The average temperature of French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District is 57.77°F, which is lower than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F.
French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District
The Heating Cost Index and the Cooling Cost Index are indicators of the relative heating and cooling cost of an area. They were calculated based on the average temperate and duration of the hot and cold days for the area. Please note, the actual heating cost and cooling cost are also dependent on other factors specific to individual residences such as the size of the house, the insulation condition, and the equipment efficiency, etc.
French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District
48.60 inches
22.97 inches
38.67 inches
Average Number of Days with 0.1 Inch or More Precipitation in a Year (this gives an indication of the number of days in a year that it is useful to have an umbrella), #81
French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District
French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District
16.51 mph
13.54 mph
16.93 mph
* The temperature, snow fall, and precipitation information on this page were calculated from the historical data of 18,000+ U.S weather stations for the period of time from 1980 to 2010. The humidity and wind speed information were calculated from data from 15,000 worldwide stations for the period of time from 1980 to 2010.
French Gulch-Whiskeytown Elementary School District