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Palmyra, NE Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Palmyra is about the same as Nebraska average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Palmyra is higher than Nebraska average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #266

Palmyra, NE

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Palmyra, NE

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #172

Palmyra, NE

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,438 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Palmyra, NE were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:24Cold:51Dense Fog:1Drought:6
Dust Storm:1Flood:332Hail:2,142Heat:12Heavy Snow:23
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:21Landslide:0Strong Wind:74
Thunderstorm Winds:1,447Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:131Winter Weather:20

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Palmyra, NE.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Palmyra, NE.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Palmyra, NE.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 81 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Palmyra, NE.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
3.21991-04-26340°36'N / 96°24'W40°47'N / 96°16'W14.00 Miles350 Yards022.5M0Otoe
5.11965-07-01340°43'N / 96°25'W40°39'N / 96°11'W12.80 Miles33 Yards01250K0Otoe
8.41967-06-09240°35'N / 96°23'W40°39'N / 96°11'W11.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Otoe
11.12009-03-23240°37'N / 96°35'W40°38'N / 96°34'W2.00 Miles50 Yards000K0KLancaster
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This is the second of 5 cyclic tornadoes that a low-topped supercell thunderstorm produced at it tracked southeast through east of the Lincoln area. This tornado touched down around 2 miles east of Hickman and damaged a house in the area, destroyed some farm outbuildings, took the roof off of a barn and also caused tree damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An intense upper level low pressure system tracked from eastern Colorado into southeast South Dakota from March 23rd into March 24th. This caused a surface low pressure system to move from western Nebraska into southeast South Dakota during that time. As the low tracked northeast, a dry-line moved into eastern Nebraska during the afternoon of March 23rd. With surface temperatures in the 60s and 70s, and dewpoint temperatures in the 50s, ample instability was in place to allow a line of severe thunderstorms to develop as the dry-line punched eastward. Several fast moving low-topped supercell thunderstorms were embedded in the line, and one cell produced cyclic tornadoes from southeast of Lincoln into western Iowa. The storms in the line were moving north northeast at 50 to 60 mph. In addition to the severe weather, strong southerly gradient winds prevailed ahead of the low pressure. In some cases the winds gusted between 50 and 65 mph for several hours across parts of eastern Nebraska.
11.11957-05-09240°32'N / 96°18'W40°39'N / 96°11'W9.90 Miles120 Yards0025K0Otoe
14.52004-05-22440°30'N / 96°47'W40°41'N / 96°28'W19.50 Miles4400 Yards130100.0M0Lancaster
 Brief Description: See description below. F73PH This long tracked tornado is often referred to as the Hallam tornado. It initially touched down 3 miles west of Daykin in northern Jefferson county. The tornado was rated an f0 or f1 in Jefferson county damaging farm outbuildings, grain bins and trees. From there the tornado crossed into Saline county southwest of Western and remained an f0 or f1 until it struck the southern portion of Wilber where it strengthened to f2. Roofs were blown off of homes just southeast of Wilber. The tornado traveled from Wilber into Gage county, crossing the county line west of Clatonia where it grew to its most intense stage, f4. The tornado remained nearly at this strength as it crossed into Lancaster county near Hallam with a damage path of around 2 1/2 miles. Many well-built homes were demolished from Clatonia to Hallam, along with grain bins, farm sheds, and outbuildings. Many trees were destroyed or uprooted. Although Hallam itself escaped the strongest winds from the storm, which occurred just south of town, 95 percent of the buildings in town were either destroyed or severely damaged. The lone fatality from the tornado occurred in Hallam. The storm also toppled several hopper cars from a freight train on the west edge of town. In total 55 railroad cars were derailed. From Hallam the tornado traveled east for several miles prior to turning northeast again just north of Cortland. The storm then tracked 2 miles north of Firth, severely damaging the Firth-Norris high school and a nearby middle school. School busses were tossed in this area. Several homes northeast of the schools were flattened as the tornado regained its f4 strength. The damage path continued northeast to Holland and then to 2 miles north of Panama where the tornado weakened to around an f2 and the damage path began to narrow. The track then curved more toward the north, passing just south of Bennet where a few homes sustained f3 damage. After passing south of Bennet, the storm moved back to the northeast and began to weaken to f0 or f1 strength as it crossed into Otoe county southwest of Palmyra. The tornado finally dissipated 1 miles west southwest of Palmyra. In total the tornado was on the ground for around 54 miles with a maximum intensity of f4. Besides the fatality, 38 people sustained injuries, 158 homes were leveled and 57 others were seriously damaged. The dollar amount of damage was estimated at 160 million, with 60 million of that agricultural including 100 cattle and 50 hogs lost. Some 150,000 acres of crop land sustained significant damage. The 5 counties were declared national disaster areas by Fema.
