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Otterville, IL Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Otterville is about the same as Illinois average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Otterville is higher than Illinois average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #497

Otterville, IL

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Otterville, IL

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #578

Otterville, IL

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 3,096 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Otterville, IL were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:5Cold:27Dense Fog:27Drought:24
Dust Storm:0Flood:260Hail:949Heat:87Heavy Snow:41
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:14Landslide:0Strong Wind:63
Thunderstorm Winds:1,398Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:103Winter Weather:28

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Otterville, IL.

Historical Earthquake Events

A total of 2 historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Otterville, IL.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeDepth (km)LatitudeLongitude

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 94 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Otterville, IL.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
6.71983-05-01239°08'N / 90°20'W0.20 Mile17 Yards012.5M0Jersey
8.01983-05-01239°03'N / 90°15'W0.50 Mile77 Yards012.5M0Jersey
8.62009-03-08239°02'N / 90°34'W39°03'N / 90°33'W1.00 Mile100 Yards000K0KJersey
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down along the eastern shore of the Illinois River in the Hadley Landing Public Access Area. Two cabins sustained minor roof and siding damage while a third cabin sustained severe damage. A fourth cabin was totally destroyed. Numerous large trees were also severed or snapped off near the base of the trunk just east of the cabin. Debris from the destroyed cabin extended over 300 yards to the east northeast. The damage over this area was rated low end EF2. The tornado travelled northeastward and caused additional tree damage in the flood plain. The tornado approached the intersection of Illinois Route 100 and Coon Creek Road. A farmstead at this location sustained varying degrees of damage. One machine shed sustained roof and side damage while a small garage was totally destroyed. The farm home sustained minor roof damage before the tornado lifted and dissipated. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A strong cold front moved through the region triggering showers and thunderstorms. Damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes were reported with the storms.
11.31957-05-09238°51'N / 90°21'W38°56'N / 90°21'W5.70 Miles150 Yards0025K0St. Charles
15.71957-05-09238°48'N / 90°23'W38°51'N / 90°21'W3.60 Miles150 Yards0025K0St. Louis
15.81980-04-07338°50'N / 90°17'W38°52'N / 90°14'W3.00 Miles33 Yards002.5M0St. Charles
17.31954-03-25338°48'N / 90°48'W38°56'N / 90°26'W21.60 Miles20 Yards0025K0St. Charles
17.41980-04-07338°47'N / 90°20'W38°50'N / 90°17'W4.30 Miles100 Yards0152.5M0St. Louis
18.61966-10-14338°47'N / 90°31'W38°48'N / 90°28'W2.70 Miles150 Yards0262.5M0St. Charles
19.91967-10-24338°43'N / 90°29'W38°49'N / 90°11'W17.50 Miles100 Yards02250K0St. Louis
20.11967-10-24338°49'N / 90°11'W38°51'N / 90°07'W4.30 Miles100 Yards00250K0St. Charles
21.11967-01-24438°41'N / 90°33'W38°49'N / 90°07'W25.00 Miles200 Yards321625.0M0St. Louis
21.41988-11-15239°20'N / 90°14'W0.10 Mile50 Yards00250K0Greene
21.81950-01-03338°46'N / 90°13'W38°49'N / 90°07'W6.20 Miles150 Yards032.5M0St. Louis
21.81983-05-01339°18'N / 90°16'W39°22'N / 90°10'W4.00 Miles77 Yards0152.5M0Greene
21.91957-12-18238°51'N / 90°05'W1.00 Mile33 Yards0125K0Madison
21.91969-10-10239°14'N / 90°44'W0.30 Mile100 Yards0425K0Calhoun
22.71990-11-27238°47'N / 90°43'W38°50'N / 90°39'W4.00 Miles50 Yards03025.0M0St. Charles
22.81950-12-02238°58'N / 90°03'W39°00'N / 89°55'W7.30 Miles50 Yards0025K0Madison
23.11983-05-01238°47'N / 90°42'W38°49'N / 90°40'W3.00 Miles50 Yards032.5M0St. Charles
23.31960-06-30238°54'N / 90°12'W38°45'N / 89°57'W16.90 Miles33 Yards0172.5M0Madison
23.71950-01-03338°49'N / 90°06'W38°50'N / 90°02'W3.30 Miles100 Yards00250K0Madison
23.71958-06-10238°48'N / 90°42'W0.50 Mile33 Yards00250K0St. Charles
23.71988-11-15338°48'N / 90°42'W1.00 Mile200 Yards0102.5M0St. Charles
23.81984-04-29338°57'N / 90°55'W39°01'N / 90°45'W8.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Lincoln
27.31999-02-11239°14'N / 90°52'W39°18'N / 90°47'W6.40 Miles100 Yards00200K0Pike
 Brief Description: The same supercell that spawned the Whiteside tornado in Lincoln County created another tornado which tracked for 20 plus miles from southwest of Annada in Pike County, MO, northeast across Calhoun County, IL, then into Pike County, IL. The first segment extended for about 6 1/2 miles from southwest of Annada to the Mississippi river west of Mozier IL. The tornado started out at F2 travelling along a bluff and destroying one home and damaging 2 others. 2 of the 4 sides of the destroyed home were blown 100 to 150 yards downwind. Several trees were downed along the path as well.
