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Orange County


Orange county is located close to the center of Florida. Orange county has 903.43 square miles of land area and 99.83 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Orange county population is 1,200,241, which has grown 33.90% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 21.14% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. Orange county median household income is $47,556 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 15.12% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 21.62% and is much lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Orange county median house value is $161,900 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 50.60% since 2000. The house value growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 48.06% and is higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Orange county is close to the state average in quality. The Orange county area codes are 321, 352, 407.

Population1,200,241 (2010-2014), rank #5
Population Growth33.90% since 2000, rank #13
Population Density:1,196.34/sq mi, rank #4
Median Household Income:$47,556 at 2010-2014—15.12% increase since 2000, rank #21
Median House Price:$161,900 at 2010-2014—50.60% increase since 2000, rank #17
Time Zone:Eastern GMT -5:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:903.43 sq mi, rank #21
Water Area:99.83 sq mi (9.95%), rank #38
Area:Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL
School District:
Area Code:321, 352, 407
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Orange County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Orange County Cities / Towns

Orange County Zip Codes

3270432709 2,2543271032712 42,691327683277732789 24,97932790327933279432798 2,51832801 11,5403280232803 17,23032804 16,60732805 22,33832806 27,02532807 32,41032808 50,33232809 26,21532810 35,37432811 37,47932812 36,96832814 6,9103281632817 33,31232818 46,39032819 26,62832820 8,70132821 16,82132822 57,05532824 38,03732825 60,00632826 31,69832827 7,04032828 60,89732829 20,21132830 732831 2,98132832 16,20432833 9,7713283432835 41,79732836 17,96132837 52,62032839 47,9343285332854328553285632857328583285932860328613286232867328683286932872328773287832885328863288732891328963289734734 4,7853474034760 81934761 40,547347773477834786 31,740

Orange County Census Tracts

FL095010200 OrlandoFL095010300 OrlandoFL095010400 OrlandoFL095010500 OrlandoFL095010802 OrlandoFL095011000 OrlandoFL095011100 OrlandoFL095011200 OrlandoFL095011300 OrlandoFL095011600 OrlandoFL095011701 OrlandoFL095011702 OrlandoFL095012000FL095012100 Pine HillsFL095012201 Pine HillsFL095012202 Pine HillsFL095012303 Pine HillsFL095012304 Pine HillsFL095012305 Pine HillsFL095012306 Pine HillsFL095012307 Pine HillsFL095012401FL095012402FL095012403FL095012500FL095012600 OrlandoFL095012701 OrlandoFL095012800FL095012900 OrlandoFL095013201FL095013202 Azalea ParkFL095013300 OrlandoFL095013402FL095013403FL095013405FL095013406 OrlandoFL095013503 OrlandoFL095013505 OrlandoFL095013507 OrlandoFL095013508 OrlandoFL095013509 OrlandoFL095013510 OrlandoFL095013511 OrlandoFL095013512 OrlandoFL095013603 OrlandoFL095013604 OrlandoFL095013605FL095013606FL095013607FL095013701FL095013702 OrlandoFL095013801 OrlandoFL095013802FL095013803FL095013900FL095014000FL095014100FL095014200FL095014301FL095014302FL095014400FL095014502 OrlandoFL095014503 OrlandoFL095014504FL095014601 OrlandoFL095014605 OrlandoFL095014606 OrlandoFL095014607 OrlandoFL095014608 OrlandoFL095014609 OrlandoFL095014701 OrlovistaFL095014702FL095014703 OrlandoFL095014704 OrlandoFL095014804FL095014805 OrlandoFL095014806FL095014807 OrlandoFL095014808FL095014809FL095014810FL095014811FL095014812 OrlandoFL095014813FL095014904FL095014906FL095014908 Pine HillsFL095014909FL095015001FL095015002FL095015003 OcoeeFL095015004FL095015103 LockhartFL095015104 LockhartFL095015105FL095015106FL095015201FL095015202FL095015300FL095015402FL095015501 MaitlandFL095015601 MaitlandFL095015602FL095015701FL095015702FL095015801FL095015802 Winter ParkFL095015901FL095015902 Winter ParkFL095016001 Winter ParkFL095016002 Winter ParkFL095016100 Winter ParkFL095016200 Winter ParkFL095016301 Winter ParkFL095016302FL095016402 OrlandoFL095016406FL095016407FL095016408 GoldenrodFL095016409 OrlandoFL095016410FL095016411 OrlandoFL095016412FL095016503FL095016504 OrlandoFL095016505 Union ParkFL095016507FL095016508 University CDPFL095016509FL095016510 University CDPFL095016511 University CDPFL095016601FL095016602FL095016704FL095016709 OrlandoFL095016710 OrlandoFL095016712 OrlandoFL095016713 OrlandoFL095016714 OrlandoFL095016715 OrlandoFL095016716FL095016717FL095016723 Union ParkFL095016724FL095016727 AlafayaFL095016728 AlafayaFL095016729 AlafayaFL095016730 AlafayaFL095016731FL095016732FL095016733 OrlandoFL095016734 OrlandoFL095016802 OrlandoFL095016803FL095016804FL095016806FL095016807FL095016902FL095016903FL095016904 Oak RidgeFL095016906 OrlandoFL095016907 Oak RidgeFL095017001FL095017004FL095017006 OrlandoFL095017008 OrlandoFL095017011FL095017012FL095017013 OrlandoFL095017014FL095017015FL095017016FL095017017 OrlandoFL095017103FL095017104FL095017105FL095017107FL095017108FL095017109FL095017200FL095017300 Winter GardenFL095017400FL095017501FL095017503 ApopkaFL095017504FL095017600FL095017701 ApopkaFL095017702 ApopkaFL095017703 ApopkaFL095017802FL095017804FL095017805FL095017806 ApopkaFL095017807 ApopkaFL095017808 ApopkaFL095017901FL095017902FL095018000FL095018100 OcoeeFL095018200FL095018300 OrlandoFL095018400 OrlandoFL095018500 OrlandoFL095018700FL095018800 OrlandoFL095018900 OrlandoFL095990000

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