15.51995-05-08240°27'N / 96°23'W40°31'N / 96°20'W1.50 Miles400 Yards00450K0Nemaha
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down four miles west and one-half mile south of Auburn and did extensive damage to a house, farm, its outbuildings, and power lines along the path of the tornado. A second farmsite was damage three and one-half miles west of Auburn.
16.61991-04-26240°26'N / 96°30'W40°31'N / 96°28'W4.00 Miles150 Yards00250K0Gage
17.81982-04-15240°30'N / 96°12'W40°31'N / 96°09'W3.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Johnson
18.41982-04-15240°31'N / 96°09'W40°32'N / 96°07'W2.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Otoe
19.61984-06-12240°54'N / 96°50'W40°54'N / 96°30'W20.00 Miles150 Yards002.5M0Lancaster
19.71952-08-13441°01'N / 96°19'W40°56'N / 96°13'W7.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Cass
20.01984-06-12240°48'N / 96°09'W40°55'N / 95°59'W11.00 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Cass
20.71957-04-25440°49'N / 96°54'W41°11'N / 96°02'W51.70 Miles333 Yards002.5M0Lancaster
23.61981-04-03240°52'N / 96°52'W40°53'N / 96°42'W8.30 Miles50 Yards00250K0Lancaster
24.81956-06-06240°44'N / 96°53'W40°42'N / 96°51'W1.30 Miles33 Yards013K0Lancaster
26.41984-06-12240°52'N / 95°56'W0.50 Mile50 Yards003K0Cass
27.12004-05-22440°28'N / 96°53'W40°31'N / 96°46'W7.00 Miles2640 Yards0020.0M0Gage
 Brief Description: See description below. This long tracked tornado is often referred to as the Hallam tornado. It initially touched down 3 miles west of Daykin in northern Jefferson county. The tornado was rated an f0 or f1 in Jefferson county damaging farm outbuildings, grain bins and trees. From there the tornado crossed into Saline county southwest of Western and remained an f0 or f1 until it struck the southern portion of Wilber where it strengthened to f2. Roofs were blown off of homes just southeast of Wilber. The tornado traveled from Wilber into Gage county, crossing the county line west of Clatonia where it grew to its most intense stage, f4. The tornado remained nearly at this strength as it crossed into Lancaster county near Hallam with a damage path of around 2 1/2 miles. Many well-built homes were demolished from Clatonia to Hallam, along with grain bins, farm sheds, and outbuildings. Many trees were destroyed or uprooted. Although Hallam itself escaped the strongest winds from the storm, which occurred just south of town, 95 percent of the buildings in town were either destroyed or severely damaged. The lone fatality from the tornado occurred in Hallam. The storm also toppled several hopper cars from a freight train on the west edge of town. In total 55 railroad cars were derailed. From Hallam the tornado traveled east for several miles prior to turning northeast again just north of Cortland. The storm then tracked 2 miles north of Firth, severely damaging the Firth-Norris high school and a nearby middle school. School busses were tossed in this area. Several homes northeast of the schools were flattened as the tornado regained its f4 strength. The damage path continued northeast to Holland and then to 2 miles north of Panama where the tornado weakened to around an f2 and the damage path began to narrow. The track then curved more toward the north, passing just south of Bennet where a few homes sustained f3 damage. After passing south of Bennet, the storm moved back to the northeast and began to weaken to f0 or f1 strength as it crossed into Otoe county southwest of Palmyra. The tornado finally dissipated 1 miles west southwest of Palmyra. In total the tornado was on the ground for around 54 miles with a maximum intensity of f4. Besides the fatality, 38 people sustained injuries, 158 homes were leveled and 57 others were seriously damaged. The dollar amount of damage was estimated at 160 million, with 60 million of that agricultural including 100 cattle and 50 hogs lost. Some 150,000 acres of crop land sustained significant damage. The 5 counties were declared national disaster areas by Fema.
