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East Peoria School District 86 Government Employment and Payroll



119.8 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,897.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government210$717,992$41,02831$14,574215
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction172$635,998$44,37224$12,648177
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total38$81,994$25,8937$1,92638


133.5 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,897.5 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government234$721,974$37,02440$24,075244
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction192$635,296$39,70634$20,975201
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total42$86,678$24,7656$3,10043


125.3 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,603.4 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government223$686,656$36,95039$14,590229
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction182$587,055$38,70731$11,391187
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total41$99,601$29,1528$3,19942


120.0 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,258.8 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government213$634,194$35,72937$19,175221
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction178$574,079$38,70233$18,753186
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total35$60,115$20,6114$42335


108.3 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,734.8 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government201$580,384$34,65026$5,662204
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction177$530,254$35,94924$5,430180
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total24$50,130$25,0652$23224


118.4 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$4,069.6 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government218$629,097$34,62950$9,487223
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction169$549,043$38,98544$8,160173
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total49$80,054$19,6056$1,32750


121.7 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$3,963.2 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government226$614,367$32,62143$23,380235
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction185$535,266$34,72034$19,995192
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total41$79,102$23,1529$3,38543


99.4 Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$2,905.6 Annual Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
 Full-Time EmployeesMonthly Full-Time PayrollEquivalent Average Annual WagePart-Time EmployeesMonthly Part-Time PayrollFull-Time Equivalent Employees
Totals for Government193$477,528$29,69132$12,071201
Elementary and Secondary - Instruction167$426,616$30,65515$6,888174
Elementary and Secondary - Other Total26$50,912$23,49817$5,18327

The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.

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