27.41981-04-03438°43'N / 90°08'W38°49'N / 89°57'W11.90 Miles567 Yards03225.0M0Madison
27.51999-02-11239°18'N / 90°46'W39°25'N / 90°41'W9.00 Miles100 Yards00300K0Calhoun
 Brief Description: The Annada, MO tornado crossed the Mississippi River west of Mozier and continued northeast for about 9 miles across Calhoun County, IL. The tornado reached a maximum intensity of F2 with a damage path up to 100 yards wide. The tornado first damaged a home as it crossed Highway 96 north of Mozier. A 2 car garage was destroyed, the porch destroyed and several windows were blown out. The tornado moved northeast up West Panther Creek Hollow where it reached F2 intensity. One home was destroyed with only 2 walls left standing. 2 x 4 boards became missiles with several driven into walls and into the ground. Half of the roof of another nearby home was also blown off. 3 other homes suffered minor damage. Several outbuildings were also destroyed and numerous trees were uprooted along the path.
27.71973-07-29238°44'N / 90°05'W0025K0Madison
27.81973-05-26238°39'N / 90°27'W1.00 Mile100 Yards00250K0St. Louis
28.01983-05-01338°40'N / 90°10'W38°50'N / 89°56'W15.00 Miles1000 Yards0325.0M0Madison
29.11967-10-24238°49'N / 90°51'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0525K0St. Charles
29.22006-03-12239°24'N / 90°37'W39°32'N / 90°23'W15.00 Miles100 Yards0000Greene
 Brief Description: The tornado that stated in Calhoun County and moved across extreme southeast Pike County next moved into Greene County southwest of Hillview and caused damage at a farm in the Illinois River flood plain. Two machine sheds were destroyed while a house sustained roof, window, and siding damage. The damage was rated F1 at this location. The tornado moved across the town of Hillview at approximately 7:15 pm CST. A number of homes sustained minor damage while one two story brick building was damaged. Several large limbs and a few large trees were also down in town. The width of the damage area was approximately 100 yards and the damage intensity was F0. The tornado continued to move northeast and lay a continuous path of mainly tree damage from Hillview to Patterson. Two machine sheds at a farmstead 2 miles southwest of Patterson were destroyed. The width of the damage area was 75 yards wide and was rated F0. In the town of Patterson a number of homes sustained varying degrees of damage while one house trailer was severely damaged. The tornado continued to move northeast over farmlands northeast of Patterson to 1 mile north northeast of the small community of Barrow. Several large grain silos and machine sheds were destroyed while two farm homes sustained varying degrees of damage. Debris from the silos and machine sheds were tossed 1/8 to 1/4 mile to the northeast. The tornado also downed over a mile of high voltage power lines along Highway 106. The tornado moved across the Greene Scott County line just east of Queen Road about 2 miles northeast of Barrow. The damage intensity northeast of Barrow was rated F2.
