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Johnston, RI Crime and Crime Rate

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The Johnston crime rate is lower than the Rhode Island average crime rate and is lower than the national average crime rate.

Crime Index, #23

Johnston, RI
Rhode Island

The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

Johnston, RI Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionMurdersRapesRobberiesAssaultsBurglariesTheftsVehicle TheftsArsonCrime Index
2014Johnston, RICount0433582260402 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.013.710.3119.8280.7889.9136.96.8635
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.424.050.1132.5457.11,542.8173.7NA1,064
 U.S.Per 100,0004.526.4102.2232.5542.51,837.3216.2NA1,423
2013Johnston, RICount28412119399467 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0006.927.513.841.3409.41,372.6158.224.1931
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.929.265.0147.4533.21,696.4212.4NA1,232
 U.S.Per 100,0004.525.2109.1229.1610.01,899.4221.3NA1,477
2012Johnston, RICount13727109363597 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0003.510.424.493.9379.21,262.9205.324.4844
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0003.227.467.9153.9566.41,755.7250.2NA1,289
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.9112.9242.3670.21,959.3229.7NA1,557
2011Johnston, RICount06923150389508 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.020.931.380.0522.01,353.8174.027.8919
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.328.971.0146.3662.41,796.8217.5NA1,306
 U.S.Per 100,0004.726.8113.7241.1702.21,976.9229.6NA1,576
2010Johnston, RICount031026125412505 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.010.534.990.8436.71,439.4174.717.5862
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.828.174.1151.6581.51,747.2227.9NA1,286
 U.S.Per 100,0004.827.5119.1252.3699.62,003.5238.8NA1,610
2009Johnston, RICount06523121442454 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.021.017.580.4422.81,544.5157.214.0888
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.927.374.6147.7545.91,837.7227.2NA1,286
 U.S.Per 100,0005.028.7133.0262.8716.32,060.9258.8NA1,683
2008Johnston, RICount0641794469635 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.,644.7220.917.5873
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.826.483.7136.7547.21,988.9304.5NA1,358
 U.S.Per 100,0005.429.3145.3274.6730.82,167.0314.7NA1,784
2007Johnston, RICount02914106429594 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.07.031.549.0370.81,500.8206.414.0796
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.824.271.0130.3495.01,822.7305.0NA1,240
 U.S.Per 100,0005.630.0147.6283.8722.52,177.8363.3NA1,827
2006Johnston, RICount0482294448756 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.013.827.776.0324.91,548.5259.220.7867
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0002.626.768.8129.4507.21,744.2335.5NA1,263
 U.S.Per 100,0005.730.9149.4287.5729.42,206.8398.4NA1,867
2005Johnston, RICount04433995558013 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.013.713.7113.1339.31,902.1274.244.6987
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0003.229.872.1146.1494.21,816.0408.7NA1,356
 U.S.Per 100,0005.631.7140.7291.1726.72,286.3416.7NA1,888

Hate Crime Index

Johnston, RI
Rhode Island

The hate crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the hate crime level in a region. Higher hate crime index value means more hate crime.

Johnston, RI Hate Crime by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalRaceReligionSexual OrientationEthnicityDisabilityHate Crime Index
2014Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0001.
2013Johnston, RICount110000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0003.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0000.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2012Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2011Johnston, RICount301200 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,00010.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2010Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2009Johnston, RICount220000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0007.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0003.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2008Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0003.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2007Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0004.
 U.S.Per 100,0002.
2006Johnston, RICount000000 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,0000.
 Rhode IslandPer 100,0001.
 U.S.Per 100,0003.

Law Enforcement Employees Index

Johnston, RI
Rhode Island

The law enforcement employees index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the law enforcement employees level in a region. Higher law enforcement employees index value means higher law enforcement employees density.

Johnston, RI Law Enforcement Employees by Year

YearLocationDescriptionTotalOfficersCiviliansLaw Enforcement Employees Index
2014Johnston, RICount796613 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000270.4225.944.52.48
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000296.3236.659.62.66
 U.S.Per 100,000335.2234.1101.12.85
2013Johnston, RICount816714 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000278.7230.548.22.55
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000290.6231.559.22.61
 U.S.Per 100,000335.9233.3102.52.85
2012Johnston, RICount847113 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000292.2247.045.22.70
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000289.9234.055.92.62
 U.S.Per 100,000335.5235.2100.32.85
2011Johnston, RICount887117 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000306.3247.159.22.77
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000294.0236.857.22.65
 U.S.Per 100,000341.9238.3103.62.90
2010Johnston, RICount846915 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000293.5241.152.42.67
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000300.6241.159.52.71
 U.S.Per 100,000347.8241.9105.92.95
2009Johnston, RICount846915 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000293.5241.152.42.67
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000303.0242.560.52.73
 U.S.Per 100,000352.9244.2108.72.99
2008Johnston, RICount927517 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000322.6263.059.62.93
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000308.3245.862.52.77
 U.S.Per 100,000357.8247.5110.33.03
2007Johnston, RICount947519 
 Johnston, RIPer 100,000328.8262.466.52.96
 Rhode IslandPer 100,000306.3243.762.62.75
 U.S.Per 100,000356.1244.8111.33.00
2006Johnston, RICount957718 
2005Johnston, RICount947519 

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