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USA.com / Alabama / Joppa, AL / Population and Races

Joppa, AL Population and Races

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As of 2010-2014, the total population of Joppa is 103. The most prevalent race in Joppa is white, which represent 100.00% of the total population. The average Joppa education level is higher than the state average and is about the same as the national average.

Topics:Population GrowthPopulation by RacesPopulation by First AncestryPopulation by GenderEducationHousehold and FamilyMarital StatusPlace of Birth and CitizenshipLanguage

Population in 2010-2014: 103. #546

Population Growth Since 2008-2012, see rank

Joppa, AL

*The Joppa, AL population growth rate is since 2008-2012. The Alabama and U.S population growth rate is since 2000.

Population by Races

White:103 (100.00%, #1)
Black:0 (0.00%, #470)
Hispanic:0 (0.00%, #376)
Asian:0 (0.00%, #223)
Native (American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, etc.):0 (0.00%, #241)
One Race, Other:0 (0.00%, see rank)
Two or More Races:0 (0.00%, see rank)

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical race data.

Population by First Ancestry

91 (88.35%) out of the total population of 103 reported first ancestry.

 Joppa, AL% of the Total PopulationAlabamaU.S.
Arab00.00%, see rank0.21%0.56%
Czech00.00%, see rank0.09%0.47%
Danish00.00%, see rank0.09%0.42%
Dutch00.00%, see rank0.92%1.40%
English3130.10%, see rank8.22%8.02%
French98.74%, see rank1.80%3.34%
German98.74%, see rank7.03%15.03%
Greek00.00%, see rank0.16%0.41%
Hungarian00.00%, see rank0.11%0.46%
Irish00.00%, see rank9.11%10.80%
Italian00.00%, see rank1.71%5.52%
Norwegian00.00%, see rank0.31%1.42%
Polish00.00%, see rank0.61%3.01%
Portuguese00.00%, see rank0.07%0.44%
Russian00.00%, see rank0.17%0.92%
Scotch-Irish00.00%, see rank1.52%0.99%
Scottish00.00%, see rank1.81%1.72%
Subsaharan African00.00%, see rank0.81%0.95%
Swedish00.00%, see rank0.36%1.27%
Swiss00.00%, see rank0.10%0.30%
Ukrainian00.00%, see rank0.05%0.31%
American3836.89%, see rank15.41%7.12%
Welsh00.00%, see rank0.38%0.57%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical first ancestry data.

Population by Gender

Male: 19 (18.45%, see rank)
Females: 84 (81.55%, see rank)

Joppa, AL
Male: 18.45%
Female: 81.55%
Male: 48.49%
Female: 51.51%
Male: 49.19%
Female: 50.81%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical gender data.

Education for the 25 Years and Over

 Joppa, ALAlabamaU.S.
Total 25 Years and Over Population103, 100%3,217,902209,056,129
Less Than High School26, 25.24%, see rank16.30%13.67%
High School Graduate23, 22.33%, see rank31.07%27.95%
Some College or Associate Degree23, 22.33%, see rank29.58%29.09%
Bachelor Degree0, 0.00%, see rank14.46%18.27%
Master, Doctorate, or Professional Degree31, 30.10%, see rank8.59%11.01%
USA.com Education Index#13.54, see rank13.1213.54
# Higher USA.com Education Index means more educated population.

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical education level data.

Household and Family

 Joppa, ALAlabamaU.S.
Total Households97, 100%1,842,174116,211,092
Average Household Size1.06, see rank2.552.63
1 Person Households92, 94.85%, see rank28.54%27.57%
2 or More Person Households5, 5.15%, see rank71.46%72.43%
Family Households (Families)5, 5.15%, see rank67.33%66.22%
Average Family Size2.20, see rank3.213.32
Married-Couple Family5, 5.15%, see rank47.79%48.42%
Nonfamily Households92, 94.85%, see rank32.67%33.78%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical household and family data.

Marital Status of 15 Years and Over

 Joppa, AL%AlabamaU.S.
15 Years and Over Total103see rank3,892,591252,974,135
Males, 15 Years and Over19100%, see rank1,863,744123,281,364
Never Married00.00%, see rank32.38%35.77%
Married526.32%, see rank53.13%52.04%
Widowed1473.68%, see rank3.01%2.57%
Divorced00.00%, see rank11.48%9.62%
Females, 15 Years and Over84100%, see rank2,028,847129,692,771
Never Married00.00%, see rank26.66%29.48%
Married67.14%, see rank48.92%49.19%
Widowed7892.86%, see rank10.95%9.16%
Divorced00.00%, see rank13.47%12.16%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical marital status data.

Place of Birth and Citizenship

 Joppa, AL%AlabamaU.S.
Native103100.00%, see rank96.54%86.93%
Born in the State of Residence103100.00%, see rank70.07%58.73%
Born in Different State00.00%, see rank25.66%26.78%
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island Areas,
or Born Abroad to American Parent(s)
00.00%, see rank0.81%1.42%
Foreign Born00.00%, see rank3.46%13.07%
Foreign Born with U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank1.15%5.99%
Foreign Born without U.S. Citizenship00.00%, see rank2.30%7.09%
Born In Europe00.00%, see rank0.37%1.53%
Born In Asia00.00%, see rank1.02%3.82%
Born In Africa00.00%, see rank0.14%0.55%
Born In Oceania00.00%, see rank0.02%0.07%
Born In Latin America00.00%, see rank1.84%6.83%
Born In Northern America00.00%, see rank0.07%0.26%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical place of birth and citizenship data.

Language Spoken at Home

 Joppa, AL%AlabamaU.S.
English97100.00%, see rank94.21%79.39%
Spanish00.00%, see rank3.33%11.75%
Other Indo-European Languages00.00%, see rank1.29%4.52%
Asian and Pacific Islander Languages00.00%, see rank0.92%3.36%
Other00.00%, see rank0.26%0.99%

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical language spoken at home data.

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