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Northfield Township High School District 225


Northfield Township High School District 225 is located in northeast Illinois. Northfield Township High School District 225 has 32.60 square miles of land area and 0.28 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Northfield Township High School District 225 population is 86,734. Northfield Township High School District 225 median household income is $93,661 in 2010-2014. Northfield Township High School District 225 median house value is $475,300 in 2010-2014. On average, Northfield Township High School District 225 is much better than the state average in quality.

Ranking: (6 out of 476, top 1%)*
Type:Regular Local School District
Grade:Grade 9 to Grade 12
Number of Schools:4
Population86,734 (2010-2014), rank #31
Population Growth1.63% since 2005-2009, see rank
Population Density:2,637.65/sq mi, rank #150
Median Household Income:$93,661 at 2010-2014—-7.79% increase since 2005-2009, rank #50
Median House Price:$475,300 at 2010-2014—-12.76% increase since 2005-2009, rank #24
Time Zone:Central GMT -6:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:32.60 sq mi, rank #515
Water Area:0.28 sq mi (0.86%), rank #413
County:Cook County
City:Glenview, Northbrook, Prospect Heights, Northfield, Deerfield, Golf
Zip:60025, 60026, 60062, 60070, 60093, 60015, 60029
Area:Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI
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Northfield Township High School District 225 Map and Nearby Locations

3801 West Lake Ave
Glenview IL, 60026, Cook County
Phone: 847-486-4700

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Students:4,8414,8194,7504,7654,8034,7324,758
English Language Learner Students:9410910913116526180
Total Teachers:NANA354.75359.55351.19353.30304.10
Total Other Staff:26.2043.9873.6076.7072.9094.80132.40
Instructional Aides:NA14.46NANANANANA
Instructional Coordinators & Supervisors:NANA0.000.000.0022.005.00
Total Guidance Counselors:8.8026.6021.8023.0122.0022.0022.00
Elementary Guidance Counselors:
Secondary Guidance Counselors:8.8026.6021.8023.0122.0022.0022.00
Other Guidance Counselors:
Librarians/Media Specialists:2.00NA6.
Library/Media Support:0.002.00NANANANANA
District Administrators:1.80NA6.907.525.907.203.00
District Administrative Support:NA0.00NANANANA12.00
School Administrators:13.60NA16.9016.0116.0016.002.00
School Administrative Support:NA0.92NANANANA21.00
Student Support Services:NANA22.0024.1623.0021.6020.60
Other Support Services:0.000.00NANANANA40.80
Student-Teacher Ratio:NANA13.3913.2513.6813.3915.65


Glenbrook Evening High School Grade 9 to Grade 12   4000 West Lake Ave, Glenview IL 60026
Glenbrook North High SchoolGrade 9 to Grade 12   2300 Shermer Rd, Northbrook IL 60062
Glenbrook Off-Campus Center Grade 9 to Grade 12   1835 Landwehr Rd, Glenview IL 60026
Glenbrook South High SchoolGrade 9 to Grade 12   4000 West Lake Ave, Glenview IL 60026

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreState Average
2003Math11th Grade% met std84.6%53.3%
2004Math11th Grade% met std82.9%53.1%
2005Math11th Grade% met std83.1%52.8%
2006Math11th Grade% met std81.5%53.7%
2007Math11th Grade% met std84.4%52.7%
2008Math11th Grade% met std81.9%53.0%
2009Math11th Grade% met std82.0%51.6%
2010Math11th Grade% met std84.5%52.7%
2011Math11th Grade% met std83.3%51.3%
2012Math11th Grade% met std84.8%51.6%
2013Math11th Grade% met std84.7%51.8%
2003Reading11th Grade% met std82.8%56.4%
2004Reading11th Grade% met std82.2%56.8%
2005Reading11th Grade% met std80.6%59.5%
2006Reading11th Grade% met std82%58.4%
2007Reading11th Grade% met std79.8%54.0%
2008Reading11th Grade% met std76.3%53.3%
2009Reading11th Grade% met std77.8%56.9%
2010Reading11th Grade% met std78.4%54.0%
2011Reading11th Grade% met std77.7%51.1%
2012Reading11th Grade% met std78.4%50.6%
2013Reading11th Grade% met std82.8%54.8%
2003Science11th Grade% met std79.3%51.3%
2004Science11th Grade% met std81.3%52.9%
2005Science11th Grade% met std79.7%52.5%
2006Science11th Grade% met std75.5%50.8%
2007Science11th Grade% met std78.1%51.0%
2008Science11th Grade% met std78.9%51.2%
2009Science11th Grade% met std75.8%50.5%
2010Science11th Grade% met std80.9%52.4%
2011Science11th Grade% met std79.1%49.2%
2012Science11th Grade% met std79.8%51.7%
2013Science11th Grade% met std79.4%49.4%

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

School District Fiscal Information

Total Revenue:$124,905,000$26,296 $117,739,000$24,709 $119,719,000$24,926 
Total Expenditures:$123,515,000$26,003 $112,692,000$23,650 $109,928,000$22,887 
Total Current Expenditures:$103,667,000$21,825 $98,854,000$20,746 $93,440,000$19,455 
Instructional Expenditures:$59,751,000$12,57957.6%$55,731,000$11,69656.4%$51,549,000$10,73355.2%
Student and Staff Support:$14,628,000$3,08014.1%$14,450,000$3,03314.6%$14,237,000$2,96415.2%
Operations, Food, Other:$12,514,000$2,63512.1%$12,563,000$2,63712.7%$11,959,000$2,49012.8%
Total Capital Outlay:$11,569,000$2,436 $5,969,000$1,253 $7,048,000$1,467 
Construction:$10,389,000$2,187 $4,301,000$903 $5,279,000$1,099 
Total Other:$81,000$17 $75,000$16 $69,000$14 
Interest on Debt:$4,030,000$848 $3,990,000$837 $3,833,000$798 
Total Salary:$63,373,000$13,342 $61,432,000$12,892 $58,601,000$12,201 
Instruction/Teacher Salary:$40,540,000$8,53564.0%$38,920,000$8,16863.4%$37,052,000$7,71463.2%
Other Salary:$22,833,000$4,80736.0%$22,512,000$4,72436.6%$21,549,000$4,48736.8%
Total Benefit:$27,037,000$5,692 $24,696,000$5,183 $24,920,000$5,188 
Instruction/Teacher Benefit:$16,152,000$3,40059.7%$14,299,000$3,00157.9%$14,497,000$3,01858.2%
Other Benefit:$10,885,000$2,29240.3%$10,397,000$2,18242.1%$10,423,000$2,17041.8%

* Northfield Township High School District 225 was rated 5 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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