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Paragon Academy Of Technology Middle School

502 North 28th Ave
Hollywood FL, 33020, Broward County
Phone: 954-925-0155

Ranking: (1,880 out of 2,614, bottom 28%)*
Type: Regular Middle School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
School District: Broward County School District
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:7 6 6 6 NANANANANANA
Total Students:133 122 92 101 87 134 122 
Grade 6:4735.3%4637.7%2527.2%3231.7%2629.9%3929.1%3831.1%
Grade 7:4231.6%3730.3%4043.5%3029.7%3540.2%4533.6%4738.5%
Grade 8:4433.1%3932.0%2729.3%3938.6%2629.9%5037.3%3730.3%
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:10.8%10.8%11.1%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%NANANANANANA
Two or More Races:43.0%32.5%22.2%00.0%NANANANANANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:11284.2%9073.8%6368.5%5958.4%3843.7%7455.2%5645.9%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:86.0%43.3%77.6%1413.9%1820.7%1914.2%86.6%
Student-Teacher Ratio:19.00 20.33 15.33 16.83 NANANANANANA

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2007Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score280317307
2008Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score292324313
2009Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score294325316
2010Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score299330319
2011Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score298328319
2012Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score223228227
2013Math6th GradeMean Scaled Score220228226
2007Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score286308306
2008Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score294317310
2009Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score302316313
2010Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score282319315
2011Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score287319315
2012Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score216226225
2013Reading6th GradeMean Scaled Score217226225
2007Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score301320312
2008Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score293323315
2009Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score306323314
2010Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score309320314
2011Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score309320314
2012Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score233238236
2013Math7th GradeMean Scaled Score234234235
2007Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score306318313
2008Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score302319315
2009Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score316323318
2010Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score303324322
2011Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score301324322
2012Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score226232231
2013Reading7th GradeMean Scaled Score224232231
2007Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score311323318
2008Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score323328324
2009Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score309328322
2010Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score321330324
2011Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score323330325
2012Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score244246243
2013Math8th GradeMean Scaled Score240238240
2007Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score308306303
2008Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score304314310
2009Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score302316312
2010Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score300318312
2011Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score301315313
2012Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score228238237
2013Reading8th GradeMean Scaled Score232239237
2007Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score293297298
2008Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score305304305
2009Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score286306305
2010Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score310313310
2011Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score322312315
2012Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score320314316
2013Science8th GradeMean Scaled Score194199200

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* Paragon Academy Of Technology Middle School was rated 2 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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