27.42008-05-29240°20'N / 96°42'W40°21'N / 96°30'W11.00 Miles440 Yards00750K0KGage
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A bow echo that moved across the Beatrice area spun up an EF2 tornado just north of town while south through east of town a narrow path of straight line wind damage occurred. The tornado touched down around 2 miles east of Highway 77 near Hackberry Road where it severely damaged two houses. Farm outbuildings were also severely damaged or destroyed. The tornado was rated an EF2 at that location. From there the tornado damaged a church on Elm Road with trees also snapped or uprooted in both areas as well. The tornado continued east northeast causing substantial tree and outbuilding damage to 10 more farmsteads, along with some house damage. Most of the damage occurred along Hackberry Road with the damage path around 1/4 mile wide. As the tornado worked its way east northeast toward Johnson county...the damage gradually weakened and the path narrowed. The tornado was estimated to have lifted a little northeast of Filley. Emergency management estimated that the tornado and the wind damage south through east of town caused at least a million dollars worth of damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A warm front lifted north across the region during the afternoon and evening of May 29th followed by a weak cool front passage later that night. As the warm front passed, temperatures warmed into the lower to mid 80s and dewpoint temperatures climbed into the 65 to 70 degree range. The whole system was aided by an intense upper level low pressure area that moved from the eastern Rockies into the northern plains. The combination of the high instability in place, the 2 fronts and the upper level disturbance created conditions that were favorable not only for severe thunderstorms, a few of which were supercells that produced tornadoes, but also areas of very heavy rainfall that produced flash flooding that night and river and stream flooding that lasted a day or two later.
27.41967-06-09240°25'N / 96°54'W40°28'N / 96°40'W12.60 Miles33 Yards02250K0Gage
27.41970-07-14240°29'N / 96°53'W40°30'N / 96°47'W4.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Gage
28.41988-05-07241°07'N / 96°28'W41°07'N / 96°20'W7.00 Miles73 Yards002.5M0Saunders
28.41964-06-08240°24'N / 96°55'W40°30'N / 96°43'W12.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Saline
28.51952-08-13441°13'N / 96°35'W41°01'N / 96°19'W19.40 Miles110 Yards020250K0Saunders
28.71952-06-26240°38'N / 96°56'W40°35'N / 96°55'W2.70 Miles33 Yards000K0Saline
28.81959-08-30240°55'N / 96°52'W4.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Lancaster
30.31958-07-03240°14'N / 96°28'W40°18'N / 96°16'W11.20 Miles33 Yards01250K0Pawnee
31.12006-04-15240°08'N / 96°47'W40°27'N / 96°28'W29.00 Miles880 Yards004.5M0Gage
 Brief Description: This tornado formed about 6 miles west of Wymore at 433 pm CDT (1533 CST), tracked northeast to around 4 miles east of Beatrice where it caused f2 damage, then tracked just south of Adams and crossed into Johnson county 2 miles southeast of Adams around 515 pm CDT. In Johnson county the tornado tracked another 5 miles before dissipating or lifting 3 miles north of Sterling. This tornado formed from a supercell which then became rain-wrapped and took on a heavy rain (hp) supercell characteristics. In Gage county, the average width of the damage path of the tornado was around 150 yards, but it did reach around 1/2 mile in a 3 mile stretch from 4 miles east of Beatrice to 6 miles east northeast of Beatrice. The total path length in Gage and Johnson counties was 34 miles. Seventy-three homes were affected by the tornado, one house was basically destroyed and two others received major damage. One farmstead had 10 trees uprooted. The tornado also destroyed two large chicken houses that when full could house up to 86,000 broilers. In Gage county the damage was estimated at $4.5 million.
31.21992-06-15340°46'N / 96°57'W40°58'N / 96°57'W14.00 Miles500 Yards0125.0M0Seward
31.32001-04-11240°15'N / 96°30'W40°16'N / 96°29'W2.00 Miles50 Yards02400K0Gage
 Brief Description: A tornado caused extensive damage in Virginia with most of the damage occurring along a 4 block long and 1 block wide stretch through the center of town. One house was almost completely destroyed causing minor injuries to 2 people living there. Six other homes and businesses sustained extensive damage, and trees and other debris were scattered all over the community.
