Local Data Search

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Wapato, WA

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 36 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$93,514Summitview, WA / 1,230
2.$75,609Nile, WA / 112
3.$61,250Bickleton, WA / 55
4.$58,718Zillah, WA / 3,078
5.$57,865Terrace Heights, WA / 6,701
6.$56,354Moxee, WA / 3,631
7.$53,736Prosser, WA / 5,793
8.$53,000Gleed, WA / 3,034
9.$50,333Selah, WA / 7,328
10.$49,231Naches, WA / 936
11.$49,087Ahtanum, WA / 3,785
12.$48,333Thorp, WA / 304
13.$48,000Harrah, WA / 677
14.$46,250Desert Aire, WA / 1,791
15.$44,500Kittitas, WA / 1,241
16.$42,212Mattawa, WA / 4,502
17.$40,189Yakima, WA / 92,806
18.$39,850Granger, WA / 3,330
19.$39,063Tieton, WA / 1,319
20.$37,012Grandview, WA / 11,023
21.$36,490Goldendale, WA / 3,423
22.$35,893White Swan, WA / 671
23.$35,129Mabton, WA / 2,300
24.$34,624Union Gap, WA / 6,061
25.$34,167Tampico, WA / 388
26.$32,803Wapato, WA / 5,043
27.$32,641Sunnyside, WA / 16,038
28.$30,670Royal City, WA / 1,848
29.$29,583Cowiche, WA / 712
30.$29,135Toppenish, WA / 9,007
31.$28,341Ellensburg, WA / 18,455
32.$26,250Parker, WA / 93
33.$24,318Eschbach, WA / 313
34.$23,207Buena, WA / 1,602
35.$20,288Outlook, WA / 473
36.$17,188Roosevelt, WA / 193

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

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