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Pearson, GA Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Pearson is about the same as Georgia average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Pearson is lower than Georgia average and is lower than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #659

Pearson, GA

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Pearson, GA

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #610

Pearson, GA

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 1,867 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Pearson, GA were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:12Dense Fog:2Drought:21
Dust Storm:0Flood:62Hail:430Heat:8Heavy Snow:9
High Surf:0Hurricane:3Ice Storm:3Landslide:0Strong Wind:17
Thunderstorm Winds:1,166Tropical Storm:8Wildfire:1Winter Storm:5Winter Weather:4

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Pearson, GA.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Pearson, GA.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Pearson, GA.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 38 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Pearson, GA.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
6.11964-04-08231°22'N / 82°55'W5.00 Miles150 Yards0025K0Atkinson
10.22002-11-12231°26'N / 82°56'W31°27'N / 82°51'W3.00 Miles200 Yards02500K50KCoffee
 Brief Description: Tornado touched down in field along the Atkinson-Coffee County line near Marshal Corbet Road. Just inside of Coffee county one wood frame structure had a portion of its roof removed. Three large 100 yard long chicken houses were totally destroyed and machinery tossed about. One automobile was picked up and landed on the roof of a brick structure. Extensive roof damage to brick structure. Several work sheds destroyed. Trees snapped off and twisted at tops with debris wrapped in tree tops. Numerous large live oak trees felled. Clear evidence of rotation was noted by investigating officials. The storm continued north in a discontinuous path doing damage to cotton fields. the tornado crossed Highway 135 at the Satilla River with trees again snapped and twisted at the tops. Approximately 1 mile north of the Satilla River the tornado passed over an airstrip destroying a hanger/office structure and severely damaging a crop dusting aircraft. Debris from the destroyed chicken houses was identified at this site some 3 miles from its point of origin. This was the final discernable touchdown, although there was some evidence from debris further north that the system continued as a funnel cloud just above tree top level into southeast Douglas.
12.91972-06-19231°29'N / 82°52'W1.50 Miles50 Yards00250K0Coffee
14.11969-04-18231°26'N / 83°08'W31°34'N / 82°38'W30.80 Miles233 Yards0282.5M0Coffee
14.61971-01-05231°31'N / 82°50'W31°30'N / 82°53'W3.30 Miles77 Yards0125K0Coffee
19.41961-04-12231°30'N / 82°40'W31°30'N / 82°35'W4.90 Miles33 Yards0025K0Coffee
22.11971-05-12231°36'N / 82°54'W31°38'N / 82°51'W4.30 Miles100 Yards0025K0Coffee
22.71952-05-11331°22'N / 83°15'W31°24'N / 83°12'W4.30 Miles200 Yards0102.5M0Berrien
22.82005-12-05230°58'N / 82°52'W30°58'N / 82°51'W3.00 Miles100 Yards0000Clinch
 Brief Description: A mini-supercell storm over western Clinch county tracked north-northeast roughly along Highway 84. At 310 pm tornado damage was reported near Du Pont. A home was damaged at 2371 Edward Lee Road, which is about 2 miles east of downtown Du Pont. Numerous trees and power lines were also down mainly south of Du Pont along Olive Leaf Road. An NWS Storm Survey the day after the tornado revealed F2 damage. The tornado path was narrow (50 yards), but the circulation damaged several structures near Du Pont including a brick carport and porch. A semi-truck was lifted on top of another semi, and much of a blueberry packaging structure was destroyed. Winds were estimated at 120-150 mph.
25.21982-04-25230°57'N / 82°59'W1.00 Mile400 Yards052.5M0Lanier
27.61961-04-12231°30'N / 82°35'W31°30'N / 82°19'W15.70 Miles33 Yards0225K0Bacon
28.11970-02-25231°12'N / 82°29'W31°12'N / 82°18'W10.90 Miles100 Yards02250K0Ware
28.21971-01-15231°38'N / 82°35'W0025K0Bacon
30.21997-10-26231°32'N / 82°26'W31°36'N / 82°28'W6.00 Miles30 Yards01200K0Bacon
 Brief Description: Ten homes destroyed, four with major damage, and 17 sustained minor damage. A four mile line of standing pine timber was completely destroyed.
31.91957-11-29231°28'N / 82°21'W1.00 Mile300 Yards0625K0Bacon
33.91968-11-18331°10'N / 82°18'W0.50 Mile33 Yards0025K0Ware
36.31967-06-19231°42'N / 83°15'W0.90 Mile33 Yards0025K0Ben Hill
36.31970-06-22231°10'N / 83°27'W0.30 Mile33 Yards0025K0Cook
36.51962-01-06231°36'N / 82°24'W31°39'N / 82°20'W5.40 Miles300 Yards0025K0Bacon
37.21963-06-14231°43'N / 83°15'W0.50 Mile33 Yards02250K0Ben Hill
37.51967-05-22231°33'N / 83°25'W0.50 Mile30 Yards0025K0Tift
37.51976-03-16231°28'N / 82°15'W0.30 Mile100 Yards00250K0Pierce
38.01969-05-15231°28'N / 83°28'W2.00 Miles33 Yards003K0Tift
38.01968-12-03230°54'N / 83°18'W0.10 Mile27 Yards003K0Lowndes
38.71957-04-08331°51'N / 83°05'W31°51'N / 82°50'W14.70 Miles400 Yards1325K0Telfair
39.82009-12-02231°30'N / 82°14'W31°31'N / 82°13'W1.00 Mile440 Yards000K0KPierce