31.61988-05-07241°07'N / 96°20'W41°11'N / 96°10'W6.70 Miles73 Yards212.5M0Sarpy
32.82008-06-08241°08'N / 96°16'W41°11'N / 96°08'W8.00 Miles440 Yards000K0KSarpy
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This was the first touchdown of 2 tornadoes that hit the Omaha metro area this night. Tornado number 1 started just southeast of 232ND and West Angus Road about a mile west of Gretna. A garage was demolished at this point, suggesting EF1 damage. The tornado moved east northeast at 45 mph and produced scattered EF0 damage in Gretna with tree and shingle damage noted. From there tornado number 1 continued northeast to near 156th and Giles Road. EF 2 damage was noted just southwest of that point with major roof damage to a home. The tornado then crossed over into the Millard area of Douglas county where it continued for about 3 more miles before merging with tornado number 2. Tornado 1 also caused EF2 damage in Douglas county with much of it concentrated in the vicinity of 137th and Y Streets. The tornadoes spun up on the leading edge of a bow echo that gathered strength as it raced through the Omaha metropolitan area. More than 500 homeowners reported damage from the storm and OPPD reported that 13,800 customers lost power. EPISODE NARRATIVE: As one unseasonably strong upper level system lifted into Canada another one dropped down behind it across the northern Plains. This caused surface low pressure to develop over northeast Kansas along a cold front that was crossing the plains. This in turn caused the front to slow down as it moved into southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa. A small line of thunderstorms that had developed along the front moved ahead of it and encountered a strong low level jet. The combination of the low level jet, and a warm front that extended east of the low, strengthened the line segment just to the southwest of Omaha and causing it to bow out. In turn a few quick moving spin-up circulations and 2 tornadoes developed as the bow echo crossed the Omaha area. Although these tornadoes hit in the middle of the night and caused significant damage in the Omaha area, there were no deaths or serious injuries with the storm. The system also produced areas of heavy rain which caused some flash flooding and then eventual river flooding.
33.71973-09-25340°00'N / 96°47'W40°31'N / 96°31'W38.20 Miles100 Yards082.5M0Gage
34.11966-05-22241°07'N / 96°48'W41°10'N / 96°36'W10.60 Miles33 Yards010K0Saunders
34.21957-05-20240°41'N / 97°15'W40°50'N / 96°50'W23.90 Miles33 Yards0025K0Saline
34.41963-04-28340°23'N / 95°53'W40°27'N / 95°50'W4.90 Miles300 Yards1825K0Nemaha
34.51996-05-08240°17'N / 96°49'W40°18'N / 96°42'W9.50 Miles880 Yards01512.0M0Gage
 Brief Description: The beginning of the tornado started 4 1/2 miles west northwest of downtown Beatrice, just north of the Homestead National Monument. The storm damaged trees just north of state highway 4 when it struck several homes, primarily lifting the roofs off of them. The tornado was rated F1 at that point. Around 1/2 mile to the east, the tornado struck a subdivision. The damage was more severe, with collapsed outer walls and roofs off homes. The tornado damage was rated as a strong F2 in this area. The tornado, continuing to move in an east southeast direction, nearly paralleling highway 4, struck a church. Part of the roof was lost off the church. After striking the church, the tornado hit several more homes and barns before entering the heart of the city. The damage path width of the tornado was 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide, with damaging thunderstorms winds out to 11/2 mile. The main tornado path remained 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide north of U.S. highway 136, with much of the damage south of highway 136 due to thunderstorm downburst winds. The tornado strength weakened when entering the city, with an F-scale strength between F0-F1. Although much of the damage in the central city area was due to falling trees and large tree limbs, other damage noted was roofing torn off of several buildings and a collapsed 200 foot communication tower. After the storm exited the city, it regained strength. The tornado also began curving to the northeast. The storm maintained about F1 strength from about 1 mile east of downtown Beatrice to the storm's dissipation, approximately 3 miles northeast of the city. The strong F2 tornado's path was 9.5 miles long.
34.81975-12-13240°13'N / 96°14'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Pawnee
35.41957-05-20240°04'N / 97°30'W40°42'N / 96°20'W75.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Thayer
35.51957-04-25440°42'N / 97°14'W40°49'N / 96°54'W19.00 Miles333 Yards182.5M0Seward
36.01988-05-07241°11'N / 96°10'W41°12'N / 96°07'W2.50 Miles73 Yards002.5M0Douglas
36.11982-06-14240°24'N / 96°57'W0.20 Mile50 Yards00250K0Saline
36.12001-06-13440°51'N / 97°05'W40°57'N / 96°59'W8.00 Miles400 Yards021.0M0Seward
 Brief Description: A slow moving tornado tracked from south of Seward to just east of town with a total track length of 8 miles. The tornado was caught on film by several chasers. The tornado destroyed an entire farmstead and a propane and anhydrous ammonia tank farm and machine shed. Several vehicles were tumbled and tossed into a field across from the farm house. The tornado was at its maximum intensity at the farmstead it destroyed. Northeast of highway 34 the tornado struck several sheds and barns.
