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Moonshine, LA Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Moonshine is about the same as Louisiana average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Moonshine is lower than Louisiana average and is higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #59

Moonshine, LA

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Moonshine, LA

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #482

Moonshine, LA

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 1,664 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Moonshine, LA were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:3Dense Fog:1Drought:10
Dust Storm:0Flood:135Hail:275Heat:4Heavy Snow:2
High Surf:0Hurricane:7Ice Storm:3Landslide:0Strong Wind:2
Thunderstorm Winds:990Tropical Storm:6Wildfire:0Winter Storm:2Winter Weather:0

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Moonshine, LA.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Moonshine, LA.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Moonshine, LA.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 65 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Moonshine, LA.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
10.51960-02-03229°48'N / 90°48'W29°50'N / 90°45'W4.30 Miles100 Yards08250K0Lafourche
11.91957-10-23229°56'N / 91°06'W29°56'N / 90°55'W11.00 Miles100 Yards0025K0Assumption
13.21974-01-19229°57'N / 91°02'W0.30 Mile27 Yards003K0Assumption
14.61950-03-19230°06'N / 91°00'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Ascension
14.61965-01-22230°06'N / 91°00'W1.00 Mile267 Yards00250K0Ascension
14.61976-01-25230°06'N / 91°00'W1.10 Miles33 Yards072.5M0Ascension
15.21982-01-30229°59'N / 91°04'W3.00 Miles10 Yards0125K0Assumption
16.01973-09-12229°50'N / 91°05'W29°50'N / 90°59'W6.20 Miles50 Yards03250K0Assumption
17.51964-10-03229°55'N / 91°06'W1.50 Miles100 Yards0025K0Assumption
18.61961-11-22230°05'N / 90°32'W2.00 Miles50 Yards0325K0St. John The Baptist
18.91992-08-25330°04'N / 90°27'W30°07'N / 90°37'W9.00 Miles150 Yards23225.0M0St. John The Baptist
19.11969-04-12330°12'N / 90°54'W30°17'N / 90°45'W10.70 Miles100 Yards01250K0Ascension
21.21980-04-13229°57'N / 90°29'W29°58'N / 90°26'W3.60 Miles33 Yards02250K0St. Charles
22.11983-12-06430°04'N / 90°31'W30°05'N / 90°25'W7.00 Miles200 Yards02525.0M0St. John The Baptist
22.21987-02-15229°58'N / 91°12'W30°00'N / 91°10'W3.00 Miles173 Yards04250K0Assumption
25.51967-05-01230°05'N / 91°13'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0125K0Iberville
25.92000-03-15229°36'N / 90°43'W29°36'N / 90°43'W3.00 Miles40 Yards03610.0M0Terrebonne
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down in the southeast portion of Houma and moved in a northwest direction to just north of downtown. The tornado moved through both residential and commercial areas of Houma. The damage path was fairly narrow and much of the damage was classified as F1 scale on the Fujita damage scale. However there were areas of F2 tornado damage, particularily in one area where several commercial retail stores had portions of their roofs torn off. Emergency management reported approximately 212 structures received some type of damage, ranging from minor to severe. About 50 of these structures had monetary damage of 50 percent or more of their value. 36 injuries were reported. Only one injury required overnight hospitalization. National Weather Service meteorologist conducted a damage survey of the area.
28.91969-12-25330°08'N / 91°21'W30°11'N / 91°08'W13.50 Miles50 Yards0125K0Iberville
29.51961-09-10229°42'N / 91°12'W1.00 Mile100 Yards01625K0St. Mary
29.91966-01-28329°55'N / 90°19'W0.10 Mile17 Yards0025K0St. Charles
32.51961-11-22229°27'N / 90°36'W29°38'N / 90°33'W13.10 Miles33 Yards003K0Terrebonne
32.81977-04-20230°25'N / 90°59'W0.20 Mile67 Yards01250K0East Baton Rouge
