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Morrill, KS Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Morrill is about the same as Kansas average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Morrill is lower than Kansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #175

Morrill, KS

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Morrill, KS

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #466

Morrill, KS

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 3,418 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Morrill, KS were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:14Cold:37Dense Fog:2Drought:7
Dust Storm:0Flood:302Hail:1,609Heat:37Heavy Snow:25
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:26Landslide:0Strong Wind:34
Thunderstorm Winds:1,144Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:93Winter Weather:9

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Morrill, KS.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Morrill, KS.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Morrill, KS.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 71 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Morrill, KS.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
4.91961-05-07239°58'N / 95°37'W0025K0Brown
5.11998-06-13239°54'N / 95°47'W39°54'N / 95°47'W1.00 Mile100 Yards003.5M0Nemaha
 Brief Description: A tornado ripped through downtown Sabetha causing extensive structural damage to buildings in a two block area, as well as downing power lines and several large trees. The tornado's path extended from one-half mile west to one-half mile east of the City Hall building. Eighteen buildings in downtown sustained damage with five buildings including City Hall damaged close to the point of loss. The tornado caused 2 million in damage to City Hall alone as it destroyed half the roof and walls of the building. Away from downtown several homes and vehicles were damaged from fallen trees and limbs on the fringes of the tornado or from strong straight line winds.
6.71984-06-07239°49'N / 95°43'W39°59'N / 95°26'W18.00 Miles300 Yards052.5M0Brown
8.81959-05-18339°49'N / 95°37'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0025K0Brown
11.81993-05-06239°42'N / 95°44'W39°49'N / 95°42'W8.00 Miles300 Yards00500K50KBrown
 Brief Description: The tornado began near Highway 75 about eight miles south of Fairview and moved northnortheast damaging about half dozen farmsteads before dissipating southeast of Fairview. The tornado was not on the ground continuously along its path. Debris from the tornado was reported in the sky west of Hiawatha.
12.51959-05-04239°55'N / 95°49'W39°35'N / 95°38'W24.90 Miles1760 Yards00250K0Jackson
12.51973-04-19239°53'N / 95°28'W0.20 Mile100 Yards000K0Brown
13.31962-05-31239°42'N / 95°36'W39°48'N / 95°36'W6.90 Miles13 Yards000K0Brown
14.81950-05-05339°39'N / 95°34'W39°51'N / 95°31'W14.00 Miles440 Yards00250K0Brown
15.12005-06-04239°46'N / 95°32'W39°47'N / 95°27'W3.00 Miles100 Yards00400K0Brown
 Brief Description: Three farmsteads or businesses sustained damage with a total of 15 buildings damaged or destroyed. Several cars were rolled and a combine was moved a considerable distance. A salvage yard was near one of the houses damaged by the tornado. A hubcap from the salvage yard had become airborne and was impaled in the sheet rock in the living room of the house.
