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Palm Springs, CA Crime and Crime Rate

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The Palm Springs crime rate is much higher than the California average crime rate and is much higher than the national average crime rate.

Crime Index, #441

Palm Springs, CA

The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

Palm Springs, CA Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionMurdersRapesRobberiesAssaultsBurglariesTheftsVehicle TheftsArsonCrime Index
2014Palm Springs, CACount328971677951,71920819 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0006.460.0207.9357.91,703.63,683.7445.740.73,064
 CaliforniaPer 100,0004.421.6125.5236.6522.31,527.4391.3NA1,437
 U.S.Per 100,0004.526.4102.2232.5542.51,837.3216.2NA1,423
2013Palm Springs, CACount019991377121,3422969 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0000.041.1213.9296.01,538.42,899.6639.619.42,637
 CaliforniaPer 100,0004.619.5139.9232.3605.41,621.5431.2NA1,532
 U.S.Per 100,0004.525.2109.1229.1610.01,899.4221.3NA1,477
2012Palm Springs, CACount3181041778831,11223718 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0006.539.1226.1384.81,919.72,417.6515.339.12,841
 CaliforniaPer 100,0005.020.6148.6248.9646.11,669.5443.2NA1,611
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.9112.9242.3670.21,959.3229.7NA1,557
2011Palm Springs, CACount116881517421,26629616 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0002.235.5195.2335.01,646.12,808.6656.735.52,694
 CaliforniaPer 100,0004.820.3144.0242.0610.41,583.8389.6NA1,527
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.8113.7241.1702.21,976.9229.6NA1,576
2010Palm Springs, CACount122691906071,18817818 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0002.145.2141.7390.21,246.52,439.6365.537.02,277
 CaliforniaPer 100,0004.922.4156.0257.4614.31,612.1409.4NA1,591
 U.S.Per 100,0004.827.5119.1252.3699.62,003.5238.8NA1,610
2009Palm Springs, CACount1161171637501,38222926 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0002.133.0241.1335.81,545.22,847.3471.853.62,616
 CaliforniaPer 100,0005.323.6173.4269.7622.61,665.1443.8NA1,677
 U.S.Per 100,0005.028.7133.0262.8716.32,060.9258.8NA1,683
2008Palm Springs, CACount2161342127951,59128627 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0004.133.0276.0436.61,637.23,276.5589.055.63,012
 CaliforniaPer 100,0005.824.2188.8285.0647.11,769.4523.8NA1,804
 U.S.Per 100,0005.429.3145.3274.6730.82,167.0314.7NA1,784
2007Palm Springs, CACount5151211661,1281,975416NA 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00010.330.9249.3342.02,323.84,068.6857.0NA3,632
 CaliforniaPer 100,0006.224.7193.0298.8648.41,784.4600.2NA1,875
 U.S.Per 100,0005.630.0147.6283.8722.52,177.8363.3NA1,827
2006Palm Springs, CACount3211281538581,88844629 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0006.344.2269.4322.11,806.13,974.2938.861.03,411
 CaliforniaPer 100,0006.825.3194.7305.7676.01,829.1665.7NA1,954
 U.S.Per 100,0005.730.9149.4287.5729.42,206.8398.4NA1,867
2005Palm Springs, CACount4231122088721,65957139 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0008.649.2239.6445.01,865.53,549.11,221.583.43,614
 CaliforniaPer 100,0006.926.0176.1317.3693.31,916.5712.8NA1,998
 U.S.Per 100,0005.631.7140.7291.1726.72,286.3416.7NA1,888

Hate Crime Index

Palm Springs, CA

The hate crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the hate crime level in a region. Higher hate crime index value means more hate crime.

Palm Springs, CA Hate Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalRaceReligionSexual OrientationEthnicityDisabilityHate Crime Index
2014Palm Springs, CACount302100 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0006.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0001.
2013Palm Springs, CACount831400 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00017.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2012Palm Springs, CACount603210 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00013.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2011Palm Springs, CACount1013510 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00022.22.26.711.12.20.0221
 CaliforniaPer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2010Palm Springs, CACount16201400 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00032.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2009Palm Springs, CACount401300 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,0008.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2008Palm Springs, CACount811600 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00016.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0003.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2007Palm Springs, CACount1140700 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00022.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0003.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2006Palm Springs, CACount1211820 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,00025.
 CaliforniaPer 100,0003.
 U.S.Per 100,0003.

Law Enforcement Employees Index

Palm Springs, CA

The law enforcement employees index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the law enforcement employees level in a region. Higher law enforcement employees index value means higher law enforcement employees density.

Palm Springs, CA Law Enforcement Employees by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalOfficersCiviliansLaw Enforcement Employees Index
2014Palm Springs, CACount1208337 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000257.2177.979.32.18
 CaliforniaPer 100,000356.0231.9124.12.94
 U.S.Per 100,000335.2234.1101.12.85
2013Palm Springs, CACount1198633 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000257.1185.871.32.21
 CaliforniaPer 100,000357.1234.1123.02.96
 U.S.Per 100,000335.9233.3102.52.85
2012Palm Springs, CACount1198732 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000258.7189.169.62.24
 CaliforniaPer 100,000359.6236.3123.32.98
 U.S.Per 100,000335.5235.2100.32.85
2011Palm Springs, CACount1238538 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000272.9188.684.32.31
 CaliforniaPer 100,000361.2239.9121.33.01
 U.S.Per 100,000341.9238.3103.62.90
2010Palm Springs, CACount1258837 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000256.7180.776.02.19
 CaliforniaPer 100,000370.2246.0124.23.08
 U.S.Per 100,000347.8241.9105.92.95
2009Palm Springs, CACount1489256 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000304.9189.5115.42.47
 CaliforniaPer 100,000382.9252.3130.63.18
 U.S.Per 100,000352.9244.2108.72.99
2008Palm Springs, CACount1559461 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000319.2193.6125.62.56
 CaliforniaPer 100,000388.3255.6132.73.22
 U.S.Per 100,000357.8247.5110.33.03
2007Palm Springs, CACount1538964 
 Palm Springs, CAPer 100,000315.2183.3131.82.49
 CaliforniaPer 100,000381.8247.8134.03.15
 U.S.Per 100,000356.1244.8111.33.00
2006Palm Springs, CACount1518962 
2005Palm Springs, CACount1478661 

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