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Average Education Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 43787

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 156 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▼City / Population
1.15.79Athens, OH / 24,151
2.15.38North Hills, WV / 826
3.14.54Hide-A-Way Hills, OH / 660
4.14.38New Concord, OH / 2,728
5.14.35Williamstown, WV / 2,919
6.14.21North Zanesville, OH / 3,007
7.14.16Washington, WV / 1,380
8.14.12Devola, OH / 2,612
9.14.11Thornport, OH / 1,216
10.14.04Little Hocking, OH / 253
11.13.84Amesville, OH / 153
12.13.79Boaz, WV / 1,400
13.13.70Vienna, WV / 10,654
14.13.63The Plains, OH / 3,030
15.13.52Ravenswood, WV / 3,853
16.13.44Lubeck, WV / 1,304
17.13.42Thornville, OH / 1,203
18.13.37Hanover, OH / 1,045
19.13.34Pleasant Grove, OH / 2,039
20.13.25Marne, OH / 668
21.13.21Marietta, OH / 14,029
22.13.19Saint Marys, WV / 1,910
23.13.16Newport CDP, OH / 1,048
24.13.15Reno, OH / 1,127
25.13.14Blennerhassett, WV / 2,893
26.13.13Millersport, OH / 1,338
27.13.13Mineralwells, WV / 1,441
28.13.13Albany, OH / 1,202
29.13.12Friendly, WV / 71
30.13.12Buchtel, OH / 524
31.13.08Duncan Falls, OH / 885
32.13.03Baltimore, OH / 2,970
33.13.02Bremen, OH / 1,494
34.13.01Ripley, WV / 3,259
35.13.01Heath, OH / 10,381
36.13.00Norwich, OH / 93
37.12.99Lowell, OH / 478
38.12.96Glenford, OH / 242
39.12.95Hemlock, OH / 196
40.12.93Fairfield Beach, OH / 951
41.12.92Dresden, OH / 1,641
42.12.87Beverly, OH / 1,072
43.12.87Vincent, OH / 365
44.12.85Newark, OH / 47,744
45.12.84Belmont, WV / 1,118
46.12.83Parkersburg, WV / 31,195
47.12.83Lancaster, OH / 39,105
48.12.83Antioch, OH / 119
49.12.83Harbor Hills, OH / 1,574
50.12.82Sardis, OH / 492
51.12.82Cambridge, OH / 10,558
52.12.80New Marshfield, OH / 276
53.12.80Stafford, OH / 98
54.12.78Caldwell, OH / 1,577
55.12.76Racine, OH / 625
56.12.74Sugar Grove, OH / 411
57.12.72Logan, OH / 7,314
58.12.71Belpre, OH / 6,431
59.12.70Mcarthur, OH / 1,883
60.12.70Rushville, OH / 375
61.12.69Point Pleasant, WV / 4,326
62.12.69Wellston, OH / 5,590
63.12.68Stewart, OH / 230
64.12.68Waverly, WV / 234
65.12.67Old Washington, OH / 321
66.12.63Elizabeth, WV / 876
67.12.63New Haven, WV / 1,414
68.12.62Somerset, OH / 1,488
69.12.61Jerusalem, OH / 163
70.12.61Harrisville, WV / 2,194
71.12.61Haydenville, OH / 150
72.12.60Waterford, OH / 364
73.12.60Wilson, OH / 155
74.12.60Mason, WV / 1,059
75.12.60Woodsfield, OH / 2,349
76.12.59Middlebourne, WV / 890
77.12.56Plainfield, OH / 169
78.12.53Conesville, OH / 277
79.12.51Jacksonville, OH / 611
80.12.51Barnesville, OH / 4,115
81.12.49Gratiot, OH / 333
82.12.49Corning, OH / 641
83.12.48Mcconnelsville, OH / 1,889
84.12.48Wilkesville, OH / 121
85.12.47Malta, OH / 891
86.12.46Syracuse, OH / 803
87.12.44Lewisville, OH / 217
88.12.43Lower Salem, OH / 40
89.12.43Reedy, WV / 165
90.12.43Beallsville, OH / 418
91.12.43New Lexington, OH / 4,889
92.12.42Adamsville, OH / 126
93.12.42Senecaville, OH / 428
94.12.41Sistersville, WV / 1,583
95.12.40Stockport, OH / 518
96.12.40Murray City, OH / 399
97.12.39Nelsonville, OH / 5,596
98.12.39Paden City, WV / 2,528
99.12.38Belle Valley, OH / 271
100.12.37Sarahsville, OH / 168
101.12.36Pennsboro, WV / 1,244
102.12.35Rockbridge, OH / 226
103.12.34Byesville, OH / 2,504
104.12.33Zanesville, OH / 25,444
105.12.32Philo, OH / 764
106.12.30Matamoras Village, OH / 822
107.12.29Frazeysburg, OH / 1,629
108.12.28West Rushville, OH / 187
109.12.27Pleasantville, OH / 1,201
110.12.26East Fultonham, OH / 303
111.12.25Graysville, OH / 81
112.12.25Middleport, OH / 2,320
113.12.24Rutland, OH / 615
114.12.23Junction City, OH / 843
115.12.21Ellenboro, WV / 482
116.12.21Crooksville, OH / 2,463
117.12.20Miltonsburg, OH / 50
118.12.17Chauncey, OH / 1,258
119.12.14Chesterhill, OH / 319
120.12.12Summerfield, OH / 235
121.12.11Vinton, OH / 252
122.12.10Hartford City, WV / 651
123.12.10Tuppers Plains, OH / 451
124.12.10Cheshire, OH / 234
125.12.07Hebron, OH / 2,338
126.12.07Fairview, OH / 96
127.12.06Lore City, OH / 289
128.12.06Carbon Hill, OH / 187
129.12.05Pleasant City, OH / 446
130.12.04Fultonham, OH / 122
131.12.03New Straitsville, OH / 686
132.12.03Zaleski, OH / 403
133.12.03South Zanesville, OH / 2,181
134.12.02Cumberland, OH / 367
135.12.01Shawnee village, OH / 587
136.11.98Thurston, OH / 512
137.11.93Trimble, OH / 413
138.11.93Pomeroy, OH / 1,705
139.11.92Glouster, OH / 1,745
140.11.91Salesville, OH / 125
141.11.90Millfield, OH / 252
142.11.87Quaker City, OH / 501
143.11.87Roseville, OH / 2,283
144.11.79Cairo, WV / 390
145.11.78Buckeye Lake, OH / 2,707
146.11.70Buffalo, OH / 304
147.11.64Rendville, OH / 96
148.11.58Batesville, OH / 95
149.11.56Coolville, OH / 579
150.11.51Kimbolton, OH / 129
151.11.51Dexter City, OH / 132
152.11.37Hamden, OH / 936
153.11.00Macksburg, OH / 133
154.10.87Hockingport, OH / 130
155.10.79Brownsville, OH / 135
156.10.63Trinway, OH / 238

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

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