17.72008-06-05240°04'N / 95°31'W40°12'N / 95°28'W9.00 Miles880 Yards000K0KRichardson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado started approximately 4 miles east of Falls City and traveled north northeast. Soon after the initial touchdown there was damage to the roof of a home and a church. The tornado then produced tree damage before blowing the roof off of a home and destroying several sheds and barns at another farmstead. Other tree, house, outbuilding and power pole damage was observed along its path before it crossed the Missouri River into Holt county Missouri. The damage path reached a half mile wide where high tension power poles were snapped northeast of Falls City. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A warm front and low pressure system over northern Kansas lifted northeast into southeast Nebraska and southwest Iowa as an unseasonably strong upper level low pressure system lifted from the Rockies into the northern plains. The front and upper level disturbance caused fast moving thunderstorms, a few severe, to develop during the late morning hours in northeast Nebraska. After a brief lull in the activity through early afternoon, additional thunderstorms developed over eastern Nebraska. The storms developed along 2 lines, one extended north of Columbus while the other stretched from southeast Nebraska into southwest Iowa. Several of the storms turned severe, including one supercell that produced an EF2 tornado in extreme southeast Nebraska. Besides the severe weather, a few of the thunderstorms produced additional areas of heavy rain that fell on saturated soils and caused some already high rivers to flood.
19.91993-05-06239°37'N / 96°08'W39°58'N / 95°55'W23.00 Miles440 Yards005.0M50KNemaha
 Brief Description: The longest track tornado of the day moved southwest to northeast across Nemaha county miraculously producing no deaths or injuries. However significant damage occurred to about 20 different farms or farmsteads and related business, machinery and buildings. The tornado just missed populated areas and remained generally in fields and farm areas. Excessive rain in the days after the storm hampered cleanup. Property damage from the tornado was estimated at $1.1 million. In some areas the tornado was about 1/2 mile wide while in other areas damage was only about 100 yards wide. At times the tornado had multiple vortices.
20.01959-05-18239°44'N / 95°25'W1.00 Mile880 Yards003K0Brown
20.41954-03-18239°40'N / 95°31'W000K0Brown
20.61963-04-28239°52'N / 96°15'W40°00'N / 95°55'W19.80 Miles100 Yards000K0Marshall
21.11950-05-05339°37'N / 95°37'W39°39'N / 95°34'W3.30 Miles440 Yards012250K0Jackson
23.31953-06-19239°36'N / 95°36'W000K0Jackson
25.51967-06-11339°32'N / 95°27'W39°45'N / 95°20'W16.10 Miles33 Yards000K0Atchison
26.61959-05-18339°44'N / 95°20'W39°39'N / 95°16'W6.50 Miles400 Yards00250K0Doniphan
27.01968-04-16240°11'N / 96°05'W0025K0Pawnee
28.01950-05-08240°23'N / 95°48'W40°17'N / 95°41'W8.80 Miles467 Yards0125K0Nemaha
28.31993-05-06239°28'N / 95°33'W39°38'N / 95°26'W12.00 Miles500 Yards00500K50KAtchison
 Brief Description: The tornado formed west of Arrington near Highway K116 moved north along the Delware River bottom crossing the river 0.5 miles west of Muscotah, then moved northeast through open country before dissipating five miles west of Huron near the county lake. The Tornado was not on the ground continuously but bounced up and down leaving many areas undamaged. At least four farmsteads sustained significant damage along with many trees and numerous power poles and cable. No injures or deaths were reported.
28.71974-03-08239°25'N / 95°30'W39°40'N / 95°30'W17.20 Miles220 Yards00250K0Atchison
29.11979-10-18239°30'N / 95°36'W39°34'N / 95°25'W10.60 Miles200 Yards00250K0Atchison
30.72008-06-11239°30'N / 96°02'W39°34'N / 95°53'W9.00 Miles300 Yards100K0KJackson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This is the second segment of a tornado that initially touched down in Pottawatomie County and then continued northeast into Jackson County before continuing northeast and dissipating in Nemaha County. This is segment 2 of 3. Upon entering Jackson County the tornado did EF1 and EF0 damage primarily to outbuildings, power poles and large trees. As the tornado continued northeast, it moved south of Soldier causing extensive damage to two farmsteads. One residence was blown off of its foundation while another sustained extensive damage to its external walls and roof. All surrounding outbuildings were destroyed. The tornado continued northeast, striking a mobile home just south of the Nemaha County border. The mobile home was destroyed, and the occupant sustained fatal injuries. The tornado then continued northeast into Nemaha County. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Two long lived supercells wreaked havoc across portions of north central and northeast Kansas on the night of June 11th. Three significant tornadoes touched down, caused millions of dollars in damage, killed two, and critically injured three citizens. The town of Chapman saw the most extensive damage. Approximately three-quarters of the town were damaged by the tornado that passed through. Numerous homes were demolished, as were both the middle school and high school. One death occured, as a result of a tree having fallen onto a young woman oustide her car, who had just placed her daughter into her car seat. The most severe, but more localized damage occurred in the Miller Ranch neighborhood in Manhattan, where several homes were completely destroyed. Several buildings on the Kansas StiThe Soldier, Kansas tornado was responsible for the other death. A man was killed in his mobile home when it flipped several times and was found a few miles from it's original location. The unoccupied home a few hundred feet from the mobile home went virtually untouched. Thousands of citizens turned up over the next few weeks to help with the clean-up effort in both Chapman and Manhattan.
31.91963-04-28239°48'N / 96°19'W39°52'N / 96°15'W5.60 Miles100 Yards000K0Marshall
31.91956-04-02240°22'N / 95°50'W40°24'N / 95°47'W2.30 Miles100 Yards003K0Nemaha
32.21968-04-16240°23'N / 95°50'W1.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Nemaha
32.41984-04-26339°38'N / 95°13'W39°48'N / 95°05'W15.00 Miles1200 Yards0025.0M0Doniphan
33.11962-08-06439°31'N / 95°47'W39°23'N / 95°40'W11.00 Miles667 Yards03250K0Jackson
34.41984-04-26339°25'N / 95°25'W39°38'N / 95°13'W16.00 Miles1200 Yards0925.0M0Atchison
34.71975-12-13240°13'N / 96°14'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Pawnee
34.81963-04-28340°23'N / 95°53'W40°27'N / 95°50'W4.90 Miles300 Yards1825K0Nemaha
35.91979-10-18239°20'N / 96°01'W39°30'N / 95°36'W24.90 Miles200 Yards00250K0Jackson
36.21967-06-07240°07'N / 96°56'W40°14'N / 95°40'W67.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jefferson
36.71978-05-31339°22'N / 96°02'W39°28'N / 95°43'W18.10 Miles1300 Yards312.5M0Jackson
37.12008-06-11239°27'N / 96°06'W39°30'N / 96°02'W5.00 Miles200 Yards100K0KPottawatomie
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This is the first segment of an EF-2 tornado that began in Pottawatomie County, moved northeast into Jackson County and continued northeast into Nemaha County before dissipating. This is segment 1 of 3 for the tornado path. In Pottawatomie County the tornado touched down near a farmstead south of Havensville and compromised some of the external walls of a residence as well as tearing a large portion of the roof off of the residence. Extensive damage was noted to outbuildings and trees near the residence. The tornado continued northeast damaging mainly rural areas of northeastern Pottawatomie County damaging trees and power poles. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Two long lived supercells wreaked havoc across portions of north central and northeast Kansas on the night of June 11th. Three significant tornadoes touched down, caused millions of dollars in damage, killed two, and critically injured three citizens. The town of Chapman saw the most extensive damage. Approximately three-quarters of the town were damaged by the tornado that passed through. Numerous homes were demolished, as were both the middle school and high school. One death occured, as a result of a tree having fallen onto a young woman oustide her car, who had just placed her daughter into her car seat. The most severe, but more localized damage occurred in the Miller Ranch neighborhood in Manhattan, where several homes were completely destroyed. Several buildings on the Kansas StiThe Soldier, Kansas tornado was responsible for the other death. A man was killed in his mobile home when it flipped several times and was found a few miles from it's original location. The unoccupied home a few hundred feet from the mobile home went virtually untouched. Thousands of citizens turned up over the next few weeks to help with the clean-up effort in both Chapman and Manhattan.
