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Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Lewiston, NE

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 122 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.44Walton, NE / 374
2.15.17Woodland Hills, NE / 141
3.14.45Waverly, NE / 3,528
4.14.42Peru, NE / 874
5.14.22Lincoln, NE / 265,811
6.14.17Hickman, NE / 1,850
7.13.99Yankee Hill, NE / 270
8.13.96Elmwood, NE / 550
9.13.94Bennet, NE / 896
10.13.80Julian, NE / 66
11.13.77Roca, NE / 200
12.13.66Auburn, NE / 3,426
13.13.60Cortland, NE / 588
14.13.58Panama, NE / 272
15.13.54Odell, NE / 340
16.13.53Manley, NE / 158
17.13.50Milford, NE / 2,351
18.13.50Pickrell, NE / 219
19.13.50Stella, NE / 154
20.13.49Murdock, NE / 284
21.13.49Falls City, NE / 4,270
22.13.46Denton, NE / 251
23.13.45Pleasant Dale, NE / 236
24.13.44Cook, NE / 341
25.13.44Marysville, KS / 3,301
26.13.43Sabetha, KS / 2,562
27.13.42Weeping Water, NE / 1,175
28.13.40Syracuse, NE / 1,887
29.13.30Eagle, NE / 1,098
30.13.29Bern, KS / 186
31.13.29Hamlin, KS / 56
32.13.28Douglas, NE / 194
33.13.26Beatrice, NE / 12,183
34.13.25Sterling, NE / 450
35.13.24Endicott, NE / 123
36.13.23Hallam, NE / 228
37.13.21Johnson, NE / 357
38.13.20Greenwood, NE / 625
39.13.19Palmyra, NE / 627
40.13.18Brownville, NE / 141
41.13.17Nehawka, NE / 340
42.13.16Lewiston, NE / 77
43.13.15Nebraska City, NE / 7,279
44.13.15Burchard, NE / 48
45.13.14Hollenberg, KS / 21
46.13.14Adams, NE / 560
47.13.13Hanover, KS / 549
48.13.12Rock Port, MO / 1,384
49.13.08Alvo, NE / 155
50.13.08Wilber, NE / 1,692
51.13.08Daykin, NE / 202
52.13.08Plymouth, NE / 442
53.13.06Waterville, KS / 682
53.13.06Humboldt, NE / 925
55.13.05Percival, IA / 21
56.13.04Dawson, NE / 116
57.13.04Seneca, KS / 1,819
58.13.04De Witt, NE / 442
59.13.01Dorchester, NE / 598
60.13.00Swanton, NE / 95
60.13.00Diller, NE / 200
62.13.00Axtell, KS / 411
63.13.00Frankfort, KS / 649
64.12.98Table Rock, NE / 252
65.12.98Firth, NE / 613
66.12.97Steele City, NE / 105
67.12.96Corning, KS / 143
68.12.95Clatonia, NE / 300
69.12.95Unadilla, NE / 310
70.12.95Lorton, NE / 62
71.12.92Washington, KS / 1,258
72.12.91Fairview, KS / 254
73.12.90Pawnee City, NE / 874
74.12.86Hamburg, IA / 1,076
75.12.85Goff, KS / 120
76.12.85Centralia, KS / 524
77.12.83Virginia, NE / 55
78.12.82Western, NE / 326
79.12.80Avoca, NE / 180
80.12.78Sprague, NE / 133
81.12.77Crab Orchard, NE / 42
82.12.76Harbine, NE / 55
83.12.75Burr, NE / 26
84.12.75Vermillion, KS / 95
85.12.73Wymore, NE / 1,399
86.12.66Baileyville, KS / 172
87.12.60Jansen, NE / 140
88.12.57Oketo, KS / 56
89.12.56Morrill, KS / 321
90.12.55Blue Rapids, KS / 1,025
91.12.53Fairbury, NE / 3,902
92.12.52Salem, NE / 102
93.12.52Tecumseh, NE / 1,655
94.12.51Steinauer, NE / 56
95.12.47Verdon, NE / 207
96.12.44Elk Creek, NE / 115
97.12.37Holmesville, NE / 49
98.12.34Barnes, KS / 113
99.12.31Summerfield, KS / 146
100.12.31Du Bois, NE / 151
101.12.30Crete, NE / 7,055
102.12.25Liberty, NE / 72
103.12.25Filley, NE / 100
104.12.24Dunbar, NE / 176
105.12.21Union, NE / 202
106.12.20Home, KS / 210
107.12.20Otoe, NE / 131
108.12.17Morrowville, KS / 155
109.12.17Talmage, NE / 232
110.12.13Oneida, KS / 55
111.12.12Barneston, NE / 92
112.12.12Beattie, KS / 239
113.12.11Greenleaf, KS / 378
114.12.11Nemaha, NE / 155
115.12.10Blue Springs, NE / 372
116.12.02Brock, NE / 130
117.12.02Shubert, NE / 141
118.11.82Watson, MO / 86
119.11.56Barada, NE / 9
120.11.35Preston, NE / 49
121.11.22Reserve, KS / 58
122.10.29Phelps City, MO / 7

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

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