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New River Elementary Primary School, Test Performance


YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2010Math3rd GradeMean Scaled Score28.3131.4244
2011Math3rd GradeMean Scaled Score28.0528.2541
2012Math3rd GradeMean Scaled Score34.4534.0649
2010RLA3rd GradeMean Scaled Score36.2838.7445
2011RLA3rd GradeMean Scaled Score39.5635.8746
2012RLA3rd GradeMean Scaled Score33.7839.4749
2010Science3rd GradeMean Scaled Score24.5430.0540
2011Science3rd GradeMean Scaled Score24.4229.2141
2012Science3rd GradeMean Scaled Score2028.8343
2010Social Studies3rd GradeMean Scaled Score23.6323.8936
2011Social Studies3rd GradeMean Scaled Score17.5523.4536
2012Social Studies3rd GradeMean Scaled Score17.8523.3137
2010Math4th GradeMean Scaled Score36.0533.2642
2011Math4th GradeMean Scaled Score38.0140.8546
2012Math4th GradeMean Scaled Score48.9539.5647
2010RLA4th GradeMean Scaled Score32.6530.3540
2011RLA4th GradeMean Scaled Score38.8440.9348
2012RLA4th GradeMean Scaled Score39.1635.344
2010Science4th GradeMean Scaled Score33.3332.4735
2011Science4th GradeMean Scaled Score26.4429.2938
2012Science4th GradeMean Scaled Score24.4723.0735
2010Social Studies4th GradeMean Scaled Score33.3329.7536
2011Social Studies4th GradeMean Scaled Score30.2526.2635
2012Social Studies4th GradeMean Scaled Score33.3328.2235

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* New River Elementary Primary School, Test Performance was rated 1.5 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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