29.41959-02-10438°37'N / 90°19'W38°40'N / 90°11'W7.70 Miles200 Yards1117525.0M0St. Louis (c)
29.71960-03-29239°21'N / 90°00'W003K0Macoupin
29.81959-02-10438°39'N / 90°11'W38°40'N / 90°09'W00250K0Madison
29.91975-05-20239°29'N / 90°24'W00250K0Greene
30.51969-10-10238°58'N / 90°59'W38°59'N / 90°56'W2.70 Miles100 Yards00250K0Lincoln
30.51983-05-01338°38'N / 90°09'W38°40'N / 90°10'W1.00 Mile400 Yards0025K0St. Louis (c)
31.21950-12-02239°00'N / 89°55'W39°04'N / 89°43'W11.50 Miles50 Yards1325K0Macoupin
31.71978-05-12239°07'N / 90°03'W39°25'N / 89°42'W27.90 Miles700 Yards01250K0Macoupin
32.92006-03-12239°30'N / 90°22'W39°33'N / 90°18'W4.80 Miles300 Yards0000Scott
 Brief Description: A tornado entered Scott county from Greene county (WFO Saint Louis). Tornado continued northeast into Morgan county.
33.01959-02-10438°32'N / 90°36'W38°37'N / 90°19'W16.20 Miles200 Yards1017025.0M0St. Louis
34.01958-05-03238°40'N / 90°00'W38°43'N / 89°56'W4.70 Miles10 Yards0125K0Madison
34.11958-06-01238°40'N / 90°00'W0.50 Mile100 Yards003K0Madison
35.42003-06-10238°38'N / 90°04'W38°38'N / 89°58'W3.50 Miles150 Yards0200St. Clair
 Brief Description: A tornado first caused damage along the west side of the town of Caseyville, Illinois along Forest Blvd, just east if Interstate 255. Over twelve witnesses observed the tornado along the leading edge of the bowing squall line as they saw debris tossed several hundred feet into the air. The tornado traveled east southeast along Forest Blvd and West Lincoln Avenue. Three house trailers were severely damaged by the tornado between 85th and Black Lane. Two injuries occurred in two of the three house trailers. Numerous large trees were severed or downed by the tornado. The roof of a large machine shed on Black Lane was uplifted and displaced several hundred yards to the east. The tornado then ripped through an auto salvage area where several vehicles were over-turned, damaged or destroyed. The width of this damage area was 50 to 100 yards wide while damage intensity was rated F1. The tornado continued to travel just a bit south of due east causing damage to two homes and a camper and completely destroying another mobile home. Some of the remains of the mobile home was observed 3/4 mile to the east just west of Highway 157. Pieces of metal were wrapped around snapped power poles while one 2 x 4 board was driven into the front windshield of a pickup truck. The width of this damage area varied from 50 to 75 yards while the damage intensity was rated low-end F2. The tornado continued east and showed a convergence pattern in a nearby wheat field south of West Lincoln Ave. The tornado then caused minor damage to six new homes 100 to 300 yards south of West Lincoln Ave and 1/4 to 1/2 mile west of Highway 159. Roofs from five homes were partially uplifted and tossed 200 to 400 yards downwind to the east. One home under construction was completely destroyed. The width of the damage area varied from 75 to 150 yards. The damage intensity was rated the lower end of F1. The tornado continued east up a ridge just east of Highway 157. Several large trees were snapped or uprooted just east of 157. Additional tree damage was found along Hill Road east of Highway 157. One home on Hill Road sustained minor roof damage. The tornado crossed East O'Fallon Drive and severed or uprooted several large trees. One home sustained minor roof damage while a machine shed and garage was severely damaged. The tornado damage track ended just west of Highway 159. Width of the damage area again varied from 75 to 100 yards while the damage intensity was rated at the lower end of F1.
