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Perrin, TX Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Perrin is about the same as Texas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Perrin is about the same as Texas average and is higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #485

Perrin, TX

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Perrin, TX

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #885

Perrin, TX

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,034 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Perrin, TX were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:1Dense Fog:0Drought:49
Dust Storm:0Flood:305Hail:2,256Heat:7Heavy Snow:7
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:13Landslide:0Strong Wind:10
Thunderstorm Winds:1,302Tropical Storm:1Wildfire:4Winter Storm:14Winter Weather:15

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Perrin, TX.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Perrin, TX.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Perrin, TX.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 72 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Perrin, TX.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
1.11965-04-14233°03'N / 98°04'W2.00 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jack
8.81980-04-02232°57'N / 98°01'W32°54'N / 97°58'W4.50 Miles277 Yards01250K0Parker
12.51979-10-30233°06'N / 97°52'W2.00 Miles50 Yards0025K0Wise
13.71973-05-06232°53'N / 97°55'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Parker
14.81990-04-05232°50'N / 97°59'W0.20 Mile10 Yards000K0Parker
16.21990-04-05232°49'N / 97°58'W0.20 Mile10 Yards000K0Parker
17.31982-05-12232°42'N / 98°00'W32°58'N / 97°47'W20.00 Miles73 Yards00250K0Parker
17.61973-05-06232°50'N / 97°53'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0325K0Parker
19.91959-09-03232°45'N / 98°01'W0.30 Mile200 Yards003K0Parker
20.31986-03-11232°46'N / 97°52'W32°52'N / 97°48'W9.00 Miles40 Yards000K0Parker
20.51975-06-08232°59'N / 98°25'W000K0Palo Pinto
20.91990-04-25432°47'N / 97°50'W32°54'N / 97°45'W10.00 Miles880 Yards002.5M0Parker
21.71975-05-29232°49'N / 97°48'W003K0Parker
22.01990-04-25233°04'N / 97°43'W33°05'N / 97°40'W5.00 Miles100 Yards000K0Wise
22.51975-06-08232°48'N / 97°48'W0025K0Parker
23.21990-04-25232°44'N / 97°51'W32°47'N / 97°50'W4.00 Miles300 Yards000K0Parker
23.91976-05-12232°45'N / 97°50'W2.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Parker
24.71965-05-12233°18'N / 97°47'W0.10 Mile17 Yards0025K0Wise
25.41976-05-12232°43'N / 97°51'W2.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Parker
25.61986-02-02232°39'N / 97°56'W32°44'N / 97°52'W10.00 Miles100 Yards02250K0Parker
26.21996-04-13233°03'N / 97°37'W33°03'N / 97°37'W0.50 Mile75 Yards00100K0Wise
 Brief Description: Two mobile homes and a barn were destroyed by a tornado in Keeter.
26.31973-11-24233°00'N / 97°37'W0025K0Wise
26.92001-10-12233°09'N / 97°39'W33°09'N / 97°36'W2.50 Miles440 Yards01200K0Wise
 Brief Description: The first tornado touched down in southwest Paradise at the intersection of School House Road and Sunflower. Initial damage was spotty, with damage to trees, mobile homes, and outbuildings. The tornado strengthened as it moved northeast into the downtown area, with the peak F2 intensity along Main Street. The roof of the firehouse was completely removed and thrown several hundred yards. Some bricks on the exterior walls of the firehouse were removed. A woman in the firehouse received a head injury from flying debris, and was treated at a local hospital. A water tower was blown over across the street from the firehouse. Numerous trees along Main Street were either sheared off or uprooted. The tornado crossed Highway114, flipping over a tractor trailer and causing tree damage at an orchard. Showers and thunderstorms developed across north Texas, mainly in the afternoon and night resulting in widespread severe weather, during the period October 10-13. The most significant event occured during the late afternoon and night of October 12, as a line of severe thunderstorms moved east across north texas producing eight tornadoes, and nearly two million dollars in damage.
28.41962-07-26232°42'N / 97°47'W000K0Parker
29.81970-04-25233°03'N / 98°35'W0.50 Mile33 Yards003K0Young
30.01957-04-02333°02'N / 97°33'W01250K0Wise
30.11990-04-25233°15'N / 97°37'W0.20 Mile10 Yards000K0Wise
30.11976-04-15233°06'N / 98°35'W2.00 Miles33 Yards00250K0Young
30.21955-04-06333°28'N / 98°16'W33°28'N / 98°02'W13.50 Miles33 Yards00250K0Clay
30.61979-10-30233°03'N / 98°38'W33°19'N / 98°30'W20.00 Miles77 Yards05250K0Young
31.11974-06-04233°06'N / 98°36'W1.00 Mile467 Yards000K0Young
31.51979-06-06333°13'N / 98°37'W33°15'N / 98°30'W7.10 Miles400 Yards02250K0Young
31.81979-10-30233°19'N / 98°30'W33°25'N / 98°24'W9.10 Miles77 Yards00250K0Jack
32.21976-04-15233°07'N / 98°37'W2.00 Miles33 Yards00250K0Young
