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Wallace Byrd Middle School, Test Performance


YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2009Math7th Grade% met std66%66%63%
2010Math7th Grade% met std41%41%65%
2011Math7th Grade% met std65%65%68%
2009Reading7th Grade% met std81%81%70%
2010Reading7th Grade% met std73%73%67%
2011Reading7th Grade% met std84%84%72%
2009Math8th Grade% met std47%47%61%
2010Math8th Grade% met std62%62%66%
2011Math8th Grade% met std74%74%67%
2009Reading8th Grade% met std73%73%67%
2010Reading8th Grade% met std76%76%70%
2011Reading8th Grade% met std89%89%77%
2009Science8th Grade% met std87%87%N/A
2010Science8th Grade% met std93%93%88%
2011Science8th Grade% met std97%97%89%

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* Wallace Byrd Middle School, Test Performance was rated 4 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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