33.31965-06-27230°21'N / 91°09'W0.50 Mile33 Yards0025K0East Baton Rouge
34.01974-10-29230°02'N / 90°15'W0.20 Mile20 Yards00250K0Jefferson
34.11972-05-12230°08'N / 91°21'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0Iberville
34.41970-03-17329°42'N / 91°18'W1.00 Mile50 Yards02250K0St. Mary
34.51957-03-21329°30'N / 90°36'W2.00 Miles100 Yards0225K0Terrebonne
35.01972-03-16230°02'N / 90°14'W0.50 Mile67 Yards02250K0Jefferson
36.11975-05-08230°25'N / 91°11'W30°24'N / 91°05'W6.20 Miles50 Yards000K0East Baton Rouge
36.71964-10-03429°36'N / 90°22'W1.50 Miles67 Yards221652.5M0Lafourche
38.11953-02-06330°29'N / 90°42'W30°30'N / 90°33'W9.10 Miles400 Yards2212.5M0Livingston
38.31983-01-31230°23'N / 91°14'W0.50 Mile33 Yards0025K0West Baton Rouge
38.41998-09-10229°33'N / 90°21'W29°34'N / 90°24'W4.00 Miles50 Yards16500K0Lafourche
 Brief Description: M22MH A tropical depression in the western Gulf of Mexico was classified as Tropical Storm Frances during the afternoon of September 9th. After a period of erratic movement, Frances settled on a northwest track that brought it ashore in the early morning hours of September 11th between Port Aransas and Port Oconner, Texas. Due to the large pressure difference between Tropical Storm Frances and a high pressure system over the eastern United States, a prolonged period of strong east and southeast winds that occasionally reached tropical storm force affected coastal sections of southeast Louisiana. Peak wind gusts of 60 mph at 1029 CST on the 10th and 55 mph at 1826 PM on the 10th were recorded at the Burrwood and Grand Isle C-MAN stations, respectively. A wind gust of 62 mph was observed at a buoy in eastern Lake Pontchartrain near the Rigolets during a squall at 1510 CST on the 11th. Significant tidal flooding occurred during the event with tides averaging 2 to 4 feet above normal along the southeast Louisiana coastline and in Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas. The persistent strong winds and resulting high tides pushed a considerable amount of water into the tidal lakes of southeast Louisiana parishes and well inland along marshes, bayous, and other low-lying areas. This resulted in a number of homes outside of the levee protection systems being flooded and caused the flooding of many roadways. The most severe flooding occurred in Terrebonne, Lafourche, and lower Jefferson Parishes. Many businesses along the Harvey Canal in Jefferson Parish were damaged due to storm surge flooding, and the levee along the canal was nearly overtopped. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred with most locations of southeast Louisiana receiving a minimum of 5 inches during the storm with some areas south of Lake Pontchartrain receiving 15 to 30 inches of rain. The heavy rainfall resulted in widespread flash flooding south of Lake Pontchartrain. The flash flooding peaked on September 11th when intense rainfall associated with a Tropical Storm Francis rainband resulted in rainfall amounts of 5 to 7 inches within a two to three hours period over portions of the greater New Orleans area. By late afternoon, rainfall totals had reached from 8 to 12 inches. Rainfall runoff overwhelmed drainage pumping capacity producing widespread and deep flooding in the streets of the New Orleans metropolitan area. Ground transportation throughout much of Orleans Parish and portions of adjacent parishes was brought to a near standstill during the afternoon by the flooding, stranding many at work, school, or in autos. The street flooding subsided during the evening. Around 800 homes and 30 businesses were flooded in Jefferson Parish from either storm surge flooding outside of the hurricane protection levees and flash flooding from heavy rainfall. In Orleans Parish at least 290 single family homes and 124 apartments and