35.71988-11-15338°37'N / 90°00'W38°40'N / 89°59'W3.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0St. Clair
35.91988-11-15338°40'N / 89°59'W38°42'N / 89°52'W6.00 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Madison
36.32010-12-31338°30'N / 90°27'W38°33'N / 90°23'W6.00 Miles440 Yards161.0M0KSt. Louis
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado's second touchdown occurred at the Jefferson, St. Louis County Line at Delmar Gardens on Arbor Terrace. Small trees and minor roof damage occurred at Delmar Gardens. The damage path was 50 yards wide and rated EF0. The tornado continued to skip northeast along Highway 30, in St. Louis County, through a large subdivision in which many homes sustained minor roof and tree damage, however three homes on the east end of the subdivision sustained both siding damage and a greater degree of roof damage. The width of the damage area was 100 yards. Damage intensity over much of the subdivision was EF0, except for the three homes, this damage intensity was rated EF1. The tornado crossed Highway 141 just north of Highway 30. A 2007 Honda CR-V was driving northbound on Highway 141 when the tornado picked it up and slammed it sideways into a wall along the highway. The occupant, a 70 year old woman, sustained major injuries and died about eleven days later from her injuries. The tornado then hit a church, elementary school and parsonage, which sustained various degrees of damage with the parsonage having the highest degree of damage. Most of the roof was removed and one wall collapsed. Three trees sustained substantial damage in which one tree was partially debarked. Damage intensity was rated EF2 while the damage width was 100 yards. The tornado moved through the Fenton City Park and crossed the Meramec River half mile north of Highway 30. Much of the tree damage was minor over this area. The tornado paralleled Watson Road and crossed it near Bond Road where three separate large trees damaged a house, vehicle and garage. The tornado continued northeast and crossed Interstate 270, two miles southeast of Interstate 44. Just east of I-270 the tornado paralleled Old Watson Road in which an intermittent path of damage was observed. One home northeast of I-270 sustained minor roof damage and a second home further northeast experienced shingle and tree damage. The damage over this area was rated EF1 while the damage width was 50 yards. At approximately 11:56 AM the tornado rapidly intensified as it neared Lindbergh Blvd. Many trees in Watson Trail Park were snapped or uprooted. Seven homes along Old Watson Road sustained varying degrees of damage. Peak intensity was EF3 with 145 mph winds. Two homes had the roofs removed and most of the exterior walls collapsed. Several homes along Court Drive sustained significant damage. The worst damage occurred on the east end of Court Drive in which four homes had large portions of the roof removed and one had several walls collapsed. Damage intensity was rated EF3 with wind speeds near 150 mph. On Lindbergh Blvd, one home was completely demolished and moved less than 50 yards from the foundation. A brick veneer garage was also destroyed by the tornado. Further north on Lindbergh a medical facility also sustained heavy damage. Damage over this area was rated EF3, but the demolished home was rated high-end EF3. Damage over this area was a quarter of a mile wide. The tornado crossed Lindbergh near Court Drive and crossed over a strip mall. Two cars and a delivery truck were tipped over in the parking lot. Several windows were blown in on the stores in the strip mall and a greenhouse behind and adjacent to the mall suffered roof and water pipe damage. The tornado made a turn to the east-northeast and crossed the east end of Woodfox Drive. About a dozen pine trees along the east end of Woodfox Drive were blown over, all lying to the north. Eight homes on Woodfox Drive suffered roof damage and several trees were either pushed over or snapped off about halfway up the trunk. The tornado crossed Woodpark Drive were it caused roof damage to three more homes and downed a large oak tree. One home had the roof lifted and partially removed. The damage path width from Woodfox to Woodpark was 300 yards wide and was rated EF1. The tornado then turned a bit to the northeast and crossed Eggeling Lane and Gladlea Drive. On Eggeling Lane, four homes suffered roof damage and several trees were downed. On Gladlea Drive, three homes suffered roof damage and several more trees were downed. This damage path was 150 yards wide and rated EF0. The tornado crossed East Watson between Lynn Lane, Watson Woods Court, and Kathy Court. On Lynn Lane, a couple of trees were snapped off and two homes suffered roof damage and had windows blown in. This portion of the damage path was 100 yards wide and rated EF1. The tornado crossed over Kathy Court and Fern Glen Drive. Some large tree branches were broken which took down some power lines. This damage was rated EF0 and the damage path was 100 yards wide. The tornado continued northeast and crossed the area near Maebern Terrace, Sturdy Drive and Crestwood Lane. At Sturdy and Maebern Terrace, two homes suffered roof damage with one home having the roof lifted and partially removed. A couple of large trees were also downed in this area. This damage was EF1 and 100 yards wide. The tornado continued northeast to Watson Road with minor tree and roof damage noted. Six power poles were pushed over along Watson Road. The tornado continued northeast with additional damage to trees and roofs until it weakened and lifted at the intersection of Rayburn Avenue and S. Sappington Road. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Severe thunderstorms developed ahead of a strong cold front, triggering numerous showers and thunderstorms. A number of tornadoes were reported as well as damaging winds and large hail.
