Roland-Story High School, Test Performance
Year | Test | Grade | Measurement | Score | School District | State Average |
IA | ||||||
2012 | Math | 11th Grade | % met std | 91.89% | 91.89% | 82.81% |
2013 | Math | 11th Grade | % met std | 91.04% | 91.04% | 82.19% |
2012 | Reading | 11th Grade | % met std | 90.54% | 90.54% | 83.97% |
2013 | Reading | 11th Grade | % met std | 88.06% | 88.06% | 83.26% |
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* Roland-Story High School, Test Performance was rated 5 out of 5 by The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.