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Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Goessel Unified School District 411

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 94 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.16.25Eastborough, KS / 728
2.15.38Willowbrook, KS / 105
3.15.05North Newton, KS / 1,926
4.15.02Bel Aire, KS / 6,923
5.15.00Andover, KS / 12,113
6.14.76Kechi, KS / 2,291
7.14.49Lindsborg, KS / 3,473
8.14.43Derby, KS / 23,419
9.14.36Elbing, KS / 273
10.14.25Andale, KS / 879
11.14.24Hesston, KS / 3,621
12.14.21Sterling, KS / 2,333
13.14.11Maize, KS / 3,984
14.14.05Rose Hill, KS / 4,009
15.14.02Buhler, KS / 1,485
16.14.01Colwich, KS / 1,368
17.13.98Benton, KS / 1,013
18.13.94Assaria, KS / 560
19.13.91Goddard, KS / 4,583
20.13.90Cheney, KS / 1,916
21.13.88Valley Center, KS / 6,449
22.13.87Mcconnell, KS / 1,428
23.13.83Mcpherson, KS / 13,205
24.13.72Little River, KS / 564
25.13.71Mount Hope, KS / 790
26.13.68Garden Plain, KS / 812
27.13.60Hillsboro, KS / 2,940
28.13.59Matfield Green, KS / 44
29.13.58Cassoday, KS / 83
30.13.55Wichita, KS / 385,518
31.13.54Whitewater, KS / 728
32.13.50El Dorado, KS / 12,931
33.13.48Park City, KS / 7,194
34.13.47Sedgwick, KS / 1,925
35.13.45Towanda, KS / 1,666
36.13.44Cedar Point, KS / 23
37.13.42Woodbine, KS / 208
38.13.41Goessel, KS / 545
39.13.40Augusta, KS / 9,239
40.13.37Salina, KS / 47,894
41.13.35Newton, KS / 19,144
42.13.34Cottonwood Falls, KS / 1,012
43.13.32Yoder, KS / 269
44.13.31Haven, KS / 1,135
45.13.30Hutchinson, KS / 41,946
46.13.29Lehigh, KS / 164
47.13.28Potwin, KS / 534
48.13.24Halstead, KS / 2,339
49.13.22Haysville, KS / 11,235
50.13.20Solomon, KS / 1,177
51.13.17Walton, KS / 210
52.13.16Abilene, KS / 6,729
53.13.15Burrton, KS / 904
54.13.14Gypsum, KS / 380
55.13.14Smolan, KS / 238
56.13.07Nickerson, KS / 1,174
57.13.05Hope, KS / 353
58.12.96Galva, KS / 908
59.12.96Enterprise, KS / 958
60.12.93Peabody, KS / 1,185
61.12.92Lincolnville, KS / 244
62.12.90Tampa, KS / 105
63.12.88Herington, KS / 2,353
64.12.82Kipp, KS / 159
65.12.81Marquette, KS / 613
66.12.79Lyons, KS / 3,746
67.12.79Brookville, KS / 360
68.12.78Latimer, KS / 41
69.12.77Carlton, KS / 15
70.12.73White City, KS / 590
71.12.73Bentley, KS / 515
72.12.70Inman, KS / 1,240
73.12.68Moundridge, KS / 1,782
74.12.67South Hutchinson, KS / 2,267
75.12.65Leon, KS / 572
76.12.64Marion, KS / 1,943
77.12.59Wilsey, KS / 177
78.12.52Canton, KS / 1,006
79.12.51Florence, KS / 511
80.12.45Detroit, KS / 448
81.12.45Geneseo, KS / 316
82.12.42Rosalia, KS / 93
83.12.41Strong City, KS / 485
84.12.37Lost Springs, KS / 57
85.12.37New Cambria, KS / 140
86.12.26Windom, KS / 147
87.12.14Burns, KS / 258
88.11.88Ramona, KS / 113
89.11.82Durham, KS / 144
90.11.80Partridge, KS / 300
91.11.73Elmdale, KS / 45
92.11.40Oaklawn-Sunview, KS / 2,838
93.11.33Falun, KS / 118
94.11.31Roxbury, KS / 55

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

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