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Maine Vacant Housing Units Percentage Census Block Group Rank

A total of 4,012 results found. Show Results on Map.

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RankVacant Housing Units Percentage ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.100.0%ME0039507004 / 0
1.100.0%ME0159756003 / 0
1.100.0%ME0039507004 / 0
1.100.0%ME0159756003 / 0
1.100.0%ME0159756003 / 0
7.99.6%ME0050170023 / 5
8.97.4%ME0039507004 / 10
9.96.8%ME0259653024 / 20
10.96.5%ME0099651001 / 61
11.95.6%ME0099651001 / 69
12.95.4%ME0099651001 / 77
13.94.9%ME0259653024 / 29
14.94.8%ME0050170023 / 50
15.94.5%ME0099651001 / 94
16.94.3%ME0259653024 / 28
17.93.7%ME0050170023 / 60
18.92.1%ME0050170023 / 85
19.91.7%ME0259653024 / 68
20.91.6%ME0079701021 / 120
21.91.0%ME0179651002 / 332
22.90.7%ME0259653023 / 183
23.90.5%ME0219603021 / 404
24.90.3%ME0179651002 / 293
25.90.0%ME0079701021 / 151
26.89.9%ME0079701012 / 470
27.89.1%ME0179651002 / 347
28.89.1%ME0259653023 / 223
29.89.0%ME0079701012 / 531
30.89.0%ME0050024002 / 73
31.88.9%ME0219603011 / 74
32.88.5%ME0259653023 / 234
33.88.5%ME0079701012 / 561
34.88.4%ME0179651001 / 211
35.88.2%ME0179651002 / 329
36.88.0%ME0259653021 / 375
37.87.8%ME0039507004 / 78
38.87.5%ME0219603011 / 77
39.87.4%ME0259653023 / 292
40.87.2%ME0219603021 / 583
41.87.1%ME0219603021 / 548
42.86.7%ME0259653021 / 352
43.86.6%ME0139711004 / 108
44.86.5%ME0179651001 / 244
45.86.2%ME0159756005 / 34
46.86.0%ME0159756005 / 40
47.85.9%ME0219603011 / 66
48.85.5%ME0079701021 / 190
49.85.1%ME0259653021 / 412
50.84.7%ME0259653021 / 470
51.84.0%ME0190290001 / 396
52.84.0%ME0219603021 / 744
53.83.8%ME0190290001 / 370
54.82.4%ME0159756005 / 39
55.82.4%ME0179651001 / 317
56.82.3%ME0079701012 / 781
57.82.3%ME0179666003 / 334
58.82.1%ME0079701021 / 315
59.81.9%ME0310340016 / 357
60.81.6%ME0310340015 / 755
61.81.3%ME0050024002 / 91
62.81.2%ME0050024002 / 102
63.81.2%ME0079706011 / 493
64.81.0%ME0219603011 / 112
65.80.9%ME0050024003 / 239
66.80.8%ME0310340011 / 417
67.80.7%ME0079706011 / 573
68.80.5%ME0139711004 / 134
69.80.4%ME0190290001 / 465
70.80.3%ME0310340016 / 457
71.80.2%ME0039501004 / 440
72.80.1%ME0310340015 / 667
73.79.8%ME0310340015 / 608
74.79.7%ME0190290001 / 470
75.79.6%ME0299551003 / 1,143
76.79.4%ME0299551003 / 1,087
77.79.0%ME0299551003 / 895
78.78.7%ME0219604001 / 585
79.78.1%ME0079706011 / 631
80.78.0%ME0179666003 / 452
81.78.0%ME0310340011 / 670
82.78.0%ME0310340011 / 499
83.78.0%ME0139711004 / 156
84.77.8%ME0310360012 / 714
84.77.8%ME0310254001 / 276
86.77.6%ME0039501004 / 475
87.77.4%ME0310340011 / 643
88.77.3%ME0219604001 / 587
89.77.3%ME0079706011 / 673
90.77.2%ME0039523004 / 184
91.77.2%ME0299551003 / 925
92.77.1%ME0039523004 / 163
93.77.0%ME0039523004 / 168
94.76.8%ME0179651001 / 437
95.76.7%ME0179666003 / 416
96.76.4%ME0079701022 / 527
97.76.2%ME0310340016 / 341
98.76.1%ME0050024003 / 359
99.76.0%ME0179666003 / 492
100.76.0%ME0039523004 / 171
101.75.9%ME0050024003 / 301
102.75.9%ME0310360012 / 998
