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USA.com / New York / Monroe County / North Greece, NY / Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

North Greece, NY Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in North Greece is lower than New York average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in North Greece is lower than New York average and is much lower than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #1474

North Greece, NY
New York

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

North Greece, NY
New York

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #1765

North Greece, NY
New York

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 1,260 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of North Greece, NY were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:1Cold:15Dense Fog:0Drought:5
Dust Storm:0Flood:159Hail:215Heat:1Heavy Snow:89
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:3Landslide:0Strong Wind:40
Thunderstorm Winds:684Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:15Winter Weather:0

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near North Greece, NY.

Historical Earthquake Events

A total of 2 historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near North Greece, NY.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeDepth (km)LatitudeLongitude

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 2 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near North Greece, NY.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
44.21998-06-02242°45'N / 78°15'W42°38'N / 78°03'W15.00 Miles250 Yards001.0M0Wyoming
 Brief Description: A tornado struck Wyoming county and did substantial damage to numerous structures and completely destroyed several others. Much of the damage done to this rural area included snapped and downed trees and wires. The initial touchdown of the tornado occurred in Orangeville just east of Orangeville Center Road. As the tornado moved east a barn was leveled on Hermitage Road in Orangeville. On Liberty Street a hanger with three airplanes and a helicopter inside, was destroyed and all four craft sustained damage. Also on Liberty Street a barn and modular home were leveled. The tornado passed south of the Village of Warsaw damaging two houses, a barn and a garage on Keeney Street. Another barn was leveled on Silver Springs Road. The tornado then followed near the border of the Towns of Perry and Castile damaging several sheds and docks as it crossed Silver Lake. The tornado touched down in the Village of Perry where it caused minor damage to eight mobile homes and major damage to five others. Several larger buildings also sustained considerable damage in the Village of Perry. The final traces of the tornado occurred on Middle Reservation Road in Castile where several buildings of a fertilizer plant were leveled. The total path length was 15 miles although the tornado was not on the ground the entire time. This was a slow moving tornado and was viewed by numerous witnesses. Several eyewitnesses reported seeing multiple vortices and in addition to being confirmed by amateur video of the tornado, from the aerial survey conducted several sections of the damage path supported this. No injuries or deaths resulted from the storm--remarkable since some of the buildings which sustained substantial damage were occupied when the tornado struck.
48.11972-05-02242°44'N / 78°31'W42°47'N / 78°17'W12.00 Miles350 Yards00250K0Erie

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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