36.41983-05-01238°50'N / 91°01'W0.50 Mile200 Yards032.5M0Warren
37.01959-10-10238°57'N / 90°09'W39°07'N / 89°16'W48.70 Miles33 Yards00250K0Madison
37.42006-03-13339°04'N / 91°16'W39°15'N / 90°54'W24.00 Miles300 Yards062.5M0Lincoln
 Brief Description: The tornado that formed in Montgomery County north of Bellflower moved into Lincoln County, strengthened, and caused extensive damage along Highway E on the north side of Olney. A home was completely destroyed as the tornado reached F3 intensity and was about 300 yards wide. The family at home escaped injury as they had taken shelter in the basement. About 1:35 am CST, the tornado destroyed a home and caused damage to a home business along Highway H northwest of Silex. At this point the tornado was a strong F2 and about 200 yards wide. A man in the home that was destroyed suffered a broken leg. At the home business, the home suffered roof damage and had the north side brick wall pulled off of the house. A large machine shed suffered extensive damage and a 50 foot travel trailer and the pickup truck it was attached too were blown onto their sides. The tornado continued northeast and primarily crossed over wildlife and conservation areas south of Whiteside. The tornado crossed US Highway 61 near the intersection with Highway F about 1:40 am CST and caused minor damage at a farm and a couple of homes. An old barn was destroyed, a metal shed was destroyed, a garage had the door buckled and windows blown out. A nearly constant trail of tree damage continued as the tornado approached the Lincoln Pike County line west of Dameron about 1:46 am CST.
37.61973-12-04239°35'N / 90°15'W010K0Morgan
38.41975-03-07238°30'N / 90°18'W0.10 Mile20 Yards04250K0St. Louis
39.21970-06-12239°17'N / 91°04'W2.30 Miles50 Yards0025K0Pike
39.52006-04-02238°34'N / 90°00'W38°36'N / 89°57'W7.00 Miles100 Yards11100St. Clair
 Brief Description: Around 515 pm CDT the tornado first caused damage 200 yards south of the intersection of Union Hill road and Long Acre Drive in southwest Fairview Heights, Illinois. Several large trees and large limbs were downed by the tornado. The damage width at this location was 60 yards wide while damage intensity was rated F0. The tornado traveled northeast through a small subdivision southwest of Lincoln Trail (US 50) and Cathy Lane. There was minor roof damage to several homes, a two car garage was damaged and several large trees were either uprooted or snapped half way up. On the east side of Cathy Lane the roof of an apartment building was damaged while a second establishment sustained side and roof damage. Damage was rated F1 intensity while the damage width ranged from 60 to 80 yards. On the north side of US 50 several large power poles were snapped off. Other establishments along the north side of US 50 sustained various degrees of damage. Light poles and tree damage revealed a convergent damage pattern indicative of a tornado. The tornado then hit the south side of the K & G clothing store. The front center part of the roof collapsed while debris from this area was pushed along the east side of the large store. There was one fatality and 11 injuries at this store. The damage width ranged between 80 to 100 yards in this area while the damage intensity was rated lower end of F2. The tornado continued northeast across St. Clair Square Mall, Interstate 64, and then hit a church on Old Collinsville Road. The tornado damaged the steeple and roof of the church. The tornado then damaged three homes and one farm just west of the intersection