Local Data Search

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of South Barber Unified School District 255

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 54 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$112,500Milton, KS / 43
2.$94,000Carrier, OK / 69
3.$85,000Meno, OK / 247
3.$85,000Iuka, KS / 211
5.$80,800Alva, OK / 4,990
6.$80,000Pratt, KS / 6,889
7.$78,100Norwich, KS / 421
8.$77,400Kingman, KS / 3,151
9.$75,500Ringwood, OK / 475
10.$73,800Burlington, OK / 213
11.$71,700Goltry, OK / 163
12.$69,700Harper, KS / 1,304
13.$67,200Freedom, OK / 275
14.$67,000Helena, OK / 1,458
15.$64,100Pond Creek, OK / 847
16.$63,800Penalosa, KS / 11
17.$63,200Medicine Lodge, KS / 2,132
18.$61,900Cherokee, OK / 1,557
19.$61,700Coldwater, KS / 704
20.$61,600Anthony, KS / 2,340
21.$60,100Medford, OK / 1,008
22.$60,000Kiowa, KS / 1,117
22.$60,000Cleo Springs, OK / 354
24.$58,200Dacoma, OK / 126
25.$57,000Nescatunga, OK / 87
26.$56,300Argonia, KS / 585
27.$55,000Manchester, OK / 86
28.$54,600Waynoka, OK / 1,081
29.$54,400Nash, OK / 214
30.$54,000Hillsdale, OK / 138
31.$51,400Jet, OK / 160
32.$50,500Cunningham, KS / 374
33.$49,000Spivey, KS / 59
34.$48,700Carmen, OK / 501
35.$46,900Attica, KS / 754
36.$45,000Jefferson, OK / 24
36.$45,000Sharon, KS / 161
38.$43,800Wilmore, KS / 19
39.$43,000Hardtner, KS / 154
40.$42,500Zenda, KS / 103
41.$38,800Danville, KS / 35
42.$34,500Byron, OK / 37
43.$34,000Preston, KS / 159
44.$31,500Bluff City, KS / 57
45.$31,300Nashville, KS / 77
46.$28,100Aline, OK / 234
47.$26,500Milan, KS / 69
48.$24,700Cullison, KS / 48
48.$24,700Sawyer, KS / 84
50.$23,600Wakita, OK / 335
51.$22,300Coats, KS / 159
52.$20,800Isabel, KS / 99
53.$20,500Hazelton, KS / 129
54.$15,000Sun City, KS / 64

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

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