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North Fayette Community School District Government Employment and Payroll



148.3 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$5,004.8 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government84$311,439$44,49191$79,349139
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction64$262,985$49,3104$4,98565
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total20$48,454$29,07287$74,36474


138.0 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$5,143.9 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government96$347,182$43,39888$66,042133
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction76$299,351$47,26648$34,32199
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total20$47,831$28,69940$31,72134


127.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,555.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government106$331,651$37,54596$72,637136
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction82$274,628$40,18941$30,25790
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total24$57,023$28,51255$42,38045


104.1 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,325.7 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government103$275,384$32,08492$65,496128
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction82$231,160$33,82851$38,31693
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total21$44,224$25,27141$27,18035


107.0 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$2,976.2 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government99$241,730$29,30182$52,661127
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction80$206,852$31,02842$27,65294
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total19$34,878$22,02840$25,00933

The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.

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