of Milburn School Road and Pausch Road 2 miles northeast of Fairview Heights. Several large trees were also damaged over this area. The damage width was approximately 60 yards wide while damage Intensity was rated F1. The tornado then crossed the intersection of Kyle and Simmons Road and caused only minor roof damage to six homes in a subdivision north of Kyle Road. The tornado continued to travel northeast and caused damage to several homes in the Crown Point subdivision just south of O`Fallon-Troy Road. The roof of one home was completely uplifted and tossed over 100 yards to the northeast. The damage width was 100 yards wide while damage intensity was rated F2. The tornado then crossed O`Fallon-Troy Road and totally destroyed a machine shed at a farm. Debris from the machine shed was tossed over 1/3 mile to the northeast. Two other homes 1/4 mile north of the intersection of Weil and O`Fallon road sustained varying degrees of damage. The roof of one home was uplifted and displaced to the northeast. Several trees in this area were also damaged. The width of the tornadic damage was 100 yards while damage intensity was rated F1. Insulation debris from both homes was tossed over 300 yards across an open field and line of large trees. The total tornadic damage track was approximately 7 miles. This tornado was a type referred to as a non-supercell tornado. Given that the line of thunderstorm which produced this tornado was moving 60 mph, the tornado was only on the ground for about 8 minutes. M54BU
39.81981-06-21238°50'N / 91°08'W38°48'N / 91°01'W6.50 Miles300 Yards16250K0Warren
40.11961-04-24339°37'N / 90°18'W39°34'N / 89°57'W18.90 Miles33 Yards00250K0Morgan
40.22006-03-12239°33'N / 90°17'W39°39'N / 90°01'W19.70 Miles300 Yards0100Morgan
 Brief Description: Continuation of tornado from Scott county. Tornado continued into Sangamon county.
40.31961-04-24339°39'N / 90°36'W39°37'N / 90°18'W16.00 Miles33 Yards03250K0Scott
40.61988-11-15238°31'N / 90°05'W0.40 Mile50 Yards00250K0St. Clair
40.71956-02-25438°30'N / 90°16'W38°37'N / 89°42'W31.60 Miles500 Yards6202.5M0St. Clair
40.71974-08-10239°09'N / 89°39'W2.70 Miles20 Yards003K0Montgomery
41.11956-02-24438°27'N / 90°55'W38°30'N / 90°16'W35.30 Miles33 Yards016250K0Franklin
41.71973-05-07238°28'N / 90°12'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0025K0St. Louis
41.81957-06-14239°33'N / 91°00'W39°34'N / 90°39'W18.50 Miles33 Yards01250K0Pike
41.91990-05-12239°04'N / 89°37'W0.20 Mile100 Yards00250K0Montgomery
42.11976-07-28338°50'N / 89°40'W0025K0Madison
42.51999-04-08239°28'N / 91°03'W39°39'N / 90°39'W26.50 Miles120 Yards0000Pike
 Brief Description: After forming on the north side of Louisiana, MO, a tornado crossed the Mississippi River into Illinois and first caused damage to a boat dock along US 54. The tornado tracked northeast along US 54 destroying a barn and downing trees. The damage along the rest of the path was somewhat intermittent. Trees were downed and an occasional farm building damaged. Significant damage was noted as the tornado tracked northeast from Pittsfield. Just east of Pittsfield, two farms suffered damage. Three barns were destroyed, an equipment building heavily damaged and a grain bin destroyed. About 5 miles east-northeast of Pittsfield a home lost part of its roof and numerous trees were damaged. The last area of significant damage in Pike County was northeast of Detroit. One home lost its roof, a barn was destroyed and 2 grain bins damaged. Numerous large trees in this area were snapped off at the base.