businesses were flooded. A tornado developed in an outer rainband associated with Tropical Storm Francis on the evening of September 10th and followed a path approximately 4 miles long from near Cut Off to Larose killing a 22 year old male in a mobile home. The most severe damage occurred in the first one half to three quarters mile of the path. Several mobile homes were destroyed, 3 conventional houses had roofs taken off, two houses were moved off their piling foundation, and two businesses suffered extensive damage. The tornado was strongest near the beginning of the track where F2 damage occurred. Over the remainder of the track, F1 damage was reported.
38.61977-09-05230°25'N / 90°26'W1.70 Miles70 Yards012.5M0Tangipahoa
38.71964-10-03229°56'N / 90°13'W29°58'N / 90°07'W6.50 Miles83 Yards032.5M0Jefferson
38.71971-03-10229°59'N / 90°13'W30°00'N / 90°07'W6.20 Miles300 Yards172.5M0Jefferson
39.61971-09-16330°27'N / 91°02'W30°33'N / 91°04'W7.30 Miles83 Yards032.5M0East Baton Rouge
39.81977-11-29230°30'N / 90°34'W1.00 Mile50 Yards02250K0Livingston
40.11958-11-14230°28'N / 91°09'W2.00 Miles17 Yards0025K0East Baton Rouge
40.31973-04-26330°30'N / 91°05'W0.30 Mile70 Yards0025K0East Baton Rouge
41.22007-02-13229°54'N / 90°09'W29°58'N / 90°06'W6.00 Miles50 Yards0152.0M0KOrleans
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado crossed the Mississippi River form Jefferson Parish and moved on a northerly course through portions of the Uptown and Carrollton areas with continuous damage noted. The damage path became isolated as the tornado appeared to turn more northeast with damage to a warehouse noted in the Mid City area. Significant damage was observed to houses and commercial structures. The roofs and portions of roofs were removed from a number of houses. The collapse of some exterior walls was also noted. The damage observed indicated an intensity in the mid to upper range of an EF 2 tornado on the Enhanced Fujita Scale with winds estimated to be in the 125-130 mph range. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Isolated supercell thunderstorms developed in the early morning hours over sections of southeast Louisiana well in advance of a squall line associated with a strong upper air storm system and cold front moving through the lower Mississippi Valley. These rogue rotating supercell storms produced tornadoes as well as large hail and isolated wind damage. A tornado in Jefferson Parish destroyed 23 houses and damaged 231 others. Tornadoes in Orleans Parish destroyed 32 houses and damaged 295 others.
41.21951-09-27229°52'N / 90°08'W1.00 Mile20 Yards0025K0Jefferson
41.92007-02-13229°54'N / 90°07'W2.00 Miles50 Yards092.0M0KJefferson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado moved along a northerly path from Lapalco Boulevard to the Mississippi River roughly following Avenue C and Avenue D. Significant damage was observed to residential and commercial structures that indicated an intensity in the mid to upper range of an EF 2 tornado on the Enhanced Fujita Scale with winds estimated to be in the 125-130 mph range. Some of the most impressive structural damage observed was to an older, two story motel building which had its roof removed and a portion of the second floor walls caved in. The tornado crossed the Mississippi River into Orleans Parish. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Isolated supercell thunderstorms developed in the early morning hours over sections of southeast Louisiana well in advance of a squall line associated with a strong upper air storm system and cold front moving through the lower Mississippi Valley. These rogue rotating supercell storms produced tornadoes as well as large hail and isolated wind damage. A tornado in Jefferson Parish destroyed 23 houses and damaged 231 others. Tornadoes in Orleans Parish destroyed 32 houses and damaged 295 others.
