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Sissonville Middle School

100 Middle School Ln
Charleston WV, 25312, Kanawha County
Phone: 304-348-1993

Ranking: (402 out of 558, bottom 28%)*
Type: Regular Middle School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Grade 5 to Grade 8
School District: Kanawha County School District
Title I Eligible School: No
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:38 38 43 41 31 32 33 
Total Students:614 626 691 676 502 472 478 
Grade 5:15625.4%14423.0%17124.7%15522.9%NANANANANANA
Grade 6:15224.8%16626.5%16123.3%16824.9%20140.0%17136.2%15231.8%
Grade 7:15825.7%15224.3%16724.2%20430.2%16132.1%13528.6%15833.1%
Grade 8:14824.1%16426.2%19227.8%14922.0%14027.9%16635.2%16835.1%
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%10.2%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%NANANANA
Two or More Races:10.2%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%NANANANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:27144.1%27143.3%28441.1%29243.2%20440.6%21445.3%20242.3%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:498.0%426.7%568.1%405.9%5911.8%347.2%449.2%
Student-Teacher Ratio:16.16 16.47 16.07 16.29 16.19 14.80 14.50 

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2011Math5th GradeMean Scaled Score29.3349.7545
2012Math5th GradeMean Scaled Score42.655.1850
2011RLA5th GradeMean Scaled Score41.3352.1546
2012RLA5th GradeMean Scaled Score44.3753.8451
2011Science5th GradeMean Scaled Score20.439.7540
2012Science5th GradeMean Scaled Score29.5143.842
2011Social Studies5th GradeMean Scaled Score23.1239.6636
2012Social Studies5th GradeMean Scaled Score20.9534.9734
2009Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score60.3561.5860
2010Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score43.2845.0143
2011Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score45.1850.545
2012Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score36.4752.4848
2009RLA6th GradeMean Scaled Score49.1165.0765
2010RLA6th GradeMean Scaled Score30.3446.8943
2011RLA6th GradeMean Scaled Score39.7555.9950
2012RLA6th GradeMean Scaled Score38.3653.8351
2009Science6th GradeMean Scaled Score48.557.1258
2010Science6th GradeMean Scaled Score2541.240
2011Science6th GradeMean Scaled Score35.5441.9441
2012Science6th GradeMean Scaled Score25.7843.6442
2009Social Studies6th GradeMean Scaled Score53.9361.860
2010Social Studies6th GradeMean Scaled Score26.6336.9934
2011Social Studies6th GradeMean Scaled Score35.5437.9835
2012Social Studies6th GradeMean Scaled Score21.0135.4934
2009Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score58.2752.1155
2010Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score40.3850.847
2011Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score37.3248.1444
2012Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score46.0255.0451
2009RLA7th GradeMean Scaled Score71.4261.3763
2010RLA7th GradeMean Scaled Score41.0247.8643
2011RLA7th GradeMean Scaled Score48.856.151
2012RLA7th GradeMean Scaled Score53.9754.1849
2009Science7th GradeMean Scaled Score58.0852.4454
2010Science7th GradeMean Scaled Score42.7642.5143
2011Science7th GradeMean Scaled Score42.342.8142
2012Science7th GradeMean Scaled Score48.5745.5945
2009Social Studies7th GradeMean Scaled Score49.2649.9252
2010Social Studies7th GradeMean Scaled Score32.0242.0439
2011Social Studies7th GradeMean Scaled Score36.5340.738
2012Social Studies7th GradeMean Scaled Score37.7142.0840
2009Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score36.0247.6953
2010Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score36.4239.1837
2011Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score36.9142.7340
2012Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score36.0245.9842
2009RLA8th GradeMean Scaled Score51.8756.9961
2010RLA8th GradeMean Scaled Score47.8543.9842
2011RLA8th GradeMean Scaled Score46.353.9248
2012RLA8th GradeMean Scaled Score56.9852.6247
2009Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score39.2449.9555
2010Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score49.2644.4946
2011Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score40.4144.9442
2012Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score55.9751.1847
2009Social Studies8th GradeMean Scaled Score32.2754.1758
2010Social Studies8th GradeMean Scaled Score24.4434.5233
2011Social Studies8th GradeMean Scaled Score26.7139.0136
2012Social Studies8th GradeMean Scaled Score37.535.0834

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* Sissonville Middle School was rated 2 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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