42.71968-04-03238°24'N / 90°12'W38°35'N / 89°55'W19.80 Miles50 Yards00250K0Monroe
43.51954-03-25238°28'N / 90°45'W38°29'N / 90°42'W3.00 Miles60 Yards0025K0Franklin
43.81955-08-29239°37'N / 90°24'W39°45'N / 90°16'W11.50 Miles100 Yards02250K0Scott
44.31957-05-21238°25'N / 90°12'W38°32'N / 89°52'W19.70 Miles150 Yards00250K0Monroe
44.51956-09-15238°27'N / 90°06'W1.00 Mile400 Yards0025K0St. Clair
44.71967-06-10238°25'N / 90°34'W0.20 Mile17 Yards0025K0Jefferson
45.11967-01-24239°29'N / 89°46'W2.50 Miles100 Yards00250K0Macoupin
45.31950-12-02338°45'N / 89°40'W38°48'N / 89°36'W4.70 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Madison
45.51983-05-01238°34'N / 89°50'W38°37'N / 89°45'W4.00 Miles100 Yards0202.5M0St. Clair
45.81967-05-28238°24'N / 90°34'W2.50 Miles50 Yards0025K0Jefferson
45.91990-05-09239°30'N / 89°46'W0.20 Mile50 Yards00250K0Macoupin
46.42010-04-30238°21'N / 90°21'W38°25'N / 90°15'W7.00 Miles350 Yards000K0KMonroe
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down about a mile and a quarter south southeast of Kimmswick on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River. It travelled to the northeast for about 7 miles before lifting and dissipating. Several large trees were blown down just west the levee in a two and a half mile area along the path. The greatest degree of damage occurred on County Road 200E just south of the intersection with Merrimac Road. The roof of a two story home was approximately 80 percent removed. A second roof to a porch was totally removed and blown to the north northeast. Window and siding damage was also observed. Several trees and large limbs at the back of this home were severely damaged and helped to show a large convergent damage pattern. Two other homes west of the first home sustained varying degrees of damage. Roof, window and siding damage was common on these two homes. A large hanger at Jacobs Field, northeast of the home damage, sustained varying degrees of damage. Large sections of the hanger's metal roof were blown a quarter to half a mile to the north northeast. The tornado continued to damage small to medium sized machine sheds and caused minor damage to a few homes along the rest of its path. No injuries were reported. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Storms developed ahead of a strong cold front during the afternoon and evening hours. Numerous reports of severe weather were received including large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes.
47.11959-08-04239°27'N / 89°47'W39°12'N / 89°24'W26.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Macoupin
47.12004-05-24239°43'N / 90°16'W39°44'N / 90°15'W1.20 Miles100 Yards014.0M0Morgan
 Brief Description: A small tornado touched down in the southwest section of Jacksonville near the point where Route 67 turns north. As it traveled to the northeast it quickly intensified to F2 strength destroying a furniture store, house and church and caused major damage to a motel. One occupant of the motel sustained minor injuries. The tornado then quickly weakened causing minor damage to several more homes and businesses before lifting and dissipating.
47.41973-06-04239°32'N / 89°46'W000K0Morgan
47.61957-04-25238°27'N / 89°58'W2.00 Miles300 Yards0025K0St. Clair
48.21999-06-01339°19'N / 89°40'W39°26'N / 89°32'W10.00 Miles200 Yards1400Montgomery
 Brief Description: A tornado first formed about 1 mile southwest of I-55 west of Raymond. The tornado moved northeast hitting a rest area along I-55. Six tractor-trailer trucks were overturned at the rest area, killing one driver and injuring 4 others. Two other trucks were also overturned just north of the rest area. The tornado continued northeast and intensified causing damage at two farms. Numerous barns and other outbuildings were destroyed and one house severely damaged. The occupant of the house escape injury by taking shelter in an interior closet. M54VE
48.21978-05-12239°25'N / 89°42'W39°29'N / 89°37'W6.20 Miles33 Yards00250K0Montgomery
48.41957-06-14239°44'N / 90°13'W39°44'N / 90°10'W1.90 Miles33 Yards05250K0Morgan
48.82006-03-13239°03'N / 91°22'W39°06'N / 91°15'W6.50 Miles300 Yards00200K0Montgomery
 Brief Description: A supercell thunderstorm produced a tornado that tracked from northeast Montgomery County, across northern Lincoln County, crossed into southeast Pike County, and then crossed the Mississippi River into Calhoun County, IL during the early morning hours of Monday, March 13, 2006. The total damage track was almost 45 miles with the tornado reaching a maximum damage width of 300 yards and a F3 rating. The tornado first formed and caused damage in northeast Montgomery County about 1:20 am CST along Union Chapel Road northwest of Bellflower. A home suffered roof damage with several trusses on the northwest side destroyed. The tornado was about 100 yards wide at this point and was rated F1. The tornado moved northeast and crossed Highway E several times. In the small community of Gamma, two homes suffered major roof damage, a barn and several outbuildings destroyed. The tornado was rated F2 at this location and was about 200 years wide. The tornado weakened and caused tree damage near the West Fork of the Cuivre River as it crossed into Lincoln County southwest of Olney.