36.61975-05-06441°10'N / 96°04'W41°11'N / 96°04'W1.10 Miles267 Yards015250K0Sarpy
36.71959-05-26240°36'N / 95°38'W40°49'N / 95°45'W15.90 Miles400 Yards0025K0Fremont
36.81968-04-16240°23'N / 95°50'W1.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Nemaha
36.92008-06-08241°11'N / 96°08'W41°13'N / 96°07'W3.00 Miles440 Yards030K0KDouglas
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This is the continuation of tornado number 1 (of 2) to hit the Omaha metro area this night. Tornado number 1 crossed over from Sarpy county near 144th and Harrison Streets before merging with tornado number 2 just east of 132nd and Westwood Lane. From there the merged tornado continued northeast to near 114th and Shirley Streets. Tornado number 1 traveled at about 50 mph in Douglas county. Tornado number 1 produced EF2 damage in both Douglas and Sarpy counties. Although tree and roof damage was noted along most of the track, the area hardest hit in Douglas county was around 137th and Y Streets. A few homes had their roofs completely blown off in this area, while others had significant roof and siding damage. The tornado then hit a Walmart, Sams Club and Home Depot causing damage to each of those businesses after it crossed L Street. Tornado number 1 first set down just southeast of 232nd and West Angus Road about a mile west of Gretna in Sarpy county. It traveled about 8 miles in Sarpy county before crossing into Douglas county. The tornadoes spun up on the leading edge of a bow echo that gathered strength and raced through the Omaha metropolitan region. OPPD reported that 13,800 customers lost power from the storm. In total, more than 500 homeowners reported damage from the storm and according to FEMA, 7 homes were destroyed and 21 others sustained major damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: As one unseasonably strong upper level system lifted into Canada another one dropped down behind it across the northern Plains. This caused surface low pressure to develop over northeast Kansas along a cold front that was crossing the plains. This in turn caused the front to slow down as it moved into southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa. A small line of thunderstorms that had developed along the front moved ahead of it and encountered a strong low level jet. The combination of the low level jet, and a warm front that extended east of the low, strengthened the line segment just to the southwest of Omaha and causing it to bow out. In turn a few quick moving spin-up circulations and 2 tornadoes developed as the bow echo crossed the Omaha area. Although these tornadoes hit in the middle of the night and caused significant damage in the Omaha area, there were no deaths or serious injuries with the storm. The system also produced areas of heavy rain which caused some flash flooding and then eventual river flooding.
37.01967-06-07240°07'N / 96°56'W40°14'N / 95°40'W67.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jefferson
37.31953-05-09340°46'N / 97°09'W40°46'N / 97°03'W4.70 Miles880 Yards022.5M0Seward
37.61979-08-28340°55'N / 95°46'W40°52'N / 95°40'W5.60 Miles533 Yards003K0Mills
37.91956-04-02240°22'N / 95°50'W40°24'N / 95°47'W2.30 Miles100 Yards003K0Nemaha
38.01992-06-15340°44'N / 97°07'W40°46'N / 97°07'W2.00 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Seward
38.11958-07-03240°09'N / 96°51'W40°14'N / 96°28'W20.90 Miles33 Yards01250K0Gage
38.21965-07-08240°32'N / 95°42'W003K0Fremont
38.31959-05-20241°14'N / 96°37'W12.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Saunders
39.51968-04-16240°11'N / 96°05'W0025K0Pawnee
39.81991-05-16240°48'N / 97°13'W40°58'N / 97°01'W11.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Seward
40.21964-05-23240°50'N / 97°13'W40°46'N / 97°05'W7.90 Miles60 Yards00250K0Seward
40.31983-05-01240°38'N / 95°40'W40°42'N / 95°35'W7.00 Miles20 Yards032.5M0Fremont
40.81975-05-06441°11'N / 96°04'W41°17'N / 96°01'W6.90 Miles267 Yards3118250.0M0Douglas
41.01957-06-15240°47'N / 97°14'W40°56'N / 97°04'W13.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Seward
41.11992-06-16241°09'N / 95°54'W41°09'N / 95°50'W3.00 Miles73 Yards0025K0Mills
41.21975-03-27241°15'N / 96°04'W0.50 Mile300 Yards04250K0Douglas
41.31956-04-28340°15'N / 97°23'W40°29'N / 96°42'W39.30 Miles33 Yards01250K0Jefferson
42.02004-05-22240°20'N / 97°17'W40°29'N / 96°54'W20.00 Miles1200 Yards0820.0M0Saline
