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Maine Solar Energy Heating House Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSolar Energy Heating House Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.4.6%04649 / 1,239
2.2.6%04860 / 1,850
3.2.1%04568 / 459
4.2.1%04217 / 2,921
5.1.8%04969 / 1,293
6.1.4%04289 / 1,808
7.1.3%04002 / 7,407
8.1.1%04543 / 2,001
9.1.1%04853 / 410
10.0.9%04862 / 3,576
11.0.9%04863 / 1,327
12.0.8%04021 / 5,977
13.0.8%04631 / 1,414
14.0.8%04984 / 599
15.0.7%04259 / 3,111
16.0.7%04765 / 1,264
17.0.7%04260 / 5,590
17.0.7%04680 / 1,017
17.0.7%04676 / 1,031
20.0.7%04040 / 3,127
21.0.6%04055 / 3,788
22.0.5%04219 / 1,477
23.0.5%04041 / 1,711
24.0.5%04538 / 1,957
25.0.5%03903 / 6,234
26.0.5%04769 / 9,494
27.0.5%04530 / 10,937
28.0.5%04572 / 5,035
29.0.5%04654 / 3,280
30.0.4%04355 / 2,567
31.0.4%04444 / 8,800
32.0.4%04032 / 8,049
33.0.3%04989 / 4,061
34.0.3%04101 / 16,956
35.0.3%04005 / 23,153
36.0.2%04849 / 3,761
37.0.2%04107 / 8,983
38.0.2%04605 / 13,064
39.0.1%04401 / 44,972
40.0.0%04210 / 22,960

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Solar Energy Heating House Percentage' data are not listed.

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