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Carlisle County Middle School

4557 Stateroute 1377
Bardwell KY, 42023, Carlisle County
Phone: 270-628-3800

Ranking: (558 out of 943, bottom 41%)*
Type: Regular Middle School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:12 14 13 13 12 12 12 
Total Students:173 206 186 175 158 171 167 
Grade 6:5129.5%7235.0%6132.8%6838.9%4830.4%5733.3%4828.7%
Grade 7:6738.7%6531.6%7138.2%4827.4%6038.0%4928.7%6941.3%
Grade 8:5531.8%6933.5%5429.0%5933.7%5031.6%6538.0%5029.9%
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%NANANANANANA
Two or More Races:10.6%00.0%00.0%21.1%NANANANANANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:8750.3%9345.1%8646.2%9252.6%8453.2%8147.4%7544.9%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:84.6%115.3%158.1%126.9%148.9%169.4%137.8%
Student-Teacher Ratio:14.18 15.14 14.88 14.00 13.74 14.90 14.50 

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2012Language Mechanics6th Grade% met std35%35%38.4%
2013Language Mechanics6th Grade% met std45.2%45.2%43.8%
2012Mathematics6th Grade% met std40%40%41.6%
2013Mathematics6th Grade% met std21.9%21.9%38.5%
2012Reading6th Grade% met std38.3%38.3%46%
2013Reading6th Grade% met std41.1%41.1%46.3%
2012Writing6th Grade% met std18.3%18.3%39.2%
2013Writing6th Grade% met std45.2%45.2%48.0%
2012Mathematics7th Grade% met std31.8%31.8%38.6%
2013Mathematics7th Grade% met std33.3%33.3%38.6%
2012Reading7th Grade% met std57.6%57.6%47.8%
2013Reading7th Grade% met std63.3%63.3%54.7%
2012Science7th Grade% met std65.2%65.2%61.8%
2013Science7th Grade% met std66.7%66.7%61.2%
2012Mathematics8th Grade% met std28.6%28.6%41.5%
2013Mathematics8th Grade% met std36.9%36.9%45.1%
2012Reading8th Grade% met std37.5%37.5%46.7%
2013Reading8th Grade% met std61.5%61.5%52.4%
2012Social Studies8th Grade% met std50%50%58.6%
2013Social Studies8th Grade% met std63.1%63.1%59.2%
2012Writing8th Grade% met std51.8%51.8%43.5%
2013Writing8th Grade% met std33.8%33.8%38.6%
2007MathematicsAll grades (MS)% proficient56.91%56.91%51.85%
2008MathematicsAll grades (MS)% proficient63.8%63.8%56.96%
2009MathematicsAll grades (MS)% proficient56.47%56.47%60.92%
2010MathematicsAll grades (MS)% proficient45.51%45.51%62.38%
2011MathematicsAll grades (MS)% proficient65.34%65.34%65.11%
2007ReadingAll grades (MS)% proficient75%75%66.32%
2008ReadingAll grades (MS)% proficient69.33%69.33%66.81%
2009ReadingAll grades (MS)% proficient62.94%62.94%66.92%
2010ReadingAll grades (MS)% proficient57.49%57.49%70.21%
2011ReadingAll grades (MS)% proficient67.05%67.05%69.9%
2007ScienceAll grades (MS)% proficient70.21%70.21%55.95%
2008ScienceAll grades (MS)% proficient74.24%74.24%59.57%
2009ScienceAll grades (MS)% proficient61.7%61.7%62.72%
2010ScienceAll grades (MS)% proficient54.1%54.1%57.02%
2011ScienceAll grades (MS)% proficient79.59%79.59%64.04%
2007Social StudiesAll grades (MS)% proficient52.63%52.63%52.64%
2008Social StudiesAll grades (MS)% proficient60%60%57.82%
2009Social StudiesAll grades (MS)% proficient65.15%65.15%55.8%
2010Social StudiesAll grades (MS)% proficient49.12%49.12%56.28%
2011Social StudiesAll grades (MS)% proficient58.33%58.33%60.09%
2007WritingAll grades (MS)% proficient40.79%40.79%41.92%
2008WritingAll grades (MS)% proficient38%38%39.48%
2009WritingAll grades (MS)% proficient43.94%43.94%42.06%
2010WritingAll grades (MS)% proficient33.33%33.33%42.34%
2011WritingAll grades (MS)% proficient45%45%45.22%

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

Teacher's Experience and Compensation

Teachers with Bachelor Degree:63.6%
Teachers with Master or PhD Degree:27.3%
Mean Number of Years of Teaching:9.0 years
Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less:45.5%
Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More:54.5%
Mean Base Salary:$34,452.0
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less:$29,350.0
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More:$38,704.0

* Carlisle County Middle School was rated 3 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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