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House Median Value Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract MS083950100

A total of 234 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$157,500MS151000702 / 3,715
2.$142,500MS151000702 / 4,174
3.$141,400MS151000702 / 3,945
4.$136,300MS083950600 / 5,256
5.$132,200MS083950600 / 5,007
6.$130,200MS011950600 / 6,397
7.$128,000MS011950600 / 6,320
8.$126,300MS011950600 / 6,374
9.$119,500MS107950600 / 7,004
10.$115,700MS151000800 / 3,543
11.$113,200MS083950600 / 5,220
12.$112,900MS107950600 / 6,772
13.$112,600MS011950500 / 5,511
14.$109,800MS043950200 / 4,991
15.$107,900MS043950300 / 3,521
16.$106,100MS043950300 / 2,814
17.$106,000MS107950600 / 6,564
18.$104,900MS151000800 / 3,159
19.$103,700MS011950500 / 5,270
20.$100,400MS043950300 / 3,007
21.$99,500MS043950500 / 4,998
22.$98,500MS043950200 / 5,867
23.$96,200MS011950500 / 5,737
24.$93,900MS043950500 / 4,956
25.$91,900MS043950500 / 5,380
25.$91,900MS151001600 / 2,140
25.$91,900MS133950401 / 3,493
28.$90,700MS151000800 / 3,079
29.$88,500MS043950200 / 5,162
30.$87,900MS133950401 / 3,688
31.$86,500MS027950200 / 2,492
32.$85,000MS151000200 / 1,575
33.$84,700MS151001600 / 1,957
34.$83,500MS133950401 / 3,585
35.$82,700MS151000701 / 3,636
36.$82,500MS027950200 / 2,477
37.$81,700MS151000701 / 3,510
38.$81,200MS151000900 / 3,009
39.$80,800MS151000200 / 2,002
40.$80,400MS027950200 / 2,433
41.$80,000MS011950701 / 4,326
42.$79,900MS151001700 / 2,975
43.$79,500MS151000100 / 1,659
44.$78,100MS151000100 / 1,765
45.$77,700MS011950702 / 3,512
46.$77,600MS151000100 / 1,643
47.$77,500MS107950400 / 5,227
47.$77,500MS107950400 / 5,690
49.$77,400MS151000200 / 1,692
50.$77,300MS015950100 / 4,839
50.$77,300MS151000900 / 2,999
52.$76,900MS011950701 / 4,471
52.$76,900MS151000701 / 3,532
54.$76,700MS151000900 / 3,275
54.$76,700MS011950300 / 3,298
56.$76,600MS151001700 / 2,986
57.$76,000MS043950100 / 5,567
58.$75,900MS097950300 / 5,155
59.$75,800MS151000300 / 3,989
60.$75,100MS015950100 / 4,640
61.$74,000MS043950400 / 2,539
61.$74,000MS043950400 / 2,440
63.$73,800MS161950300 / 4,739
64.$73,700MS151000300 / 4,326
65.$73,500MS107950400 / 5,043
66.$73,000MS135950100 / 3,688
67.$72,800MS135950100 / 3,729
68.$72,500MS151001000 / 1,284
69.$72,400MS083950700 / 2,366
70.$72,100MS083950400 / 6,905
71.$72,000MS097950200 / 2,723
72.$71,800MS151001700 / 2,759
73.$71,700MS151001400 / 3,898
73.$71,700MS043950100 / 5,616
75.$71,400MS015950200 / 5,579
76.$71,300MS011950702 / 3,622
76.$71,300MS097950200 / 2,751
78.$71,200MS133950600 / 2,377
78.$71,200MS011950701 / 4,513
80.$70,900MS043950400 / 2,575
81.$70,600MS151001400 / 3,939
82.$69,900MS133950600 / 2,454
82.$69,900MS107950500 / 7,324
82.$69,900MS011950702 / 3,222
85.$69,800MS151001400 / 4,161
86.$69,700MS097950100 / 2,989
87.$69,400MS097950200 / 2,771
88.$69,200MS107950500 / 6,439
89.$69,000MS043950100 / 6,282
90.$68,800MS097950100 / 2,868
91.$68,700MS053950100 / 3,191
92.$68,400MS015950100 / 4,579
93.$68,300MS133950300 / 2,515
93.$68,300MS097950100 / 2,756
95.$68,200MS083950400 / 5,400
96.$67,900MS133950200 / 4,575
96.$67,900MS133950300 / 2,503
98.$67,800MS097950300 / 5,247
99.$67,700MS133950402 / 5,854
100.$67,500MS097950300 / 5,378
101.$67,400MS133950402 / 5,883
102.$66,600MS083950300 / 5,694
103.$66,500MS083950700 / 2,393
104.$66,200MS011950200 / 2,811
104.$66,200MS011950300 / 3,335
104.$66,200MS161950300 / 5,275
107.$66,000MS133950600 / 2,782
108.$65,700MS011950100 / 3,849
109.$65,500MS107950500 / 6,139
110.$65,100MS053950300 / 4,471
111.$64,800MS011950300 / 3,187
112.$64,700MS133950402 / 6,195
113.$64,300MS027950400 / 4,187
114.$64,000MS053950300 / 4,469
114.$64,000MS135950400 / 2,161
114.$64,000MS083950400 / 6,035
117.$63,600MS151001200 / 2,519