49.01957-06-10239°36'N / 90°48'W39°55'N / 90°07'W42.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0Pike
49.11996-04-19239°44'N / 90°12'W39°44'N / 90°05'W6.00 Miles880 Yards01400K0Morgan
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down 2 miles east of Jacksonville, at the MOBIL Chemical Plant, moving east over a portion of the Jacksonville Correctional Facility. "F2" damage was found along this portion of the tornado path. The tornado then lifted and remained aloft for 2 miles before touching down again. It remained on the ground for 2 more miles, lifting 1 mile north of Orleans. Two railroad cars were turned over at the MOBIL Chemical Plant, which itself sustained some roof damage. Also, it damaged two guard towers, a greenhouse, and a fence at the prison. To the east of the prison, one home was destroyed, 3 sustained major damage, and several farm buildings were either damaged or destroyed. One person sustained minor injuries at the prison and damage was estimated around $400,000.
49.32009-06-08238°33'N / 89°55'W38°25'N / 89°46'W12.00 Miles176 Yards000K0KSt. Clair
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado touched down just northeast of the intersection of North Green Mount Road and Lebanon Avenue in the Eagles Landing Subdivision, where up to 6 homes sustained minor to moderate damage. From this point the tornado produced a nearly continuous damage path that extended to about 1 mile southeast of the intersection of Highway 4 and Jefferson Road. It finally lifted as it approached the Kaskaskia River. The total path length of the tornado is estimated to be 12.8 miles, with an average width of damage of about one-tenth of a mile. However, straight line winds did cause lesser damage over a wider swath of up to 3 miles. The greatest damage was to a home located just west of the intersection of Highway 4 and Jefferson Road. Damage there was rated EF2 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Elsewhere along the path of the tornado, the damage was generally in the EF0-EF1 range. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A strong cold front moved through the region, triggering showers and thunderstorms. Numerous reports of large hail, a tornado and some wind damage occurred with these storms.
49.62006-03-13338°51'N / 91°19'W38°53'N / 91°16'W4.00 Miles300 Yards01800K0Montgomery
 Brief Description: The supercell thunderstorm that produced tornadoes in Osage, Callaway, and Montgomery counties produced another tornado in Montgomery County that formed in Jonesburg about Midnight CST March 13, 2006. Damage was first found on Highway Y where a home suffered roof damage. On West Boonslick Road a porta potty business suffered roof damage in addition to having about 20 porta potties destroyed, a few of which were missing. A garbage bin was blown about 100 yards into a field and a mobile home just north of the business was blown onto its side and destroyed. Damage in this area was rated F1 and was 100 yards wide. The tornado crossed Interstate 70 at mile marker 83 where it pushed a tractor-trailer off the highway. The tornado then produced damage as it crossed Highway E. Several homes suffered roof damage and several garage and barn type structures were destroyed. The tornado continued northeast and caused extensive damage as it crossed Oak Hall Road (County Road 250). The CC Pallet Company was destroyed and two mobile homes were destroyed. A 73 year old woman suffered broken bones and a back injury in one of the mobile homes. The tornado at this location was 200 yards wide and was rated F2. The tornado moved northeast causing tree damage as it moved across primarily open fields. Just north of Highway NN a new home was destroyed, tress were mangled and another home suffered roof damage. The tornado was rated F3 at this location and was 300 yards wide. The tornado next caused significant damage along Highway NN right at the Montgomery Warren County line about 12:10 am CST. A barn and several outbuildings were destroyed and a home suffered roof damage. The tornado was rated F1 and was about 100 yards wide at this location. The tornado then continued into Warren County. The Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency reported 8 structures destroyed, 10 with extensive damage and 14 with moderate damage. This covers homes and businesses and does not include barns and outbuildings.
49.81956-06-19239°42'N / 91°02'W39°36'N / 90°48'W14.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Pike

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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