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USA.com / Delaware / New Castle County / Newark, DE / Crime and Crime Rate

Newark, DE Crime and Crime Rate

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The Newark crime rate is lower than the Delaware average crime rate and is about the same as the national average crime rate.

Crime Index, #16

Newark, DE

The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

Newark, DE Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionMurdersRapesRobberiesAssaultsBurglariesTheftsVehicle TheftsArsonCrime Index
2014Newark, DECount153365100613328 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.015.2100.6198.1304.81,868.297.524.41,140
 DelawarePer 100,0005.826.6135.6306.4616.52,230.1135.4NA1,663
 U.S.Per 100,0004.526.4102.2232.5542.51,837.3216.2NA1,423
2013Newark, DECount073080103710142 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.021.491.8244.8315.22,,212
 DelawarePer 100,0004.228.7132.4313.7662.32,259.4143.9NA1,687
 U.S.Per 100,0004.525.2109.1229.1610.01,899.4221.3NA1,477
2012Newark, DECount084379177806346 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.025.0134.5247.1553.72,521.5106.418.81,535
 DelawarePer 100,0006.226.5162.7352.0803.72,380.6156.6NA1,897
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.9112.9242.3670.21,959.3229.7NA1,557
2011Newark, DECount174380179746245 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.122.0135.3251.8563.32,347.775.515.71,519
 DelawarePer 100,0004.531.9169.5353.5830.22,411.8168.7NA1,937
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.8113.7241.1702.21,976.9229.6NA1,576
2010Newark, DECount11039891857332911 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.332.7127.7291.4605.72,399.994.936.01,648
 DelawarePer 100,0005.334.7203.7377.1836.92,396.5214.8NA2,062
 U.S.Per 100,0004.827.5119.1252.3699.62,003.5238.8NA1,610
2009Newark, DECount174770163755409 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.323.3156.8233.5543.62,518.1133.430.01,605
 DelawarePer 100,0004.638.2188.8405.0783.22,351.0215.5NA2,036
 U.S.Per 100,0005.028.7133.0262.8716.32,060.9258.8NA1,683
2008Newark, DECount09571061928887711 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.029.9189.3352.0637.62,948.7255.736.51,971
 DelawarePer 100,0006.541.9210.5444.4774.32,520.0291.0NA2,230
 U.S.Per 100,0005.429.3145.3274.6730.82,167.0314.7NA1,784
2007Newark, DECount01060110200814697 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.033.2199.0364.7663.22,699.1228.823.21,951
 DelawarePer 100,0004.338.9197.3448.8733.32,369.0267.8NA2,096
 U.S.Per 100,0005.630.0147.6283.8722.52,177.8363.3NA1,827
2006Newark, DECount014789121584011410 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.046.0256.5299.2706.92,761.8374.832.92,147
 DelawarePer 100,0004.946.9203.3426.5725.22,362.8329.9NA2,158
 U.S.Per 100,0005.730.9149.4287.5729.42,206.8398.4NA1,867
2005Newark, DECount1184893197806859 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.359.4158.4307.0650.32,660.6280.629.72,023
 DelawarePer 100,0004.444.7154.8428.2688.92,144.0278.5NA1,969
 U.S.Per 100,0005.631.7140.7291.1726.72,286.3416.7NA1,888

Hate Crime Index

Newark, DE

The hate crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the hate crime level in a region. Higher hate crime index value means more hate crime.

Newark, DE Hate Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalRaceReligionSexual OrientationEthnicityDisabilityHate Crime Index
2014Newark, DECount110000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.
 DelawarePer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0001.
2013Newark, DECount000000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.
 DelawarePer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2012Newark, DECount000000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0000.
 DelawarePer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2011Newark, DECount100100 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.
 DelawarePer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2010Newark, DECount330000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0009.
 DelawarePer 100,0002.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2009Newark, DECount514000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,00016.73.313.
 DelawarePer 100,0004.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2008Newark, DECount100100 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.
 DelawarePer 100,0006.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2007Newark, DECount101000 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0003.
 DelawarePer 100,0005.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2006Newark, DECount311010 
 Newark, DEPer 100,0009.
 DelawarePer 100,0005.
 U.S.Per 100,0003.

Law Enforcement Employees Index

Newark, DE

The law enforcement employees index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the law enforcement employees level in a region. Higher law enforcement employees index value means higher law enforcement employees density.

Newark, DE Law Enforcement Employees by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalOfficersCiviliansLaw Enforcement Employees Index
2014Newark, DECount876720 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000265.1204.261.02.35
 DelawarePer 100,000347.1234.8112.32.91
 U.S.Per 100,000335.2234.1101.12.85
2013Newark, DECount826715 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000251.0205.145.92.28
 DelawarePer 100,000342.6253.089.72.98
 U.S.Per 100,000335.9233.3102.52.85
2012Newark, DECount836617 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000259.7206.553.22.33
 DelawarePer 100,000343.7251.192.62.97
 U.S.Per 100,000335.5235.2100.32.85
2011Newark, DECount846816 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000264.4214.050.42.39
 DelawarePer 100,000346.2250.895.42.98
 U.S.Per 100,000341.9238.3103.62.90
2010Newark, DECount806416 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000261.9209.552.42.36
 DelawarePer 100,000353.2258.894.43.06
 U.S.Per 100,000347.8241.9105.92.95
2009Newark, DECount776116 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000256.8203.453.42.30
 DelawarePer 100,000353.4259.593.93.06
 U.S.Per 100,000352.9244.2108.72.99
2008Newark, DECount796316 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000262.3209.253.12.36
 DelawarePer 100,000362.3263.499.03.13
 U.S.Per 100,000357.8247.5110.33.03
2007Newark, DECount816516 
 Newark, DEPer 100,000268.6215.553.12.42
 DelawarePer 100,000366.2262.0104.23.14
 U.S.Per 100,000356.1244.8111.33.00
2006Newark, DECount786216 
2005Newark, DECount755916 

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