 Brief Description: See description below This long tracked tornado is often referred to as the Hallam tornado. It initially touched down 3 miles west of Daykin in northern Jefferson county. The tornado was rated an f0 or f1 in Jefferson county damaging farm outbuildings, grain bins and trees. From there the tornado crossed into Saline county southwest of Western and remained an f0 or f1 until it struck the southern portion of Wilber where it strengthened to f2. Roofs were blown off of homes just southeast of Wilber. The tornado traveled from Wilber into Gage county, crossing the county line west of Clatonia where it grew to its most intense stage, f4. The tornado remained nearly at this strength as it crossed into Lancaster county near Hallam with a damage path of around 2 1/2 miles. Many well-built homes were demolished from Clatonia to Hallam, along with grain bins, farm sheds, and outbuildings. Many trees were destroyed or uprooted. Although Hallam itself escaped the strongest winds from the storm, which occurred just south of town, 95 percent of the buildings in town were either destroyed or severely damaged. The lone fatality from the tornado occurred in Hallam. The storm also toppled several hopper cars from a freight train on the west edge of town. In total 55 railroad cars were derailed. From Hallam the tornado traveled east for several miles prior to turning northeast again just north of Cortland. The storm then tracked 2 miles north of Firth, severely damaging the Firth-Norris high school and a nearby middle school. School busses were tossed in this area. Several homes northeast of the schools were flattened as the tornado regained its f4 strength. The damage path continued northeast to Holland and then to 2 miles north of Panama where the tornado weakened to around an f2 and the damage path began to narrow. The track then curved more toward the north, passing just south of Bennet where a few homes sustained f3 damage. After passing south of Bennet, the storm moved back to the northeast and began to weaken to f0 or f1 strength as it crossed into Otoe county southwest of Palmyra. The tornado finally dissipated 1 miles west southwest of Palmyra. In total the tornado was on the ground for around 54 miles with a maximum intensity of f4. Besides the fatality, 38 people sustained injuries, 158 homes were leveled and 57 others were seriously damaged. The dollar amount of damage was estimated at 160 million, with 60 million of that agricultural including 100 cattle and 50 hogs lost. Some 150,000 acres of crop land sustained significant damage. The 5 counties were declared national disaster areas by Fema.
42.71950-05-08240°23'N / 95°48'W40°17'N / 95°41'W8.80 Miles467 Yards0125K0Nemaha
42.92004-08-26240°39'N / 95°36'W40°40'N / 95°33'W3.00 Miles880 Yards0000Fremont
 Brief Description: A tornado that eventually reached f2 in strength first touched down 2.5 miles southwest of Riverton. The tornado reached it's maximum intensity and maximum damage width of 1/2 mile when it destroyed a home on 270th street. The tornado also caused signifcant damage to another house, several vehicles, other farm outbuildings, crops and trees before lifting 1 mile southeast of Riverton.
43.21975-06-02240°07'N / 96°40'W0.20 Mile27 Yards00250K0Gage
44.11992-06-15340°29'N / 97°20'W40°44'N / 97°07'W19.00 Miles500 Yards002.5M0Saline
44.91964-06-22340°45'N / 95°36'W40°50'N / 95°29'W8.00 Miles400 Yards00250K0Fremont
45.21991-04-26340°01'N / 96°55'W40°15'N / 96°42'W19.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Gage
45.51990-06-13240°52'N / 95°39'W40°53'N / 95°27'W10.50 Miles67 Yards00250K0Fremont
45.61952-08-13341°21'N / 97°10'W41°15'N / 96°23'W41.10 Miles1300 Yards010K0Butler
46.01979-08-28340°52'N / 95°40'W40°41'N / 95°22'W19.90 Miles533 Yards2142.5M0Fremont
46.41953-08-02240°05'N / 96°45'W40°05'N / 96°42'W1.90 Miles33 Yards003K0Gage
46.81968-04-16240°40'N / 95°30'W0.50 Mile33 Yards003K0Fremont
47.41988-07-15241°16'N / 95°52'W2.30 Miles100 Yards04225.0M0Pottawattamie
47.41988-07-15341°16'N / 95°52'W2.80 Miles73 Yards03425.0M0Pottawattamie
47.71964-05-06241°19'N / 96°48'W41°21'N / 96°45'W2.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Saunders
49.01953-05-09340°18'N / 97°27'W40°46'N / 97°09'W35.70 Miles880 Yards002.5M0Fillmore
49.41970-06-10241°17'N / 96°57'W0025K0Butler

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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