Matawan, NJ Government Employment and Payroll
7.4 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$484.2 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 56 | $319,492 | $68,463 | 35 | $35,991 | 65 |
Financial Administration | 4 | $14,930 | $44,790 | 3 | $3,751 | 5 |
Firefighters | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $2,844 | 1 |
Fire - Other | 1 | $2,048 | $24,576 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Judical & Legal | 1 | $4,272 | $51,264 | 6 | $10,038 | 3 |
Other Government Administration | 4 | $18,030 | $54,090 | 3 | $3,857 | 6 |
Streets & Highways | 8 | $30,541 | $45,812 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Police Protection - Officers | 20 | $179,190 | $107,514 | 2 | $2,519 | 21 |
Police-Other | 2 | $6,119 | $36,714 | 9 | $8,418 | 3 |
Sewerage | 3 | $10,271 | $41,084 | 1 | $315 | 3 |
Solid Waste Management | 1 | $6,055 | $72,660 | 1 | $297 | 1 |
Other & Unallocable | 6 | $24,038 | $48,076 | 8 | $3,952 | 7 |
Water Supply | 6 | $23,998 | $47,996 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
7.3 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$437.4 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 56 | $292,408 | $62,659 | 32 | $28,576 | 64 |
Financial Administration | 4 | $13,664 | $40,992 | 3 | $2,978 | 5 |
Firefighters | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $2,258 | 1 |
Fire - Other | 1 | $1,874 | $22,488 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Judical & Legal | 1 | $3,910 | $46,920 | 5 | $7,970 | 3 |
Other Government Administration | 4 | $16,502 | $49,506 | 3 | $3,062 | 5 |
Streets & Highways | 8 | $27,952 | $41,928 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Police Protection - Officers | 20 | $164,000 | $98,400 | 2 | $2,000 | 21 |
Police-Other | 2 | $5,600 | $33,600 | 8 | $6,684 | 3 |
Sewerage | 3 | $9,400 | $37,600 | 1 | $250 | 3 |
Solid Waste Management | 1 | $5,542 | $66,504 | 1 | $236 | 1 |
Other & Unallocable | 6 | $22,000 | $44,000 | 7 | $3,138 | 7 |
Water Supply | 6 | $21,964 | $43,928 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
7.1 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$315.2 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 62 | $233,952 | $45,281 | 24 | $15,244 | 67 |
Financial Administration | 3 | $8,419 | $33,676 | 3 | $2,450 | 4 |
Judical & Legal | 1 | $2,205 | $26,460 | 1 | $663 | 1 |
Other Government Administration | 2 | $10,381 | $62,286 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Health | 5 | $21,980 | $52,752 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Streets & Highways | 12 | $38,185 | $38,185 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Police Protection - Officers | 21 | $108,064 | $61,751 | 0 | $0 | 21 |
Police-Other | 4 | $10,646 | $31,938 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $689 | 0 |
Sewerage | 2 | $3,547 | $21,282 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Other & Unallocable | 6 | $10,765 | $21,530 | 19 | $11,442 | 10 |
Water Supply | 6 | $19,760 | $39,520 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
7.3 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$278.4 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 62 | $205,298 | $39,735 | 23 | $13,840 | 69 |
Financial Administration | 3 | $7,388 | $29,552 | 3 | $2,224 | 4 |
Judical & Legal | 1 | $1,934 | $23,208 | 1 | $602 | 1 |
Other Government Administration | 2 | $9,110 | $54,660 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Health | 5 | $19,288 | $46,291 | 0 | $0 | 5 |
Streets & Highways | 12 | $33,508 | $33,508 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Police Protection - Officers | 21 | $94,830 | $54,189 | 0 | $0 | 21 |
Police-Other | 4 | $9,342 | $28,026 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $626 | 1 |
Sewerage | 2 | $3,112 | $18,672 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Other & Unallocable | 6 | $9,446 | $18,892 | 18 | $10,388 | 11 |
Water Supply | 6 | $17,340 | $34,680 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.