32.51955-04-06333°26'N / 98°24'W33°28'N / 98°16'W8.20 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jack
33.01982-05-12232°36'N / 97°50'W32°40'N / 97°41'W8.00 Miles150 Yards062.5M0Parker
33.22001-10-12233°14'N / 97°36'W33°18'N / 97°32'W9.00 Miles590 Yards01750K0Wise
 Brief Description: The second Wise county tornado touched down on the southwest side of Decatur, with initial damage to trees and a large storage shed. The tornado strengthened as it moved east northeast into the Lipsey Subdivision. Several homes sustained roof damage and numerous trees were blown down or snapped off. One large home on Garland Street was rendered uninhabitable, as most of the roof was blown off and two exterior walls were destroyed. The occupant escaped with minor injuries. The tornado crossed Highway 51, blowing down numerous trees, power lines, and utility poles. A large portion of the roof of the Church of Christ building was removed and blown into a tree about one mile away. The Wise County Regional Hospital had some windows broken. As the tornado crossed Highway 287, it weakened doing sporadic F0 damage to trees in a residential area just south of downtown. The tornado reintensified just east of downtown near the intersection if Business Highway 81 and Old Denton Road, where a 10,000 square foot storage building was destroyed. The tornado continued moving northeast, severely damaging three homes. Two four inch diameter posts from a gazebo were thrown 1/4 of a mile and driven one foot into the ground. The tornado crossed Highway 380, heavily damaging a ranch, then moved into a heavily wooded area blowing down hundreds of trees before dissipating. Damage occurred to 50 homes,at least 8 businesses, and 2 churches. Showers and thunderstorms developed across north Texas, mainly in the afternoon and night resulting in widespread severe weather, during the period October 10-13. The most significant event occured during the late afternoon and night of October 12, as a line of severe thunderstorms moved east across north texas producing eight tornadoes, and nearly two million dollars in damage.
34.01975-05-29233°00'N / 97°29'W00250K0Wise
34.81982-05-12332°31'N / 98°10'W32°33'N / 98°05'W4.00 Miles100 Yards003K0Palo Pinto
36.41954-05-01233°33'N / 98°09'W33°34'N / 98°08'W1.30 Miles67 Yards000K0Clay
36.91966-04-10233°21'N / 98°35'W1.00 Mile133 Yards000K0Young
37.21976-04-19232°41'N / 97°35'W0.30 Mile33 Yards0025K0Parker
37.71982-05-12332°29'N / 98°14'W32°31'N / 98°10'W5.00 Miles100 Yards02250K0Erath
38.01963-09-06233°30'N / 97°43'W0.10 Mile17 Yards0025K0Montague
38.51970-04-18232°48'N / 97°28'W2.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Tarrant
38.81973-05-11232°55'N / 97°27'W32°48'N / 97°25'W8.40 Miles200 Yards00250K0Tarrant
38.81959-11-03233°34'N / 97°51'W0.50 Mile33 Yards0025K0Montague
39.41976-04-19232°31'N / 97°47'W0.20 Mile33 Yards000K0Hood
39.41986-05-14333°34'N / 98°25'W33°34'N / 98°13'W9.00 Miles250 Yards002.5M0Clay
40.31974-05-14232°42'N / 97°30'W0.30 Mile100 Yards000K0Tarrant
41.51971-04-28232°28'N / 97°50'W32°32'N / 97°39'W11.70 Miles33 Yards00250K0Hood
41.51989-05-04232°29'N / 97°52'W32°27'N / 97°48'W3.50 Miles500 Yards0220K0Hood
41.91975-05-14232°58'N / 97°21'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0125K0Tarrant
42.11960-05-04332°48'N / 97°26'W32°52'N / 97°20'W7.40 Miles500 Yards012250K0Tarrant
42.41965-06-23232°37'N / 97°32'W0.10 Mile17 Yards0025K0Johnson
42.91976-04-19232°27'N / 97°49'W0.20 Mile33 Yards000K0Hood
43.61977-07-27232°27'N / 97°47'W0.70 Mile250 Yards003K0Hood
44.91979-06-06233°12'N / 98°53'W33°13'N / 98°45'W7.90 Miles200 Yards0025K0Young
45.41986-05-14333°32'N / 98°42'W33°34'N / 98°25'W11.00 Miles250 Yards042.5M0Archer
46.11990-04-05232°45'N / 97°21'W0.20 Mile10 Yards002.5M0Tarrant
46.12000-03-28332°45'N / 97°21'W32°45'N / 97°21'W4.00 Miles250 Yards28000Tarrant
 Brief Description: M52OU, M67OU Tarrant County Thunderstorm Narrative The first tornado damage was reported near Castleberry High School, about four miles west of downtown Fort Worth (618 PM). Additional roof and tree damage occurred in Monticello neighborhood of River Oaks. A number of businesses were then damaged or destroyed near the intersection of Camp Bowie and West Seventh (620 PM). Tornado moved east along West Seventh Street, striking the Montgomery Ward building and the adjacent Linwood neighborhood, doing extensive damage to older homes (622 PM). The tornado then did extensive damage to the six story Cash America building, nearly destroying it. Further significant damage was then done to the Mallick Tower building and Calvary Cathedral Building (624 PM). The tornado weakened as it entered downtown, but wind borne debris broke thousands of windows in buildings and high rises (626 PM). Particularly hard hit was the Bank One Building, which had 80% (3,000) of its windows broken, and