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Delaware Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 20-30% of Owner Income School District Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 16 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPercentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 20-30% of Owner Income ▼School District / Population
1.32.2%Appoquinimink School District / 56,764
2.29.2%Colonial School District / 84,178
3.28.8%Christina School District / 171,861
4.28.4%Brandywine School District / 91,468
5.28.3%Laurel School District / 16,385
6.27.9%Caesar Rodney School District / 44,928
7.27.2%Indian River School District / 78,107
8.27.1%Red Clay Consolidated School District / 135,940
9.26.8%Seaford School District / 22,867
10.26.5%Milford School District / 28,749
11.26.5%Capital School District / 55,210
12.25.7%Cape Henlopen School District / 47,964
13.24.9%Smyrna School District / 35,309
14.24.6%Lake Forest School District / 25,458
15.24.3%Woodbridge School District / 16,400
16.21.1%Delmar School District / 5,472

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 20-30% of Owner Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Percentage of Houses with a Mortgage where Total Holding Costs 20-30% of Owner Income' data are not listed.

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