103.75.7%ME0219604001 / 634
104.75.6%ME0159756005 / 69
105.75.4%ME0050024002 / 119
106.75.1%ME0219604001 / 623
107.75.0%ME0050130004 / 771
108.74.7%ME0050160001 / 1,004
109.74.6%ME0139711004 / 148
110.74.5%ME0310061022 / 318
111.73.7%ME0079706012 / 1,140
112.73.3%ME0310340015 / 780
113.73.2%ME0050130004 / 732
114.72.9%ME0039501004 / 594
115.72.9%ME0310340014 / 554
116.72.7%ME0039529002 / 450
116.72.7%ME0310360012 / 1,409
118.72.3%ME0050024003 / 379
119.72.2%ME0039529002 / 414
120.72.2%ME0310061022 / 479
121.71.6%ME0159762003 / 539
122.71.4%ME0310061022 / 443
123.70.9%ME0039529002 / 530
124.70.7%ME0039501004 / 682
125.70.6%ME0079706012 / 1,176
126.70.3%ME0139711001 / 429
127.69.9%ME0159762003 / 606
128.69.9%ME0079706012 / 1,177
129.69.8%ME0159758003 / 597
130.69.7%ME0310254001 / 419
131.69.6%ME0310340014 / 581
132.69.6%ME0159762003 / 541
133.69.2%ME0310061013 / 339
134.69.1%ME0310235002 / 1,084
135.68.8%ME0139711001 / 486
136.68.6%ME0079706012 / 1,168
137.68.5%ME0310254001 / 548
138.68.4%ME0310254001 / 386
139.68.2%ME0270440001 / 566
140.68.1%ME0159762003 / 622
141.68.0%ME0139711003 / 355
142.67.8%ME0310360012 / 1,496
143.67.8%ME0310061022 / 642
144.67.8%ME0310340014 / 622
145.67.5%ME0310360016 / 403
146.67.4%ME0310235002 / 1,000
146.67.4%ME0050042005 / 341
148.67.4%ME0050042005 / 240
149.66.9%ME0310061013 / 751
150.66.6%ME0310340014 / 779
151.66.5%ME0310360015 / 283
152.66.4%ME0159758003 / 706
153.66.3%ME0139711001 / 529
154.65.9%ME0039529002 / 613
155.65.8%ME0159756004 / 620
156.65.4%ME0050042005 / 285
157.65.4%ME0159756004 / 615
158.65.3%ME0310235002 / 1,108
159.65.1%ME0310340016 / 537
160.64.9%ME0050160001 / 1,190
161.64.9%ME0310280022 / 748
162.64.9%ME0099652002 / 830
162.64.9%ME0310340013 / 475
164.64.6%ME0310061013 / 703
165.64.5%ME0050130004 / 851
166.64.4%ME0159762004 / 442
167.64.4%ME0310360015 / 146
168.64.4%ME0050160001 / 1,092
169.64.3%ME0139711001 / 507
170.64.2%ME0139711003 / 461
171.64.2%ME0079701022 / 777
172.63.9%ME0039507005 / 215
173.63.9%ME0139709001 / 663
174.63.6%ME0099661002 / 653
175.63.6%ME0159758003 / 657
176.63.4%ME0039529004 / 386
177.63.3%ME0159758003 / 709
178.63.3%ME0099661002 / 596
179.63.1%ME0139711003 / 410
180.63.1%ME0039507003 / 847
181.62.9%ME0079701022 / 719
182.62.8%ME0190255002 / 1,083
183.62.8%ME0039507005 / 201
184.62.6%ME0310235002 / 1,159
185.62.4%ME0099651002 / 813
186.62.4%ME0099652002 / 852
186.62.4%ME0179668001 / 1,013
188.62.3%ME0310061024 / 360
189.62.0%ME0310340017 / 1,671
190.62.0%ME0310360016 / 490
191.61.9%ME0079701022 / 618
192.61.9%ME0139711003 / 456
193.61.9%ME0099661002 / 639
194.61.9%ME0190255002 / 1,055
195.61.7%ME0139705002 / 491
196.61.6%ME0050171021 / 1,011
197.61.5%ME0099660002 / 854
198.61.3%ME0310340013 / 429
199.61.2%ME0310280022 / 856
200.61.2%ME0159757001 / 892
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Vacant Housing Units Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Vacant Housing Units Percentage' data are not listed.

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