Freehold, NJ Government Employment and Payroll
6.6 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$420.7 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 56 | $358,475 | $76,816 | 81 | $64,071 | 79 |
Financial Administration | 6 | $40,817 | $81,634 | 2 | $1,991 | 7 |
Fire - Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 10 | $11,135 | 4 |
Judical & Legal | 0 | $0 | N/A | 10 | $10,268 | 1 |
Other Government Administration | 6 | $35,829 | $71,658 | 19 | $14,607 | 11 |
Streets & Highways | 15 | $91,580 | $73,264 | 2 | $7,574 | 17 |
Housing & Community Development | 3 | $12,760 | $51,040 | 2 | $2,846 | 4 |
Parks & Recreation | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $3,165 | 2 |
Police Protection - Officers | 26 | $177,489 | $81,918 | 0 | $0 | 26 |
Police-Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 32 | $11,004 | 7 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $1,481 | 0 |
6.6 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$396.6 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 57 | $328,087 | $69,071 | 73 | $50,873 | 76 |
Financial Administration | 6 | $37,357 | $74,714 | 2 | $1,581 | 7 |
Fire - Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 9 | $8,841 | 3 |
Judical & Legal | 0 | $0 | N/A | 9 | $8,153 | 1 |
Other Government Administration | 6 | $32,792 | $65,584 | 17 | $11,598 | 10 |
Streets & Highways | 15 | $83,817 | $67,054 | 2 | $6,014 | 17 |
Housing & Community Development | 3 | $11,678 | $46,712 | 2 | $2,260 | 4 |
Parks & Recreation | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $2,513 | 2 |
Police Protection - Officers | 27 | $162,443 | $72,197 | 0 | $0 | 27 |
Police-Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 28 | $8,737 | 5 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 2 | $1,176 | 0 |
7.5 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$235.9 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 205 | $535,531 | $31,348 | 52 | $31,612 | 216 |
Financial Administration | 15 | $50,659 | $40,527 | 0 | $0 | 15 |
Judical & Legal | 8 | $23,318 | $34,977 | 2 | $6,235 | 10 |
Other Government Administration | 10 | $31,848 | $38,218 | 7 | $6,139 | 11 |
Health | 7 | $25,366 | $43,485 | 6 | $3,799 | 9 |
Streets & Highways | 30 | $46,421 | $18,568 | 0 | $0 | 30 |
Parks & Recreation | 20 | $49,760 | $29,856 | 29 | $11,945 | 24 |
Police Protection - Officers | 44 | $141,778 | $38,667 | 8 | $3,494 | 46 |
Police-Other | 12 | $35,090 | $35,090 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Welfare | 1 | $2,511 | $30,132 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Sewerage | 8 | $26,218 | $39,327 | 0 | $0 | 8 |
Solid Waste Management | 6 | $19,211 | $38,422 | 0 | $0 | 6 |
Other & Unallocable | 33 | $47,300 | $17,200 | 0 | $0 | 33 |
Water Supply | 11 | $36,051 | $39,328 | 0 | $0 | 11 |
7.6 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$301.4 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 79 | $257,149 | $39,061 | 32 | $15,887 | 83 |
Financial Administration | 3 | $8,736 | $34,944 | 1 | $647 | 3 |
Fire - Other | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $859 | 0 |
Judical & Legal | 2 | $5,749 | $34,494 | 2 | $4,973 | 3 |
Other Government Administration | 12 | $17,331 | $17,331 | 2 | $1,605 | 12 |
Health | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $112 | 0 |
Streets & Highways | 10 | $35,580 | $42,696 | 0 | $0 | 10 |
Local Libraries | 3 | $8,906 | $35,624 | 9 | $1,942 | 4 |
Parks & Recreation | 5 | $15,715 | $37,716 | 2 | $1,225 | 5 |
Police Protection - Officers | 26 | $115,712 | $53,406 | 0 | $0 | 26 |
Police-Other | 2 | $3,958 | $23,748 | 10 | $3,446 | 4 |
Welfare | 0 | $0 | N/A | 1 | $402 | 0 |
Sewerage | 2 | $5,727 | $34,362 | 0 | $0 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 12 | $36,405 | $36,405 | 1 | $119 | 12 |
Other & Unallocable | 2 | $3,330 | $19,980 | 2 | $557 | 2 |
7.7 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$300.0 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 179 | $592,916 | $39,749 | 23 | $24,863 | 191 |
Financial Administration | 14 | $23,380 | $20,040 | 1 | $775 | 15 |
Judical & Legal | 6 | $12,022 | $24,044 | 3 | $8,668 | 8 |
Other Government Administration | 6 | $19,492 | $38,984 | 8 | $7,463 | 10 |
Health | 7 | $22,975 | $39,386 | 2 | $2,387 | 8 |
Streets & Highways | 29 | $86,346 | $35,729 | 0 | $0 | 29 |
Parks & Recreation | 16 | $44,543 | $33,407 | 1 | $1,076 | 17 |
Police Protection - Officers | 44 | $220,900 | $60,245 | 7 | $3,573 | 46 |
Police-Other | 12 | $29,391 | $29,391 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
Welfare | 1 | $1,913 | $22,956 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Sewerage | 14 | $46,629 | $39,968 | 0 | $0 | 14 |
Other & Unallocable | 30 | $85,325 | $34,130 | 1 | $921 | 31 |
7.9 Municipal Government Employees per Thousand Residents.
$306.3 Annual Municipal Government Payroll Burden per Resident.
Full-Time Employees | Monthly Full-Time Payroll | Equivalent Average Annual Wage | Part-Time Employees | Monthly Part-Time Payroll | Full-Time Equivalent Employees | |
Totals for Government | 180 | $603,476 | $40,232 | 28 | $27,323 | 194 |
Financial Administration | 12 | $33,717 | $33,717 | 1 | $708 | 12 |
Fire - Other | 1 | $3,505 | $42,060 | 0 | $0 | 1 |
Judical & Legal | 6 | $12,498 | $24,996 | 3 | $8,340 | 8 |
Other Government Administration | 8 | $28,025 | $42,038 | 8 | $7,072 | 10 |
Health | 7 | $21,706 | $37,210 | 0 | $0 | 7 |
Streets & Highways | 23 | $69,376 | $36,196 | 0 | $0 | 23 |
Parks & Recreation | 15 | $34,302 | $27,442 | 0 | $0 | 15 |
Police Protection - Officers | 45 | $228,011 | $60,803 | 0 | $0 | 45 |
Police-Other | 7 | $18,469 | $31,661 | 8 | $2,520 | 9 |
Welfare | 1 | $1,506 | $18,072 | 1 | $755 | 2 |
Solid Waste Management | 4 | $13,829 | $41,487 | 0 | $0 | 4 |
Other & Unallocable | 39 | $91,480 | $28,148 | 7 | $7,928 | 46 |
Water Supply | 12 | $47,052 | $47,052 | 0 | $0 | 12 |
The information on this page is based on the government database from the U.S. Census.