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House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Albee, SD

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 75 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$261,500Lake Poinsett, SD / 448
2.$149,300Morris, MN / 5,324
3.$138,800Watertown, SD / 21,795
4.$108,300Ghent, MN / 317
5.$101,100Castlewood, SD / 682
6.$98,900Minneota, MN / 1,343
7.$96,700Milbank, SD / 3,310
8.$91,400Big Stone City, SD / 583
9.$89,500Clontarf, MN / 130
10.$88,800Florence, SD / 379
11.$87,500Montevideo, MN / 5,283
12.$87,100White, SD / 476
13.$85,000Danvers, MN / 108
13.$85,000Grenville, SD / 95
15.$84,900Ortonville, MN / 2,002
16.$84,600Clear Lake, SD / 1,374
17.$82,900Bruce, SD / 182
18.$82,000Goodwin, SD / 160
19.$81,300Estelline, SD / 818
20.$80,500Graceville, MN / 601
21.$80,400Canby, MN / 1,837
22.$79,200Hayti, SD / 319
23.$77,500Kranzburg, SD / 177
24.$73,100Chokio, MN / 421
25.$72,100Lake Norden, SD / 606
26.$71,800Henry, SD / 366
27.$71,700Strandburg, SD / 68
28.$70,000Toronto, SD / 234
29.$69,600Dawson, MN / 1,538
30.$66,400Peever, SD / 221
31.$66,000Sisseton, SD / 2,597
32.$65,800Hancock, MN / 846
33.$65,700Waubay, SD / 681
34.$65,000Hazel Run, MN / 18
35.$64,100Brandt, SD / 85
36.$61,800Ivanhoe, MN / 500
37.$59,600Hendricks, MN / 643
38.$59,200Hazel, SD / 69
39.$59,000Clarkfield, MN / 750
40.$58,800La Bolt, SD / 102
41.$58,300Porter, MN / 182
42.$56,700Wilmot, SD / 523
43.$55,000Holloway, MN / 105
43.$55,000Madison, MN / 1,559
45.$54,900Appleton, MN / 1,510
46.$54,500Beardsley, MN / 191
47.$53,300Summit, SD / 284
48.$52,500Taunton, MN / 193
49.$51,700Marvin, SD / 89
50.$51,200Corona, SD / 106
51.$51,000Clinton, MN / 397
52.$50,800Astoria, SD / 161
53.$50,000Altamont, SD / 41
53.$50,000Odessa, MN / 132
53.$50,000South Shore, SD / 193
56.$47,900Alberta, MN / 104
57.$46,900Watson, MN / 212
58.$46,700Goodwill, SD / 672
59.$46,400Bellingham, MN / 164
60.$46,000Stockholm, SD / 103
61.$44,300Twin Brooks, SD / 60
62.$43,300Waverly, SD / 19
63.$43,100Milan, MN / 397
64.$41,300Revillo, SD / 100
65.$37,500Dumont, MN / 79
66.$37,300Saint Leo, MN / 123
67.$36,700Correll, MN / 21
68.$35,400Ortley, SD / 41
69.$32,900Gary, SD / 236
70.$30,800Browns Valley, MN / 585
71.$30,000Boyd, MN / 130
72.$27,800Marietta, MN / 215
73.$26,800Arco, MN / 91
74.$25,000Louisburg, MN / 30
75.$23,500Nassau, MN / 51

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

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