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Twelve Bridges Middle Middle School

770 W.View Dr
Lincoln CA, 95648, Placer County
Phone: 916-434-5270

Ranking: (1,027 out of 6,930, top 15%)*
Type: Regular Middle School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
School District: Western Placer Unified School District
Title I Eligible School: No
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:35 35 38 NANA38 37 37 
Total Students:833 857 822 852 864 838 715 
Grade 6:28033.6%28232.9%26632.4%29434.5%27331.6%30636.5%26136.5%
Grade 7:27432.9%25730.0%29535.9%26431.0%31436.3%27833.2%23332.6%
Grade 8:27332.8%31436.6%25931.5%28833.8%27732.1%25430.3%22130.9%
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:111.3%131.5%121.5%101.2%70.8%91.1%81.1%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:70.8%20.2%50.6%50.6%70.8%111.3%NANA
Two or More Races:303.6%263.0%303.6%516.0%677.8%364.3%NANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:12014.4%10211.9%NANA16118.9%17720.5%15618.6%11916.6%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:475.6%505.8%NANA657.6%455.2%576.8%598.3%
Student-Teacher Ratio:23.73 24.42 21.92 NANA23.04 21.00 19.40 

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2007English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score359.7348.3339.5
2008English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score365.9355.2345.5
2009English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score368.9365.4352.5
2010English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score379.9369356.8
2011English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score379.1368.7358.4
2012English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score389.7371.9364.2
2013English Language Arts Standards6th GradeMean Scaled Score374.9365.8363.0
2007Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score373.6355.4343.2
2008Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score375.6362.1347.9
2009Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score383375.9354.5
2010Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score398.3380.6360.5
2011Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score392.5371.8364.6
2012Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score388.9364.9366.8
2013Mathematics6th GradeMean Scaled Score388.0368.4366.5
2007English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score369.8351342.9
2008English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score365356.9348.6
2009English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score386.5373.4354.3
2010English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score381.3373.8356.4
2011English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score388.9373.5360.3
2012English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score393.8379366.6
2013English Language Arts Standards7th GradeMean Scaled Score386.8368.8363.5
2007Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score370.8344.9336
2008Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score373.6353.9339.3
2009Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score392.1370345
2010Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score390.7373.4352.2
2011Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score395.6371.4354.9
2012Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score406.6377.1360.5
2013Mathematics7th GradeMean Scaled Score388.4360.2357.9
2007Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score355.4355.8336.8
2008Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score360.8368.3342.9
2009Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score352.8357.3347.3
2010Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score369.9366.6350.3
2011Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score379.3381.5351.9
2012Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score382.1394.6355.1
2013Algebra I8th GradeMean Scaled Score374.5349.5358.0
2007English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score357.3351.8338.7
2008English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score363.1352.1341.2
2009English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score376.2370.9348.5
2010English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score391.6373.3357.1
2011English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score390.5379.3361.8
2012English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score390.4376.9365.2
2013English Language Arts Standards8th GradeMean Scaled Score387.0375.4361.3
2007General Mathematics8th GradeMean Scaled Score315.5325.1315.7
2008General Mathematics8th GradeMean Scaled Score318.2335.3320.5
2007History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score332.4336.5329.8
2008History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score363.9344.9333.9
2009History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score371.1355.3340.2
2010History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score398.5373.8348.1
2011History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score392.3375.2352.6
2012History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score396.5380.1356.6
2013History - Social Science Grade 88th GradeMean Scaled Score388.4379.2357.1
2007Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score376.6359.7339.7
2008Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score397.9374.9355
2009Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score412.2390364.3
2010Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score419.7388.9375.3
2011Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score421.5387.8385.9
2012Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score434.5406.9394.8
2013Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score425.2402.8390.9
2007Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score355.4325.8311.1
2008Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score360.8326.3314.6
2009Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score352.8333.3319.7
2010Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score369.9349.9323.9
2011Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score379.3363.4326.9
2012Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score382.1368.1330.4
2013Algebra IEnd of courseMean Scaled Score374.5345.5334.1
2007General MathematicsEnd of courseMean Scaled Score315.5317.8311
2008General MathematicsEnd of courseMean Scaled Score318.2327.2315.2

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* Twelve Bridges Middle Middle School was rated 4.5 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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