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Wyoming Other Indo-European Languages Spoken at Home Population Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 68 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankOther Indo-European Languages Spoken at Home Population Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.25.0%82440 / 127
2.14.5%82620 / 243
3.13.4%82714 / 220
4.10.0%82835 / 268
5.9.4%82432 / 201
6.8.0%83014 / 3,934
7.7.3%82215 / 164
8.6.8%82832 / 1,101
9.6.1%82836 / 925
10.5.7%82434 / 218
11.3.9%83414 / 454
12.3.7%82412 / 718
13.3.6%82201 / 6,329
14.3.2%82070 / 20,894
15.3.2%82072 / 15,563
16.2.9%82213 / 685
17.2.9%82842 / 957
18.2.8%82431 / 3,516
19.2.8%82443 / 4,673
19.2.8%82513 / 1,638
19.2.8%82082 / 1,545
22.2.8%82423 / 221
23.2.8%82401 / 7,773
24.2.4%82214 / 1,413
25.2.3%82601 / 27,857
26.2.3%82053 / 1,729
27.2.2%83128 / 1,286
28.2.1%82718 / 24,426
29.2.1%83110 / 4,616
30.2.0%83001 / 16,479
31.1.9%82801 / 24,674
32.1.9%82301 / 9,462
33.1.9%82223 / 1,334
34.1.9%82930 / 14,433
35.1.8%82007 / 19,927
36.1.7%82523 / 1,071
37.1.7%82633 / 9,706
38.1.7%82901 / 29,014
39.1.6%82001 / 36,650
40.1.6%82609 / 17,287
41.1.5%82009 / 32,664
42.1.5%82520 / 13,840
43.1.5%82221 / 686
44.1.4%82635 / 401
45.1.4%82501 / 19,789
46.1.4%82937 / 3,643
47.1.3%82327 / 828
48.1.2%82420 / 895
49.1.1%83127 / 2,785
50.1.1%82435 / 11,675
51.1.1%82716 / 17,916
52.1.1%82410 / 1,742
52.1.1%82212 / 318
54.1.1%82604 / 26,465
55.1.0%82240 / 10,269
56.1.0%82834 / 7,467
57.0.8%82935 / 13,149
58.0.8%83113 / 2,889
59.0.7%82732 / 2,440
60.0.6%82649 / 1,103
61.0.6%82414 / 15,538
62.0.6%82939 / 2,127
63.0.5%82433 / 792
64.0.5%82637 / 4,096
65.0.4%82720 / 1,150
66.0.4%83101 / 3,143
67.0.3%82442 / 735
68.0.2%82721 / 2,913

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Other Indo-European Languages Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Other Indo-European Languages Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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