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado first touched down at approximately 1415EST in northwest Pierce County near Merson Road and Crump Road. Several trees were damaged and a farm shed had portions of its sheet metal roof removed. Winds here were estimated to have been near 70 mph or EF-0. The tornado moved northeast across several fields and encountered two small farm structures and a wooded area along Tiny Lane. The structures were completely destroyed with their contents strewn across the wooded area. Extensive tree blow down occurred in the woods with many pines snapped at 10 to 15 feet above ground level. The tornado was estimated to have been an EF-1 event in this location with winds of 110 mph. The funnel continued to move across fields next encountering wooded areas and structures near Scuffletown Road. At this point the funnel was one quarter mile or approximately 440 yards wide with winds estimated at 105 mph. Extensive tree blow down continued here with one mobile home destroyed and substantial damage to a wood frame structure. The tornado crossed the Big Satilla Creek at this point, and crossed into Appling County, continuing on a northeast track. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Strong mid and upper low initially over Texas was moving east-northeast while the upper level trough it was embedded in became negatively tilted. This led to a broad diffluent pattern over most of the southeastern states. As the system approached the right rear quadrant of upper jet moved into the forecast area coincident with a low-level jet of, at least, 60 knots. This created atmospheric dynamics favorable for severe weather, with the only limiting factor being modest instability. A warm front over the area during the morning moved rapidly north in response to increasing southerly flow allowing a gradual increase in low level instability. By afternoon several severe weather events and three tornadoes occurred over portions of southeast Georgia.
41.21955-04-02231°32'N / 83°31'W31°33'N / 83°28'W3.80 Miles880 Yards0025K0Tift
41.81967-05-22230°49'N / 83°17'W0.50 Mile500 Yards0025K0Lowndes
42.12009-12-02231°31'N / 82°13'W31°34'N / 82°11'W4.00 Miles440 Yards020K0KAppling
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado first touched down at approximately 1415EST in northwest Pierce County near Merson Road and Crump Road. It crossed the Big Satilla Creek, entering into Appling County at this point, and continued on a northeast track. The funnel may have briefly lifted off the ground at this point. The next significant damage occurred along Metts-Overstreet Road with the complete destruction of a singlewide mobile home and a farm shed at approximately 1425EST. Additionally, at this location, a brick cider block structure had one wall knocked over. The tornado then moved into a dairy just west of the intersection of State Road 15 and Wireglass Road. The event was rated as an EF-2 with winds of 135 mph at this location. Three metal building structures were destroyed with one removed from its foundation and blown into a pile of scrap metal. It is possible the funnel may have approached EF-3 at this particular location with winds of 140 to 150 mph; however, other damage to frame and masonry structures at the dairy suggested a lower wind value should be assigned to this area. One individual escaped injury by jumping into a depressed area inside one of the structures before it blew down around her. East of State Road 15, along Wireglass Road, extensive tree blow down and snapping continued in a tree farm. Once again the funnel likely lifted off the ground touching down again at 1430EST near 4230 Antioch Church Road destroying a doublewide mobile home. At this location, two middle aged individuals were in the bedroom, preparing for work, when the funnel destroyed the mobile home. Both escaped with only minor cuts despite the fact that the doublewide was completely obliterated and the frames bent. Once again at this location the winds were rated at 135 mph for a strong EF-2 rating. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Strong mid and upper low initially over Texas was moving east-northeast while the upper level trough it was embedded in became negatively tilted. This led to a broad diffluent pattern over most of the southeastern states. As the system approached the right rear quadrant of upper jet moved into the forecast area coincident with a low-level jet of, at least, 60 knots. This created atmospheric dynamics favorable for severe weather, with the only limiting factor being modest instability. A warm front over the area during the morning moved rapidly north in response to increasing southerly flow allowing a gradual increase in low level instability. By afternoon several severe weather events and three tornadoes occurred over portions of southeast Georgia.
42.91966-07-08230°47'N / 83°18'W30°48'N / 83°15'W3.30 Miles300 Yards01250K0Lowndes
43.31961-12-18230°48'N / 83°18'W0.50 Mile37 Yards0025K0Lowndes
43.31963-04-06231°00'N / 83°34'W31°00'N / 83°26'W8.00 Miles300 Yards0025K0Brooks
43.91964-12-25231°32'N / 83°39'W31°37'N / 83°24'W15.80 Miles300 Yards00250K0Tift
44.52000-02-14231°18'N / 83°38'W31°21'N / 83°35'W5.00 Miles200 Yards0102.0M0Tift
 Brief Description: A strong tornado crossed U.S. Highway 319 from extreme northeast Colquitt County into extreme southwest Tift County, just south of Omega. Twelve mobile homes and eight pre-fabricated homes were destroyed. Numerous frame homes were damaged, including some moved off their block foundations. Ten persons were injured. Numerous trees and power lines were down. Just northeast of Omega, a school bus was blown into a nearby home. Tift County was declared a federal disaster area. Reported by the Tift County EMA.
45.52000-02-14231°19'N / 83°38'W31°20'N / 83°37'W1.00 Mile200 Yards10500K0Colquitt
 Brief Description: A strong tornado tore through extreme northeast Colquitt County near Crosland toppling trees and power lines before it moved into extreme southwest Tift County. Several mobile homes were damaged. One woman was killed in a mobile home just northeast of Crosland when a large tree and another mobile home were blown against her home. Colquitt County was declared a federal disaster area. Reported by a amateur radio operator and the Colquitt County EMA. F43MH
45.71982-12-29231°56'N / 83°04'W2.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Telfair
47.61961-04-03231°48'N / 82°18'W0.50 Mile33 Yards003K0Appling
49.31969-04-18231°34'N / 82°38'W31°48'N / 81°40'W59.10 Miles233 Yards003K0Bacon

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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