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Tennessee Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 10% or Less of Owner Income Census Block Group Rank

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RankPercentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 10% or Less of Owner Income ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.100.0%TN0370156124 / 532
1.100.0%TN1570082004 / 783
1.100.0%TN1630418004 / 365
4.78.9%TN1890304023 / 1,427
5.70.2%TN0930055023 / 951
6.67.3%TN1179553003 / 996
7.60.0%TN1570011001 / 1,598
8.59.9%TN1630432021 / 1,102
9.57.1%TN0470603002 / 465
10.56.9%TN0730507001 / 1,296
11.55.9%TN1570036001 / 600
11.55.9%TN1570102204 / 772
13.54.6%TN0110101004 / 1,367
14.53.9%TN1570036001 / 360
14.53.9%TN1790610001 / 1,174
16.53.7%TN0370117006 / 966
17.52.5%TN0370153001 / 462
18.51.4%TN1179553003 / 1,050
19.50.0%TN1570221222 / 352
20.48.9%TN1790613003 / 679
21.48.6%TN1239254002 / 1,123
22.48.4%TN1779305001 / 929
23.48.4%TN0370169004 / 850
23.48.4%TN0370164001 / 1,230
25.47.9%TN0650113111 / 1,855
26.47.6%TN1570112002 / 604
27.47.1%TN1079701012 / 1,068
28.46.9%TN1490404031 / 661
29.46.2%TN0650113111 / 2,076
30.45.2%TN0559202001 / 1,437
31.44.7%TN1291104003 / 807
32.44.4%TN1839684005 / 1,121
33.44.3%TN1130003002 / 939
34.44.2%TN0370184013 / 1,437
35.43.5%TN0650109034 / 2,041
36.43.2%TN0370158042 / 1,488
37.43.1%TN1251007001 / 424
38.42.5%TN1570217101 / 2,030
39.42.4%TN1079702005 / 1,161
40.41.7%TN1099305001 / 618
40.41.7%TN1130016071 / 455
42.41.6%TN0851302001 / 1,115
43.41.3%TN0370127022 / 892
44.41.3%TN0370158042 / 1,240
45.41.2%TN0370137004 / 2,031
46.41.2%TN0090116041 / 1,515
47.41.0%TN0370174022 / 547
48.40.9%TN1570112002 / 606
49.40.9%TN0650109032 / 842
50.40.5%TN1790601001 / 718
51.40.4%TN0370114002 / 911
52.40.2%TN0970502003 / 1,203
53.40.0%TN1251013031 / 1,349
54.39.7%TN1839684002 / 857
55.39.6%TN0459643003 / 1,272
56.39.5%TN1570073003 / 2,356
57.39.4%TN0370113004 / 1,029
58.39.3%TN1570221114 / 161
59.39.3%TN1570102204 / 610
60.39.2%TN1630432021 / 1,130
61.39.1%TN1570111001 / 839
62.38.7%TN1490421001 / 2,705
63.38.6%TN0370107021 / 1,192
64.38.5%TN1790613004 / 745
64.38.5%TN0650101044 / 955
64.38.5%TN1570013002 / 828
67.38.1%TN1630414001 / 350
68.37.9%TN1630418003 / 1,145
69.37.7%TN0370116005 / 944
70.37.6%TN0970502003 / 976
71.37.1%TN0650101044 / 836
72.37.0%TN1291104003 / 865
72.37.0%TN1079701012 / 997
74.36.8%TN1790613003 / 865
74.36.8%TN0370164001 / 1,884
74.36.8%TN0539665003 / 1,073
77.36.8%TN0499651001 / 1,220
78.36.6%TN0459643001 / 541
79.36.6%TN1710804005 / 651
80.36.2%TN1570082001 / 1,217
81.36.1%TN1251017003 / 1,061
82.36.1%TN1239253004 / 513
83.36.1%TN0370182013 / 888
83.36.1%TN0650119001 / 917
85.36.0%TN0970502003 / 901
86.36.0%TN1130010004 / 539
87.35.8%TN0930044041 / 1,985
88.35.4%TN1251007001 / 492
88.35.4%TN1399502021 / 915
90.35.1%TN0930044042 / 1,805
91.35.0%TN0299204001 / 727
92.34.9%TN0779750001 / 1,219
93.34.7%TN1839684005 / 1,387
94.34.7%TN0650121003 / 1,252
95.34.6%TN0930061033 / 1,491
96.34.5%TN0010205001 / 1,767
97.34.5%TN1490414031 / 4,023
98.34.3%TN0930062081 / 3,145
99.34.3%TN1570213203 / 1,782
100.34.3%TN0370137004 / 1,387