37.61956-04-02339°21'N / 95°28'W39°31'N / 95°20'W13.30 Miles500 Yards012.5M0Marion
37.71991-04-26239°26'N / 95°19'W39°37'N / 95°07'W20.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Atchison
37.81982-06-08239°22'N / 95°58'W39°26'N / 95°47'W10.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Jackson
38.21981-04-03239°47'N / 95°00'W1.80 Miles33 Yards00250K0Doniphan
38.71984-04-26339°24'N / 95°26'W39°25'N / 95°25'W1.00 Mile1200 Yards0025.0M0Jefferson
39.61954-05-31240°23'N / 95°25'W40°26'N / 95°09'W14.20 Miles440 Yards0025K0Atchison
40.61967-06-11339°10'N / 95°40'W39°32'N / 95°27'W27.80 Miles33 Yards00250K0Shawnee
41.01991-04-26239°21'N / 95°25'W39°26'N / 95°19'W5.00 Miles27 Yards022.5M0Jefferson
41.31951-05-31239°22'N / 95°24'W39°24'N / 95°21'W3.00 Miles440 Yards003K0Jefferson
41.61955-04-23240°26'N / 95°18'W40°28'N / 95°18'W2.30 Miles100 Yards0025K0Atchison
41.71965-07-08240°32'N / 95°42'W003K0Fremont
42.42006-03-30239°59'N / 94°55'W40°02'N / 94°53'W5.00 Miles800 Yards08800K0Andrew
 Brief Description: Tornado touched down southeast of Fillmore and traveled northeast 5 miles before dissipating around Highway 71 and A Highway. Three homes were nearly or completely destroyed and 8 had minor to moderate damage. Eight persons were injured.
42.51958-07-03240°14'N / 96°28'W40°18'N / 96°16'W11.20 Miles33 Yards01250K0Pawnee
42.51961-10-12239°19'N / 95°47'W1.00 Mile33 Yards003K0Jackson
42.81955-05-26239°41'N / 94°59'W39°46'N / 94°53'W7.80 Miles220 Yards0125K0Doniphan
44.11974-03-08239°12'N / 95°30'W39°25'N / 95°30'W14.90 Miles220 Yards00250K0Shawnee
44.11984-04-26239°14'N / 95°43'W39°21'N / 95°34'W10.00 Miles400 Yards012.5M0Jackson
46.21967-01-24239°36'N / 94°56'W39°41'N / 94°53'W6.10 Miles100 Yards00250K0Buchanan
46.21966-05-23240°27'N / 95°13'W40°28'N / 95°06'W5.70 Miles50 Yards0025K0Atchison
46.81965-04-10339°25'N / 95°07'W39°28'N / 95°03'W4.70 Miles200 Yards0025K0Leavenworth
47.01973-06-16239°46'N / 94°50'W6.00 Miles33 Yards0142.5M0Buchanan
47.21982-04-15240°31'N / 96°09'W40°32'N / 96°07'W2.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Otoe
47.31982-04-15240°30'N / 96°12'W40°31'N / 96°09'W3.00 Miles70 Yards00250K0Johnson
47.51954-04-05440°33'N / 95°23'W40°35'N / 95°20'W3.00 Miles900 Yards00250K0Atchison
47.51991-04-26239°14'N / 95°52'W39°16'N / 95°49'W7.00 Miles27 Yards003K0Jackson
47.61969-07-26239°47'N / 94°49'W0.10 Mile20 Yards00250K0Buchanan
47.71959-05-02239°51'N / 96°39'W39°37'N / 96°28'W18.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Marshall
47.82001-04-11240°15'N / 96°30'W40°16'N / 96°29'W2.00 Miles50 Yards02400K0Gage
 Brief Description: A tornado caused extensive damage in Virginia with most of the damage occurring along a 4 block long and 1 block wide stretch through the center of town. One house was almost completely destroyed causing minor injuries to 2 people living there. Six other homes and businesses sustained extensive damage, and trees and other debris were scattered all over the community.
47.91954-05-31240°26'N / 95°09'W40°27'N / 95°01'W6.80 Miles440 Yards0025K0Morgan
48.01965-04-10339°29'N / 95°00'W39°32'N / 94°57'W4.50 Miles200 Yards09250K0Platte
48.91978-05-31339°19'N / 96°23'W39°22'N / 96°02'W18.90 Miles1300 Yards00250K0Pottawatomie
49.01968-04-16239°04'N / 96°10'W39°24'N / 95°35'W38.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Wabaunsee
49.21959-05-10240°31'N / 95°10'W0.20 Mile17 Yards0025K0Nodaway
49.61960-05-19439°13'N / 95°35'W39°14'N / 95°26'W7.90 Miles880 Yards01250K0Jefferson

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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