the Union Pacific Resources Building (1,300 of 5,000 windows broken). Numerous other structures were affected to a lesser degree. Automobiles in streets and parking lots were also damaged. The tornado then dissipated as it moved east of downtown, although scattered minor damage occurred to roofs, trees, fences, and billboards about 3 miles east of the city near I-30 and Brentwood Stair. Two people were killed as a direct result of the tornado. A man (age 52) was killed while trying to reach shelter after warning others of the tornado, while a homeless man (age 67) was killed by a wall that collapsed on him. Some 80 other people were injured, but only six required hospitalization. Hail did extensive damage to roofs and autos mainly in Lake Worth and Saginaw. Initial tornado damage in Arlington occurred at a restaurant on South Cooper street. The tornado moved east and gained strength, doing F3 damage near Bardin and Matlock (707 PM), south of I-20. The tornado then struck the northern part of Arlington Airport (F2). The tornado paralled I-20, crossing the Interstate about one mile west of Highway 360, overturning at least one 18-wheeler (F1)(712 PM). The tornado then began moving northeast, ending with F2 damage to subdivision just northeast of Grand Prairie airport (near Arkansas and Parkside)(720 PM). In spite of the damage, there were no deaths or serious injuries in Arlington or Grand Prairie. One commercial building was destroyed in Arlington, and 22 others damaged. Residential building damage (Tarrant county) was as follows: Location Destroyed Major Damage Minor Damage Azle 0 0 13 (hail) Lake Worth 0 0 118 (hail) River Oaks 0 3 51 Fort Worth 28 48 136 Arlington 67 146 458 Grand Prairie 6 9 32 Total 101 206 808
46.12002-04-16332°45'N / 97°21'W32°45'N / 97°21'W2.10 Miles80 Yards00250K0Tarrant
 Brief Description: The fourth and most significant tornado of the day developed in east Fort Worth just south of Ramey Avenue east of Loop 820, moved north and dissipated between Forest and Haynie streets, south of Greenlee Street. Damage occurred to a strip mall, with heavy damage to a duplex. Several homes were partially unroofed, two businesses suffered heavy damage, and roof damage occurred to the sanctuary of a church.
46.31957-11-17232°43'N / 97°22'W2.00 Miles50 Yards023K0Tarrant
46.42000-04-30333°22'N / 98°46'W33°22'N / 98°46'W13.00 Miles800 Yards00300K0Young
 Brief Description: A large tornado was reported from near the county line (between Elbert and Padgett) to east of Olney. A 100 year old home was completely destroyed one mile south of the Olney Airport. A total of three homes and two motor homes were destroyed. Damage was reported to a nursing home, barns, power lines and trees. Most of the damage, however, occurred in open country. April 30, 2000 - Event Narrative A big day for severe weather across northwest portions of the area. Several outflow boundaries, a dryline, and moist unstable air all helped contribute to thunderstorm development. There were several rounds of thunderstorms, the first wave was in the early morning hours, from about 3 am to 5 am. This activity developed in Young and Palo Pinto counties and moved eastward to affect Parker, Jack, Wise and Tarrant counties. Another event developed in the early evening, generally north and west of a Dallas, Glen Rose, Eastland line. Most of the activity was centered on Young, Jack, and Stephens county. A large tornado occurred near Olney (Young County) during this event. A continuation of aa tornado that began in Throckmorton county.
46.51958-11-17233°23'N / 98°46'W33°28'N / 98°41'W7.60 Miles133 Yards01250K0Young
46.91995-04-19232°44'N / 97°19'W32°48'N / 97°20'W5.00 Miles50 Yards004.0M0Tarrant
 Brief Description: The tornado track was approximately five miles long from the Texas Christian University campus to 1.5 miles southeast of downtown Fort Worth. At least six vehicles were overturned, major damage was sustained by an apartment complex, and significant damage occurred to roofs. Power lines, telephone and power poles, and a large number of trees were blown down by high winds.
46.91973-06-19232°45'N / 97°20'W0.30 Mile500 Yards00250K0Tarrant
47.01994-05-29333°20'N / 98°49'W33°14'N / 98°50'W7.00 Miles600 Yards005K0Young
 Brief Description: A large tornado was video-taped by storm chasers. The tornado was on the ground for 20 minutes and moved south-southeast across open ranch land with the only known damage being to a garage and an oil storage tank.
47.41951-05-18433°25'N / 98°45'W2.00 Miles200 Yards21002.5M0Young
47.71981-05-17233°16'N / 97°20'W33°16'N / 97°15'W4.90 Miles123 Yards003K0Denton
48.51959-11-03233°05'N / 97°14'W1.20 Miles300 Yards0025K0Denton
48.81955-09-25233°26'N / 98°46'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Young

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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