101.34.2%TN1150501024 / 1,060
102.34.2%TN1570069002 / 1,289
103.34.0%TN1190104001 / 1,305
104.33.8%TN0370169003 / 1,650
105.33.7%TN0370153001 / 500
106.33.7%TN0999604013 / 579
107.33.3%TN0139501003 / 743
107.33.3%TN1239254002 / 1,096
107.33.3%TN1570020001 / 662
107.33.3%TN1570036001 / 216
107.33.3%TN0930055023 / 1,257
107.33.3%TN1570007001 / 2,034
113.33.2%TN1450304004 / 1,313
114.33.0%TN1870510021 / 994
115.33.0%TN1710804005 / 727
116.33.0%TN1379251005 / 921
117.32.9%TN0430605014 / 2,089
118.32.9%TN1379251004 / 1,199
119.32.7%TN1490406002 / 967
120.32.4%TN0259709001 / 1,249
121.32.4%TN0650109034 / 1,833
122.32.2%TN1570011001 / 1,410
123.32.1%TN0650114431 / 1,169
124.32.0%TN0370158042 / 1,666
125.32.0%TN0139501001 / 1,621
125.32.0%TN1519752002 / 885
127.31.9%TN1630434022 / 834
128.31.9%TN1790604005 / 1,338
129.31.9%TN1570024001 / 1,080
130.31.9%TN0650121003 / 1,211
131.31.7%TN0370106022 / 1,884
132.31.7%TN1319658001 / 1,088
133.31.6%TN1490417001 / 1,327
134.31.6%TN0930015003 / 1,049
134.31.6%TN0930061033 / 1,556
136.31.5%TN1130009001 / 927
137.31.4%TN1570087002 / 951
138.31.4%TN0399551012 / 1,274
139.31.3%TN0370109011 / 890
139.31.3%TN1251013043 / 1,466
139.31.3%TN1630418004 / 648
139.31.3%TN1630428012 / 726
143.31.2%TN0159602003 / 1,797
144.31.0%TN1690902002 / 1,058
145.30.9%TN0650104312 / 647
146.30.9%TN0650109032 / 908
147.30.8%TN0730507001 / 1,321
148.30.7%TN1251013031 / 1,727
149.30.6%TN0399551012 / 1,221
150.30.4%TN0399550022 / 2,263
150.30.4%TN0370174022 / 596
152.30.4%TN0370181012 / 2,045
153.30.3%TN0650112011 / 2,677
154.30.3%TN1550801022 / 2,032
155.30.2%TN1570221114 / 740
156.30.2%TN1239254002 / 1,299
157.30.0%TN0090116023 / 1,126
158.30.0%TN0539665003 / 1,058
158.30.0%TN0139501001 / 1,869
158.30.0%TN1251002001 / 456
158.30.0%TN0999604014 / 892
162.30.0%TN0370134003 / 1,510
163.29.9%TN1570073003 / 1,950
163.29.9%TN0650105022 / 1,298
165.29.9%TN1490408082 / 630
166.29.8%TN0359705022 / 1,569
167.29.8%TN0399550022 / 2,194
168.29.8%TN0139504003 / 1,223
168.29.8%TN0930037002 / 779
170.29.7%TN0139504002 / 1,003
171.29.7%TN1570111002 / 1,018
172.29.6%TN0090116032 / 891
173.29.6%TN1650206032 / 1,204
174.29.5%TN0370181012 / 1,919
175.29.5%TN0370173003 / 1,142
176.29.5%TN0719203003 / 711
176.29.5%TN1570095003 / 1,397
176.29.5%TN0799693003 / 756
179.29.4%TN1630408003 / 1,656
180.29.4%TN1570099013 / 1,683
180.29.4%TN1439751003 / 709
182.29.4%TN0370134003 / 1,458
183.29.3%TN1790604005 / 1,252
184.29.2%TN0970502002 / 872
185.29.2%TN1570206212 / 1,592
186.29.2%TN1570006002 / 1,324
186.29.2%TN0650119001 / 873
186.29.2%TN1570016003 / 156
189.29.1%TN0590904002 / 1,118
190.29.1%TN0650105022 / 1,011
191.29.0%TN1859351001 / 1,444
192.29.0%TN1490418002 / 1,650
193.28.9%TN0650104334 / 602
194.28.8%TN0179621003 / 1,785
195.28.8%TN1079708003 / 1,491
196.28.8%TN0930045001 / 1,488
197.28.8%TN0370156122 / 3,150
198.28.8%TN0650109032 / 955
199.28.8%TN0930060021 / 1,413
200.28.7%TN1530601012 / 1,413
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 10% or Less of Owner Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 10% or Less of Owner Income' data are not listed.

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