117.$63,600AR041950100 / 1,863
119.$63,500MS053950200 / 1,862
120.$63,400MS027950500 / 5,246
121.$63,100MS135950100 / 3,606
122.$62,800MS053950100 / 2,831
122.$62,800MS015950200 / 5,974
124.$62,600MS161950100 / 3,827
125.$62,400MS135950200 / 2,440
126.$62,200MS161950100 / 3,265
126.$62,200MS015950200 / 5,968
128.$62,000MS083950700 / 2,276
129.$61,800MS133950200 / 4,515
130.$61,400MS133950500 / 2,587
131.$61,300MS119950300 / 3,889
131.$61,300MS027950500 / 5,323
133.$61,100MS053950300 / 4,048
134.$60,800MS133950100 / 6,913
135.$60,600MS161950100 / 3,788
135.$60,600MS083950800 / 3,908
137.$60,100MS051950100 / 4,154
138.$60,000MS161950300 / 4,630
138.$60,000MS135950200 / 2,997
140.$59,700MS053950100 / 2,773
140.$59,700MS011950400 / 4,406
142.$59,600MS083950300 / 5,411
143.$59,400MS151001600 / 2,047
144.$59,000MS027950300 / 3,443
145.$58,800MS135950300 / 6,794
146.$58,600MS151001300 / 2,553
147.$58,500MS151001300 / 2,347
148.$58,400MS011950200 / 3,207
149.$58,100MS011950400 / 4,360
149.$58,100MS083950800 / 4,344
151.$57,800MS133950300 / 2,630
151.$57,800MS151001300 / 2,405
153.$57,700MS011950100 / 3,863
153.$57,700MS151002100 / 1,465
155.$57,600MS051950100 / 4,288
156.$56,900MS151002000 / 1,380
156.$56,900MS027950700 / 5,342
158.$56,500AR041950100 / 1,830
158.$56,500MS027950400 / 4,354
160.$56,300MS133950500 / 2,759
160.$56,300MS027950500 / 5,200
162.$56,000MS133950100 / 7,680
163.$55,400MS133950200 / 4,873
163.$55,400MS011950400 / 4,329
163.$55,400MS135950300 / 6,209
166.$55,300MS133950100 / 7,474
167.$55,200MS151002000 / 1,489
168.$54,900MS151000300 / 3,239
169.$54,600MS051950400 / 2,172
170.$54,500MS083950100 / 1,330
171.$54,400MS027950300 / 3,570
172.$54,300MS151001100 / 1,632
173.$54,100MS135950200 / 2,983
173.$54,100MS151001200 / 2,391
173.$54,100MS053950200 / 2,371
176.$54,000MS083950300 / 5,312
177.$53,700MS119950300 / 3,943
177.$53,700MS119950200 / 1,697
179.$53,200MS083950200 / 3,285
180.$52,800MS027950600 / 1,337
180.$52,800MS051950200 / 4,773
182.$52,700MS133950500 / 2,713
183.$51,900MS051950100 / 4,295
184.$51,600MS119950300 / 3,910
185.$51,300MS151001200 / 2,699
185.$51,300MS151002000 / 1,459
185.$51,300MS027950400 / 4,777
188.$51,100MS083950800 / 3,992
188.$51,100MS027950100 / 3,745
190.$51,000MS119950200 / 1,823
191.$50,900MS027950700 / 5,141
192.$50,500MS011950100 / 4,049
192.$50,500MS051950400 / 2,510
194.$50,400MS083950200 / 3,141
195.$50,300MS135950400 / 2,368
196.$50,200MS011950200 / 3,294
196.$50,200MS083950200 / 3,888
198.$49,800MS135950400 / 2,843
198.$49,800MS053950200 / 2,099
200.$49,600MS151002100 / 1,241
201.$49,400MS151002100 / 1,210
202.$49,300MS051950200 / 4,313
203.$47,800MS119950200 / 2,175
204.$47,400MS027950300 / 3,440
205.$47,000MS151001100 / 1,730
206.$46,600MS027950100 / 3,878
207.$46,500AR041950100 / 1,570
207.$46,500MS027950100 / 4,118
209.$46,400MS027950700 / 5,092
210.$45,900MS027950600 / 1,341
211.$44,800MS083950100 / 1,074
212.$44,500MS051950400 / 1,922
213.$44,200MS119950100 / 2,316
214.$43,400MS135950300 / 5,838
215.$42,700MS151000600 / 2,790
216.$42,500MS083950100 / 1,141
217.$41,300MS051950300 / 2,926
218.$40,700MS151001000 / 1,601
219.$40,600MS151000400 / 3,141
220.$40,500MS083950900 / 4,903
220.$40,500MS083950900 / 4,533
222.$40,400MS051950300 / 2,775
223.$40,000MS083950900 / 4,263
224.$39,600MS051950200 / 3,956
225.$37,500MS151000600 / 2,643
225.$37,500MS027950600 / 1,371
227.$36,500MS119950100 / 2,405
228.$35,600MS051950300 / 3,091
229.$34,900MS119950100 / 2,466
230.$33,300MS151001100 / 1,807
231.$32,900MS151000600 / 2,675
231.$32,900MS151001000 / 1,158
233.$32,200MS151000400 / 2,850
234.$29,600MS151000400 / 3,135

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

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