42.21971-03-10230°00'N / 90°07'W30°00'N / 90°06'W1.30 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Orleans
42.41953-02-06330°30'N / 90°33'W30°32'N / 90°27'W6.50 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Tangipahoa
42.72006-02-02229°57'N / 90°06'W29°57'N / 90°06'W2.50 Miles150 Yards00500K0Orleans
 Brief Description: The tornado which moved through the east portions of Metaire continued to move northeast through the Lakeview and Lakefront neighborhoods of New Orleans. The area where the tornado impacted had previously been flooded by Hurricane Katrina, and most homes were unoccupied. Several homes suffered substantial damage to roofs, windows blown out, and power poles blown down. Several two story homes suffered substantial damage to the second floor with roof removed and walls blown out. A large communication tower was toppled at a former state policebuilding. The tornado moved into Lake Pontchartrain as a waterspout.
42.81973-12-04230°28'N / 91°10'W30°42'N / 90°34'W39.10 Miles80 Yards002.5M0East Baton Rouge
42.91983-04-22229°54'N / 90°06'W2.00 Miles100 Yards03250K0Jefferson
43.41971-09-16229°46'N / 91°30'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0025K0St. Mary
43.91989-06-08230°31'N / 91°11'W30°33'N / 91°06'W6.00 Miles60 Yards0582.5M0East Baton Rouge
44.71964-10-03229°58'N / 90°07'W30°02'N / 90°01'W7.70 Miles83 Yards022.5M0Orleans
45.01989-06-08230°23'N / 91°24'W30°26'N / 91°20'W5.00 Miles77 Yards002.5M0West Baton Rouge
45.11989-06-08230°31'N / 91°15'W30°31'N / 91°11'W3.50 Miles60 Yards022.5M0West Baton Rouge
45.51992-02-15230°35'N / 90°33'W0.80 Mile527 Yards0102.5M0Tangipahoa
45.71981-06-22229°57'N / 90°03'W2.30 Miles20 Yards0025K0Orleans
45.71971-09-16230°28'N / 90°20'W30°31'N / 90°22'W4.10 Miles150 Yards00250K0Tangipahoa
46.31952-04-04229°52'N / 91°37'W29°56'N / 91°33'W6.40 Miles20 Yards032.5M0St. Mary
46.51970-10-13229°42'N / 90°06'W1.00 Mile50 Yards00250K0Jefferson
46.71989-06-08230°21'N / 91°29'W30°23'N / 91°24'W5.00 Miles77 Yards2302.5M0Iberville
46.72007-02-13230°00'N / 90°03'W30°01'N / 90°01'W1.00 Mile50 Yards1101.0M0KOrleans
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down just south of the intersections of Franklin Avenue and Prentiss Street and moved east northeast across the southern portion of Pontchartrain Park to the Industrial Canal. Roofs were blown off of several homes and the upper portions of two story houses were partially collapsed. One fatality occurred when a travel trailer was destroyed and the 86 year old occupant was fatally injured. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Isolated supercell thunderstorms developed in the early morning hours over sections of southeast Louisiana well in advance of a squall line associated with a strong upper air storm system and cold front moving through the lower Mississippi Valley. These rogue rotating supercell storms produced tornadoes as well as large hail and isolated wind damage. A tornado in Jefferson Parish destroyed 23 houses and damaged 231 others. Tornadoes in Orleans Parish destroyed 32 houses and damaged 295 others.
47.31989-06-08230°40'N / 90°51'W30°38'N / 90°50'W1.50 Miles50 Yards0025K0St. Helena
47.41989-06-08230°38'N / 90°54'W30°40'N / 90°51'W2.50 Miles50 Yards0025K0Livingston
48.61953-07-17229°57'N / 90°02'W30°01'N / 89°58'W6.40 Miles33 Yards02250K0Orleans
48.61995-05-08229°57'N / 90°00'W0.80 Mile40 Yards00250K0St. Bernard
 Brief Description: A strong tornado touched down briefly overturning eight railroad tank cars and heavily damaging several commercial buildings. Property damage was estimated. Tornado path width and length estimated. St Tammany Parish
49.81964-10-04230°23'N / 90°08'W1.00 Mile183 Yards0025K0St. Tammany

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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