000K0Chase
48.11973-04-30236°59'N / 97°05'W0.40 Mile67 Yards0025K0Kay
48.41990-03-13338°10'N / 97°40'W38°14'N / 97°31'W10.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Mcpherson
48.41955-05-25537°00'N / 97°15'W37°03'N / 97°24'W8.80 Miles500 Yards00250K0Sumner
48.71974-05-13238°09'N / 97°42'W38°22'N / 97°19'W25.60 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Mcpherson
48.71990-03-13537°46'N / 98°01'W37°56'N / 97°43'W21.00 Miles1320 Yards0125.0M0Reno
49.41964-04-22238°17'N / 97°29'W003K0Mcpherson
49.51990-03-13338°08'N / 97°42'W38°10'N / 97°40'W3.00 Miles17 Yards00250K0Harvey

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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